karma karma karma chameleon

Is it really already Thursday? The days just flow together lately and time seems to be passing so fast. Last night we were able to get the munchkin down fairly early so Neil and I actually had time to eat dinner together, talk, enjoy a small glass of red wine (oh how I missed you) and caught up on an episode of White Collar.
Although we had a pretty good evening we woke up this morning with a cranky, gassy baby. To help make it through the morning I decided that coffee was a must have and Neil and I tried the Chameleon Cold-Brew (FYI I can’t stop singing karma karma karma chameleon every time I think about this coffee) I received yesterday*. I debated trying a few of the different recipes that were sent with the coffee and ultimately decided to make Neil and I the Southern Hemisphere.
This was the perfect coffee drink to get me started this morning. I was expecting it to be a lot sweeter than it was but was happy to find that it was just the right balance of flavors and sweetness for me. Tomorrow morning I think that we are going to try a variation on the peanut butter cup coffee drink recipe using the Chameleon Cold-Brew.
Once I was fueled up with a good breakfast and coffee it was time to take on the cranky baby (so thankful to have Neil working from home this week and next). I could tell Edie was getting tired by her big yawns, bating eyelids and tugging at her ears. I tried bouncing her, swaying her, rocking her and every time I thought she was ready to be put down she would let out a big wail when I tried so I moved on to Plan B the Boba Wrap. She was a little fussy at first when I put her in but a few minutes of bouncing on the exercise ball and she had passed out and I was able to take on some freelance assignments and read a few blogs.
Now it’s afternoon and I have Edie lounging in her Boppy Infant Lounger and I am getting ready to take on the task of figuring out what to make with our CSA veggies this week. Here is what we got along with some garlic and cucumbers that I forgot to take photos of.
Any recipe suggestions? You can check out what I have in my pantry here.
Disclaimer: Chameleon Cold-Brew provided me with their product at no cost. I was under no obligation to review them if I so chose. Nor was I under any obligation to write a positive review or sponsor a product giveaway.