We’re On Vacation…well kinda.

Last Wednesday I was talking with my parents about their upcoming vacation, asking where they were going and what their plans were. At the time all they knew for sure is that they would be heading to Rhode Island/Massachusetts on Friday and after that they thought they might go to Maine for the week, however they weren’t sure because they couldn’t seem to find any where to stay at a reasonable price. We got to talking and I suggested they try another area maybe western New York (Ithaca area). All this vacation talk got me wishing that we could get away and then my mom said “well it’s too bad that Neil couldn’t word remotely and then we could rent a place for a week.”…that got me thinking well what if he COULD work remotely or take a few vacation days? I immediately called Neil and asked him if could work remotely. He said he couldn’t see why not but he would check with his boss and let me know.
Well Neil got the okay and that is when we started our search for a place to rent, which proved to be a challenge considering we were looking for a place to rent starting Saturday and it was oh Thursday when we started our search. Well our first thought was to head towards Ithaca but after searching for awhile we found that there really weren’t many places available to rent so we decided to expand our search to basically all of New England (VT excluded). We looked at coastal Maine, Cape Cod, Rhode Island, and parts of New Hampshire and Connecticut. We found a few places in Maine but weren’t completely sold on them because of the internet access for Neil to work remotely and because of the distance (because of the bebe). Well finally my mom received a call from a property owner in Rhode Island. We checked out the space online and decided to take it.
On Saturday we headed out first to breakfast with friends, then to visit my Grandma (her first time meeting Edie) and then finally we made the trek to Rhode Island. It wasn’t so bad either- Edie fussed for the first 10 minutes and then three more when wanted to eat. A trip that should have taken around 4 hours and 45 minutes took approximately 7 hours which included one coffee stop, one gas stop and three stops to nurse- not so bad if I do say so myself! Once we arrived I was so happy to see this:
Our bed for the week.
Today we are all feeling pretty tired out after a busy Saturday but I am hoping that after a (hopefully) good nights sleep we will all be more rested and have a great week. Now I will leave you with a tour of our accommodations for the week.
Also any suggestions for things to do, sites to see and vegan friendly places to eat?
oh and just for fun here is Edie upon our arrival to Rhode Island: