The Hubz and I have been spending the weekend enjoying the sun and each others company. I have also made a few updates to the blog that I want to let you know about.
1. Check out the new tab: Reviews– this tab will feature product reviews currently I have just added two, Kaia Foods (check out the giveaway) and Galaxy Nutritional Foods Vegan Cream Cheese
2. Newsletter Updates: I know that many of you signed up for the newsletter months ago and If you can remember how it was:
![Picture 12](https://i0.wp.com/cookingforaveganlover.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/Picture-12-700x292.png?resize=700%2C292)
Check out how it looks now:
![Picture 11](https://i0.wp.com/cookingforaveganlover.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/Picture-11-700x380.png?resize=700%2C380)
HUGE improvement! I really appreciate the positive feedback from those who received the most recent newsletters. I also would like to put it out there that if you are interested in any specific topics or have questions that you would like to see featured on the blog or in the newsletter please email me (Lindsay@cookingforaveganlover.com).
3. Special Health Counseling Rates for CVL Readers This also went out in the newsletter but since some of you have not signed up yet I will give you the chance to see it here. However to receive additional special CVL only rates, news and additional promotions/specials please sign up for my newsletter (you can do so on the side bar.)