Kisses By The Sea

Yesterday we spent the morning enjoying baked goods and coffee from Wildflour Bakery and then we went grocery shopping to pick up food for the week. I can’t fully express how much I love being able to shop at Trader Joes and Whole Foods- wish we had both at home!

After grocery shopping we headed back to the house an but E down for a nap and then we enjoyed lunch out on the deck. Once E woke and ate we put her in the Ergo and headed out for a walk.

The evenoing was spent getting baby down, watching the Yankees and heading to bed early. I was lucky E only woke three times to nurse and we both got a good nights sleep.

Today Neil has to work so E and I got out for a walk around town and have otherwise been lounging around the house. We may go out tonight but we will see, I do know I am thinking Indian takeout sounds good for dinner though.