Eating Rabbit Food

Welcome to day 2 of Sasquatch Books blog tour for Beth Barnett’s Rabbit Food Cookbook. Rabbit Food Cookbook made it’s start as a zine, and is packed with variety delicious vegan recipes like Tofu Pot Pie, Almond White Cake and Crumbly Coffee Cake. This isn’t just a cookbook, though; it’s a guide to eating well to benefit your body and the world. In the first part of the book, Barnett writes about “The Food Supply in Perspective.,” “Health & Nutrition Considerations,” and a history of the industrialization of food in America—I love how it is broken down into a timeline starting in the lat 1700s and going through to today. Another great feature is the “Essential Equipment” guide, which features everything from a cast iron skillet (a must have item in my book) to spice jars and spice grinders. There is also a wonderful D.I.Y. component to the book including tips on everything from how to plant your first garden to how to sew your own reusable grocery and produce bags.
I haven’t made all the recipes that interest me from the cookbook yet (I’ve only had it a few weeks) but I have tried a few that I love. The Pasta with White Beans is quick, easy and delicious- a meal I will be making over and over. My favorite main meal however (so far anyways) is the Smoky Tempeh & Kale it is really incredible and easy to make. I also love how it has directions on how to bake, grill or stir fry it; providing you with a variety of cooking methods.

Recipe posted with permission of Sasquatch Books.

Recipe posted with permission of Sasquatch Books.
As for sweet treats I made the Oatmeal-Chocolate Chip Cookies but I subbed raisins for chocolate chips because I was out. Also there was a little more oil in the cookies than I cared for so I reduced it down a little and used some apple sauce. They turned out delicious however next time I’d make them with chocolate chips because well, chocolate is always better.

Oatmeal-Raisin Cookies with "cream cheese" filling
Additional things I love about the cookbook:
- It’s spiral bound. This makes things so much easier when you are in the kitchen because you aren’t trying to hold pages down while you cook. I wish more cookbooks came spiral bound for this reason.
- It’s hand written with wonderful illustrations. I just love the how artsy and crafty the cookbook is; this makes it so much fun to read.
- The variety of recipes. There are so many different recipes in the book including breakfast, soups, main meals, desserts and drinks. Some recipes are quick and easy others take longer and are a little more complicated but all are super tasty and have clear instructions.
Monday, October 24th, Cake Maker to the Stars <–Kick off Post