Becoming My Own Client: Checking In

So it’s been just over a month since I wrote about Becoming My Own Client so I figure it’s about time that I finally check in with how everything is going.  So lets check in on all of my goals.

Goal #1: Lose Weight. Well honestly I have no idea if I have lost weight because I haven’t weighed myself since November but I can tell you that physically I am noticing that my clothes are fitting a little better.  I am honestly not hung up on this one and I know that it will take time since I am nursing and that is my first priority.

Goal #2: Increase my Energy.  I am on my way to increasing my energy but to be honest the last 2.5 weeks have been the craziest that I have ever experienced.  I am hoping to be able to share why early next week. So I am feeling pretty worn down but I am hoping that after next Saturday I’ll be able to sit back, relax and enjoy the holidays.

Goal #3: Break my sugar craving.  This I have really made huge improvements especially considering this being the peak of the sweets season.  I enjoy a nice small piece of dark chocolate most days and about once per week I’ll have a cookie or share a cupcake with Neil.  I have to say that is a huge improvement over the 3-6 cookies that I could eat in one sitting right after Edith was born.

Goal #4 Sleep More. I have been doing much better about getting more rest.  Edith and I will lay down once or twice per day and nurse and nap/rest together in bed.  At night I have been going to bed by 10pm (most nights) and am up once or twice with Edith before finally getting up between 5-7am.

Goal #5: Eat less gluten.  I honestly kind of forgot about this goal but as I sit here racking my brain to review what I have eaten lately I have to say that I have reduced my gluten a good amount and the more I think about it the better my stomach has been feeling.

Goal #6: Increase the Intensity of my workouts.  I haven’t done as well with this one as I had planned.  I actually was right on track until about 2.5 weeks ago when…well I’ll tell you more about that later. I am have been getting light workouts in which right now is better than nothing.  After this week I am hoping to get back on track with this goal and start a new running plan; maybe I’ll do the Couch to 5k again to get back at it.

Goal #7: Eat more fresh fruits, vegetables and raw meals.  This is a work in progress but I have definitely increased my fresh fruits and veggies.  I now just need to work on eating more raw meals.  One of my favorite high raw meals lately is kale salad- kale, Tuscan olive oil, lemon juice, salt, pepper and nutritional yeast – so good!

How are you doing with your health goals? What is one health goal you have right now? How are you staying healthy this holiday season?

What’s Been Cooking

I have been a little absent lately because I have been crazy busy at home with something I can’t tell you about yet but will next week. It honestly makes it really hard to blog because I want to share this big thing with you but I can’t for at least another week.  I know the suspense is just killing you right?

Well since I can’t share my news I will share some happenings over here at our house that aren’t so top secret.

I don’t know how much I have told you about one of my work-at-home jobs but I have been writing recipes for 360 Cookware for almost a year now.  360 Cookware  is manufactured in West Bend, Wisconsin by Americraft Cookware and is ecofriendly! I write about four recipes per month for 360 Cookware and today between naps, feedings and playing I was able to finalize and photograph one!

In other news I am dying to get out of this house.  I don’t think I have left the house since um Sunday because E has a cold that I need her to recover from before she gets her blood drawn next week.  Boo to being stuck inside but at least I have my kindle, coffee, Netflix and a cute baby to cuddle with.


Christmas Gifts: Fitness


All of these products are favorites of mine and ones that get used the most at our house.

1. Jade yoga mat is one of the most used items in my fitness collection.  I have a number of other yoga mats and this one is by far my favorite.

2. I live in my Lululemon Wunder Unders that Neil gave me for my birthday a few years ago; I wear them for yoga, running and strength workouts (and to lounge).

3 & 4. Both my husband and I love to use the SPIbelt when we go running and love our Trigger Point foam roller post runs.

5. My Brooks PureProject running shoes are my new favorite running shoes. They are so comfortable and not to mention super cute.


What fitness items are you giving out this year?

Disclaimer: This post was NOT sponsored.  These are all items that I use regularly at home and I think they would make wonderful gifts.

Breaking In New Fitness Gear: Sweaty Betty

I have been breaking in some new lounging err I mean fitness gear around here lately. I don’t know about you other SAHM’s out there but I tend to live in my yoga pants and running tights. Who am I trying to kid though? If you ask my husband I have been living in these two things for the past year plus.

Since I have been living in my old gear I have definitely been long over due for some new duds. Sweaty Betty generously sent me a pair of their Sculpt Workout Capri. Doesn’t the name just make you feel guilty not actually getting a workout on when you are wearing them?

Honestly these are some of the most comfortable workout capris that I have ever sat on my couch and nursed in.  When I’m not lounging in them I have been wearing them out for walks with E and for in home workouts.  They have been really great although a little on the light side when it comes to outdoor workouts in the winter.

Disclaimer: Sweaty Betty sent me these capris at no cost. All opinions are my own.

My Rockin’ Family

This post is brought to you by The New Santa Fe from Hyundai. Think your family rocks? Show us by uploading a photo of your family rocking out. Enter now for a chance to win great prizes (like a new Hyundai Santa Fe).

The holiday’s are one of my favorite times of the year because it means putting on Christmas music and dancing around the house (or in the car…or stores). Now that we have a little one it makes this so much more fun. However we don’t just rock out together during the holidays we spend as much of our time together as we can going on family adventures.

Surprisingly we have done a lot of traveling in Edith’s 5 months of life including Rhode Island and two trips to Montreal. Montreal was one of my favorite trips because not only was it Edith’s first international vacation it was Neil’s first international half marathon. Bonus it was the Rock’n’Roll Half which was so much fun to be a spectator. I am looking forward to all of the adventures and travels that we have ahead of us, and who knows maybe one day we will be driving in our new fully tricked-out Hyundai Santa Fe (because of course we are going to win this amazing contest right?) to run a Rock’n’Roll half marathon together as a family!

We think our family is full of mischief, as well as kindness and if you’ve met my husband you know how hard working he is, and well Hyundai Santa Fe and Rolling Stone are looking for families just like ours to enter their contest. So if you think your family is as rockin’ as I know mine is you can head on over here and enter the contest by uploading a photo of your rockin’ family along with 500 words or less about how your family rocks out together.

Prizes include a photo shoot in Rolling Stone featuring the winning family shot by an industry photographer, airfare, hotel and transportation to the 55th Grammy Awards, and a fully tricked-out Hyundai Santa Fe custom rock ‘n’ roller. Contest ends December 14, 2012.

I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls Collective, and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.

Breaking In New Fitness Gear: Anhu

Is anyone else sad that hiking season is basically over? I didn’t make it out once this year and it’s a huge bummer because Neil and I have become really big fans of hiking. Last year we did an overnight hike on the Long Trail and it was amazing and then I got pregnant so no hiking this past spring for me and then of course Edith arrived and well no hiking this late summer/fall for me either.

Although I haven’t been out hiking we have been taking advantage of the nature trails around the area. It is great to get back to nature and Edith is in love with being outdoors. There is nothing more calming (besides a boob in her mouth) than being outside in the fresh air.

One thing I hate to do is wear my running shoes for trail/nature walks so I was excited when Anhu generously sent me a pair of their (vegan) Orinda trail shoe. My pair of trail shoes were basically destroyed from hiking and I was in need of a new supportive shoe.

I know it’s not a ‘must’ to have multiple pairs of shoes for different adventures but I really love having a special shoe for trail walking. These ones have great traction, are light weight and dry fast when they are wet which is essential.

Do you wear special shoes for hiking or trail walks?

Disclaimer: Anhu sent me these shoes at no cost. All opinions are my own.