Portland: While We Wait

Since apparently our movers are off somewhere on a beach with their legs up and an umbrella drink in there hand, well that’s what I imagine they must be doing since they are already five days past due, we have been out exploring the area.  It’s pretty frustrating that they haven’t arrived yet but what can you do? Honestly this is probably the only time in my life I wish I had been unpacking my dishes than eating Voodoo Doughnuts….wait no I’d always rather be eating Voodoo Doughnuts who am I kidding?


On Saturday morning we headed downtown to get our Voodoo Doughnuts on and for good measure we chose 5 doughnuts to share between the three of us (my mom is here right now).  Although we ordered 5 we really only shared 4 because after a tiny nibble of one of the vegan cake doughnuts we decided it was awful and tossed it out and moved on to the vegan maple creme (hello yum). We also had to of course get some Stumptown Coffee while we waited in line for doughnuts which had us crossing off two of the top sites to see in Portland.

After crossing those two sites off we headed to Powell’s Books to cross a third top site off the list. This bookstore is insane and I could have spent days in there just browsing all of the books. The children’s book section is especially impressive and I can’t wait to bring E there when she is older. I am already planning a bi-weekly Voodoo-Stumptown-Powell’s tradition in my mind for when she is older where we will all share one (okay maybe two) Voodoo Doughnuts, Neil and I will get Stumptown Coffees and E will get a new book at Powell’s.

After Powell’s we all started to come off our sugar high and decided that we should eat some real food so we walked a few more blocks to Deschutes Brewery. I have to say I am in beer heaven around here and Deschutes has a really beautiful brew pub in Portland. Neil and I got the veggie burger and some avocado for E and my mom and I shared a sampler while Neil had his own. The food was good and the beer was so good- my favorite was the White IPA.

The remainder of of our Saturday was spent at Ikea trying to pick up some new things for the house but we ended up being pretty unsuccessful since our rental car is on the smaller side and our car doesn’t arrive until at least Friday.  So we picked up a few little things and made a list of what we need to go back for next weekend.

Since our things did not arrive on Sunday we headed out for more adventures, this time we took a little drive to Multnomah Falls. Neil and I have been dying to visit since our canceled Portland trip two years ago.  The drive was beautiful and the falls even more so although it was pretty icy and freezing so I can’t wait to go back in the summer when we can also do a little hiking.

So far we are in love with the area and I can’t wait to do more exploring and of course hit up a few food carts- any recommendations?

Head over to Naturally Family to check out more photos of our adventures this weekend. 


Getting Back At It Workout Edition

I have to say that over the last month I haven’t been really working out. I mean I have gone for some walks and done a few workout videos but really I haven’t done much.  I’ll blame it on the whirlwind move that we just made and the fact that for the past two weeks I have been living in a smaller space with three feet of snow outside.

Well now I have finally moved and that means back to working out and better yet back to running!! I haven’t wanted to jump back into running to fast or too hard since it has been awhile so I have been trying to stretch my body out, especially after 7 hours on a plane this past week!

This past week I have been really using my DailyBurn membership (that I have been wasting my money on because I haven’t been using it) and did the 15 Min Mobility workout with my favorite trainer Cody.  I also did the Bikini Butt workout but you surely won’t be seeing me in a bikini, um ever, but I will be sporting some new workout gear.

There really is nothing better than new workout gear to get you in the mood to sweat. I absolutely love to buy new workout gear but I haven’t in so long because I just haven’t wanted to spend the money.  However after wearing the same yoga and running pants for the past 6+ months (I mean what new mom really wears pants without an elastic waist- right?) I was in dire need to new gear. Moving however has really strained our budget for this month so I had to decide get one pair of my favorite $70-80 running capris or get a whole new fitness wardrobe for $70-80.  Well as you might have guessed I went with the latter.

I took advantage of the Active by Old Navy sale (up to 40% off through January 16) and bought myself four pairs of compression capris, a fleece quarter zip, another long sleeved quarter zip, two active tanks, yoga pants and a new sports bra for what I would have spent on one pair of my favorite running capris (although I still would love a new pair of those as well).

So far I really have enjoyed my new gear and although less expensive than some of my favorite workout gear it still holds up well to wear and washing. I also am loving that it doesn’t stink after a few wears even after washing. I have some workout clothes that no matter how much I wash them they still have a slight odor which is really a huge turn off.

Now that I have new gear I am excited to wear it all and am looking forward to one more light workout and stretching, maybe even a yoga session tomorrow before I start back up and running on Monday.



This post is sponsored by Old Navy. Check out Old Navy’s Active wear in stores or at oldnavy.com #GetYourActiveON

Ready To Run…In The Rain

So as you all know by now we are moving to Portland OR, actually Neil moved last week and I am moving tomorrow with Edith.  I also signed up for my first postpartum race which means I need to get back to running regularly. While I am glad that I won’t be having to do all of my running either in the freezing cold ice and snow or inside I am now trying to rework my running gear for the dreary Pacific Northwest winter weather. Of course moving to a new climate just gives me a good excuse to go shopping for new workout clothes.

Running In The Rain

The first thing that I picked up is a short sleeve wicking running top. When choosing a running top I wanted it to be short sleeve because I like to layer as well as something that was fast drying since Portland is notorious for rainy winters. One top I found that fulfilled my needs was this Old Navy GoDRY Active Tee. I plan to layer this new top under a windbreaker/rain coat so that I can stay warm and dry when I do my outdoor runs.

One of the other items I decided to purchase for “running in the rain” was a new pair (or four) of compression capris.  I figured if I got a new top I should probably get new bottoms to go with them and of course since I got an amazing deal on them (my Old Navy had Compression Capris for as low as $5.50 on sale) I might as well get four pairs.  I like my full length running tights but figured since the weather is a bit milder in the Pacific Northwest that I might be more comfortable in a capri length pant.

In addition to needing a new top and capris for running in the rain I also like to wear a Brimmed Running Cap to keep the rain of my face and head dry and lastly an essential- Body Glide .  If you haven’t tried Body Glide and often find yourself chaffing when you run you should get some now! I figure since I often chaff already on longer runs that being damp won’t help that situation so I might need to order Body Glide in bulk. Tip if you do find yourself chaffing Earth Mama Angel Baby Bottom works amazing to heal and relieve chaffed areas.

Now I am so ready to get to Portland and start running! I also love that if the weather is too nasty that I can head over to my apartment complex gym and hop on the dreadmill if needed. Now I have no excuse to miss a run!

What are you essentials to have for running in the rain?


This post is sponsored by Old Navy. Check out Old Navy’s Active wear in stores or at oldnavy.com #GetYourActiveON

This great line of active wear is also on sale – up to 40% off through January 16.

Getting Back To Menu Planning

I used to be so good at menu planning but with all of these big changes going on and the fact that we were living in an apartment with nothing to cook on and now I am at my parents it has been a huge challenge to consistently menu plan.  That being said I have noticed that my meals are not as put together or as healthy as they usually are, so needless to say I am ready to get back to menu planning.

I haven’t discussed it yet on the blog but you may have seen on twitter and instagram that I have been using the #StartClean2013.  This is a FREE program that was put together by Katie Heddleston to help get you started on the right and healthy foot for the new year.  The best part is that there is a facebook page where participants can share things and also receive support from others.  Anyways each day there is a new task and for this weekend it is meal planning, which couldn’t have come at a better time.

This week my meal planning is once again a little all over the place because Wednesday I (finally) move to Oregon and I am not sure what we will have in our fridge and pantry when I arrive so I will have to wait until I arrive to really plan any meals.  I am loosely planning my meals for the next few days though and will be getting back to regular meal planning starting next weekend.

I start my week on Sunday because I usually do our grocery shopping on Saturday or Sunday.

Do you meal plan? Do you find that it helps you eat healthier and save money?

The Holidays Won

I have no good excuse for my absence the past few weeks besides the holidays and moving.  By the end of the day I have had no desire to go on the computer and most nights have been in bed around 9pm.  To top things off I let the holidays win when it came to eating.  I will admit it right here and right now I haven’t been eating great.  If you follow me on MyFitnessPal (runwithtongs) you’ll notice that there have been lots of carbs and chocolate being consumed.  I have been feeling a bit more sluggish and tired out which is a combination of letting my healthy eating slide, being crazy busy with moving and now Neil is in Oregon having take care of Edith on my own.

The best part of falling off the wagon, as one might say, is that you can get back on and what better way than with the support of others?  I have decided that if I want to accomplish my health goals that I need support and have turned to #StartClean2013 to do so.  First I set out my goals and then yesterday I made a really tasty kale salad and today I took note of how much water I drank (8 cups so far incase you were wondering).

I am so proud of myself for seeking out a supportive group of people to help reach my goals and I’m so ready to make small changes to see big changes.


Tips for sticking to New Year’s Resolutions

It’s that time of year again!

Every year on January 1st people around the world declare their New Year’s Resolution(s).  Although declared with good intention most of people end up never accomplishing the goal that they set out to do and by February the resolution is forgotten about (or at least ignored). This year why not make your resolution a priority?

Tips for sticking to New Year’s Resolutions

  • Make sure it is S.M.A.R.T. That’s right SMART! Specific, Meaningful, Attainable, Relevant (or Realistic) and Timely.  If you focus on making S.M.A.R.T. goals you will be sure to follow through and accomplish your goals.
  • Find a buddy. Whether it is someone who has the same goal as your or just someone who you can check in with ever week find someone who can SUPPORT you and your goals. If you want to accomplish something fitness related it is great to have a friend to workout with and keep you accountable.
  • Be Specific. This is one of the S.M.A.R.T. goals but I wanted to point it out again because the more specific with your goal that you can be the better chance that you will be able to accomplish said goal. In other words rather than saying I want to be more active in the new year a more specific goal would be “I want to run 3x per week” or “I want to go to cross fit 4x per week”.
  • Create Action Steps. I would say this is one of the most important tips to accomplishing your goals.  If you can actually take the time to consider what steps you need to take to meet your goals and create a plan the more likely your goals will be met.  So if you want to lose 10lbs then your action steps may be to increase the whole foods (fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, etc) in your diet, run 2x per week, practice yoga at home or in the studio once per week and spend more time reading than watching TV.

My New Year’s Resolutions/Goals:

This year I am really focusing on the goals that I set out for myself back in November. So far I have been doing really well with my resolutions and have really made time to focus on them and create action steps to accomplish them.  I have been turning this blog, social media and my husband for support and accountability.  It is amazing how much (self) pressure there is to follow through with things when you tweet a goal! One of my goals is to increase the intensity of my workouts in hopes that it will get me closer to being back in my pre-pregnancy shape.  To help accomplish this goal I have put the pressure on to run my first postpartum race in May and have created a training schedule to help me accomplish this goal.

In addition to the goals I have already set out to accomplish I would like to run three races, practice yoga once per week, read 12 books and re-learn Spanish.

What are you goals/resolutions for 2013? How are you planning to accomplish them?