New Year, New City, New Race

This morning I finally did it- I signed up for my first postpartum race. I have only been running a handful of times since giving birth to Edith but I am ready to get back at it.  I finally have a new pair of Brooks running shoes and honestly there is nothing better than a new pair of shoes to help motivate me to get out and use them. I decided to sign up for the Hippie Chick Quarter Marathon (which is sponsored by Brooks) with the possibility of switching to the half (I have until 4/30/2013 to decide if I want to switch).

I was going to sign up for the half but then looked at a calendar and realized the race is only 19 weeks away and that for the next 2.5 weeks I am going to be in snowland and then another week of transitioning/moving into a new home and time zone so I’m look at closer to 16-15.5 weeks of real training time.  Since I haven’t been running regularly I didn’t want to over do it so I think that a quarter marathon is a good place to start for my first postpartum race, although I might sign up for a 5k before I run the quarter.

So here is a loose training plan:

Weeks 1-3: Yoga, Core and Cardio Workouts- at home

Weeks 3-12: Get back to my 5k pace

Week 12(ish): Run a 5k

Weeks 12-19: Work up to 6.5-7.5 miles

Week 19: Run the Hippie Chick Quarter Marathon

Q: For the moms out there did you run during your pregnancy? How was it getting back to running postpartum? When did you run your first postpartum race and what distance did you run?

Christmas Where Are You?

Since we have spent the last month up to our ears with making moving plans and packing we haven’t really been thinking much about Christmas.  Today that all changed, we finally are out of moving mode (temporarily anyways) and it’s time to focus on spending the holidays with our family. The movers came and cleaned out our place and now I am sitting at my parents house in the middle of nowhere Vermont in the middle of a snowstorm with the fire roaring and a (lame) Christmas movie on TV.

The best part was a soon as we arrived at my parents house there was a nice big box from Allie and Blue Diamond Almonds Team.

I can’t wait to share all these goodies with my family!

Boy was I surprised to find this extra treat in my box….

The Big Move

I am so glad that I am finally able to talk about our big move across the country! It has been such a challenge not to let it slip and now I just want to scream it from the hilltops!

Neil and I have been wanting to move for years but we have been waiting on a number of things- first his greencard, then the arrival of baby and then Neil finishing up a number of projects at his current job.  The crazy thing about moving is that we could move absolutely anywhere in the country so one of the biggest challenges was trying to decide where we would start looking.  Since we have intended to move for years now I have been researching the best places for us to move which included North Carolina, greater DC area, Austin, Denver, Boulder, San Francisco Bay area and the Pacific Northwest.

Finally in late November Neil started applying for jobs and after an unsuccessful interview with a company in Austin he had a successful interview with a company in the Portland area. This interview was so successful that he was offered the job only 15 minutes after interviewing- crazy right? We knew that it was a possibility that he could get the job and so we had already discussed things but it was still a bit of a shock.  We had to make a pretty quick decision and after a little negotiating Neil accepted the position and moving plans were in full motion.

This all happened on November 30th and since then we have been busy busy busy.  I have spent my days taking care of E while trying to find time to back, sort through our things, arrange movers, and find a place to live.  Neil and I have never made a move this big before so it was all new on top of the fact we are moving to Portland site unseen.

That’s right neither of us has ever been to Portland.  My only experience of the west I have traveled is California where I spent a few days in Long Beach before heading out on a cruise about 7 years ago. Neil lived in Vancouver for a few months about 10+ years ago but that was short lived and not a huge move like we are making.

We have had to arrange our own movers which has been a huge undertaking because not only are we moving our things we are also shipping our car out.  We decided that it wasn’t the greatest idea for Neil to drive cross country by himself in January and well there was no question that Edith and I would be flying out because well who really wants to drive cross country with a six month old.

We finally set up movers and to get our goods by the time Neil or I arrive they have to be picked up this Friday or Saturday.  So the past week we have been rushing to pack up all of our belongings, sell off almost all of our furniture (most from Ikea so cheaper to replace than move plus we were looking to replace a number of things) and go through and donate anything we don’t need/want.

On top of finding movers we had to find a place to live site-unseen.  Let me tell you this was a huge challenge considering we have never even visited Portland before.  Neil had a few tips from the recruiter on where would be good places to live and finally after contacting a number of places we found an apartment that is close to Neil’s job, walking distance from Whole Foods-um…dangerous, seemingly nice and would rent to us for 10 months site-unseen.

Edith has spent a lot of time in this box while I pack

The next few days are going to be chaotic as we finish last minute packing and wait for the movers to arrive but then we will be off to my parents to celebrate the Holiday’s.  We will be staying with them since we will have no belongings besides clothes and essentials and then Neil will be flying out on the 2nd and Edith, my mom and I will be flying out on the 9th.

This is a huge move and things are crazy busy right now but I hope to get back to regular blogging as soon as this weekend is over.  Also if you live in the Portland/Beaverton area if you can suggest a great yoga studio(s), doctors/pediatricians/dentists, or any tips about the area that would be great.

Sites & Eats

I was hoping to be back sooner to write about our new adventure but things are crazy busy around here.  We have movers coming Friday or Saturday so we are trying to finish packing up the condo plus Neil is still working and I have recipes to finish up writing for the month and oh yeah there is that annual holiday coming up.  Here are a few photos of what’s been going on around here lately (no photos of our mess of a home though):

Big News: We Are…..

NOT! Ever since I started talking about our big news I have had tons of people ask if it is that we have baby #2 on the way. I’m only five months postpartum! Let me tell you we are actively trying NOT to get pregnant (birth control all the way- ParaGard IUD for those who are interested). I don’t know how people have two (or three) under two I think I’d lose my mind! We will be sticking to one child.

Stay tuned for the real big news.

The (Real) Big News

So now that we established we are not expecting baby #2 (or 3) let me tell you the real news. We are picking up and moving 3000+ miles away from our current home.  It has been such a struggle these past few weeks not to share this information because the move has basically been consuming my life. It is also why I have had less fitness and recipe posts as well. From the time Neil was offered (and accepted) a new position at a new company to moving day we have had one month so with the holidays, finding a place to live, finding movers, having a baby to care for and other commitments we have been busy busy busy.

I have so much more to tell you but right now I’m going to watch Edith sleep and snuggle with her when she wakes up.

Today I am focusing on sending love and warm thoughts to the families involved in Fridays tragedy in Newtown CT. I am holding my baby girl and husband a little bit closer these days and being thankful for my family and friends.