WIAW: Best Of The Week

This week for What I Ate Wednesday I am featuring my favorite snacks, meals and dessert of the last week. Enjoy!
A nice big bowl of organic strawberries…
Terra Chips Original and I’ve been sampling the new flavors of Dr. Lucy’s Gluten Free Cookies-this week I tried Maple Bliss, they were delicious!
Lunch/Dinner: (since for the most part lunches are leftovers)
Quinoa, oven roasted asparagus (recipe here) and Sesame-Ginger Temeph-a new recipe for 360 Cookware
Linguine with tomato-eggplant sauce another new recipe for 360 Cookware
Where are the leftovers lunch: Mega Green Salad with a veggie burger and Italian Dressing
Hail Merry’s Meyer Lemon Miracle Tart…along with a chocolate almond butter, chocolate mint and a Persian lime <–all eaten in the last week by my husband and I and our friend Laura. These tarts are A-MAZING.
What are you favorite meals, snacks or desserts of the week?