CSA Week 3

This week our CSA was filled with many of the same items that we have received the past two weeks. The new items we did receive were tomatoes and napa cabbage, however the cabbage was in rough condition. The cabbage has been eaten to pieces by bugs and was actually thorny to the touch- has anyone else experienced this before? Needless to say we weren’t too impressed and contacted our CSA farmer regarding this.
I don’t have any huge plans for the veggies this week, except to use them up as quickly as I can since (fingers crossed) we will be at the birth center for a few days (hopefully). This morning I am planning on making TLT bagel sandwiches and green juices for Neil and I, which will use lettuce, tomatoes, collards or swiss chard and the cucumbers from last weeks share. Neil is also working from home today so I will make a veggie packed lunch- maybe a curry noodle? Then for dinner who knows- something with more veggies!
What are your favorite recipes using the ingredients below?