Yoga Shout Outs

We are just about two weeks into our month long yoga challenge and I wanted to take some time to share what our participants are saying.

“For the past 10 years or so I have pretty consistently had lower back pain, that I attributed to my being very inflexible, especially my hips and hamstrings. For this challenge, I signed up for gaiamtv and have been trying out some of the different beginner videos. The change has been amazing so far! I am already feeling more flexible, but most importantly, I haven’t been waking up in the morning with a stiff back or ending the day with an achy back. Can’t wait to see how I feel after another 2 weeks!”- Elisabeth


“I am LOVING March Yoga – I cashed in an Amazon Local deal I bought a while ago for a bikram studio in my neighborhood.  It is absolutely killing me – in the best way.  I’ve done 4 classes so far and while I get discouraged and cranky, it’s been great to tell my mind to get lost and just connect with my body.  I already notice the strength coming back in my legs and oooo, I love it.”- Catie

“I have benefited immensely from it already!”- Monika

{Recipe} Tropical Quinoa


I am always trying to find new creative ways to use quinoa.  It is a really amazing grain that is super versatile.  It works well for sweet dishes and savory or in this case a savory dish with sweet notes.


  • 3 teaspoon coconut oil
  • 1 inch of ginger, minced
  • 1 & 1/2 cups diced pineapple
  • 1 red bell pepper, small dice
  • 1/4-1 teaspoon chili flakes (optional)
  • 2-3 tablespoons reduced sodium soy sauce
  • 2 cups cooked quinoa
  • 1/3 cup toasted slivered almonds
  • 2 scallions, thinly sliced


  1. Heat the coconut oil and ginger over medium heat in a saute pan with a lid over medium-high heat for 2-3 minutes or until fragrant.
  2. Add the pineapple, bell pepper and chili flakes (optional). Stir to combine.  Cover, turn down to medium and cook for 5 minutes.
  3. Stir in the soy, and quinoa.
  4. Turn the heat to low and add the scallions and almonds, stir to combine.
  5. Serve in a hollowed out pineapple half.


Monday Link Up: March 11


Where we went this weekend…

We started our weekend with dinner at Verde Cocina.
Saturday we sampled some food carts including Wolf & Bear’s and Homegrown Smoker
Oh and Saturday night we bought a new car.
Sunday we had plans to go to Forest Park and do a little hiking but ended up at OMSI and Hair of The Dog due to the rain.
We also had to deal with a very unhappy teething baby this weekend so a trip to Barista on our way home on Sunday was a must.

Fit posts…

I’m always looking for tips to improve poses, here is a great post on the plank.
One day I would like to be able to do this.

Good Eats..
I need to go to the store and pick up the ingredients to make these bars and this salad.

DIY, Family and more..

Head over to Naturally Family’s Monday Links.

Keep Calm & Do Yoga: Link Up

Can you believe we are already 10 days into our month long yoga challenge! We are about a 1/3 of the way through and it is feeling great.  That being said this is the time when it can get a little more challenging to find the motivation or we lose interest or other things “get in the way” so I’ve linked up a number of posts in hopes that they will give you a little motivation to keep going strong.


Who says you have to be on a yoga mat to practice?

You can do these poses in bed or how about these.

If the thought of staying in bed to do yoga just makes you want to throw the covers up and go back to sleep than how about you jump out of bed and into the shower where you can wash your hair while doing these poses.

Okay so you maybe you decided to sleep in, you skipped the shower and you went to work and sat all day.  Your hips are killing you and you need to relax so why not try out this series of hip openers to help you unwind and get ready for bed.

What is your favorite yoga series? Share in the comments below.

My New Running Routine

Before having a baby I could go out for a run just about whenever I felt like it.  Training for a race was no problem because I only had work, home and Neil to worry about not another little (demanding) human being. Nowadays workouts involve a lot more preparedness with a lot less planning.

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When Edith first arrived I tried to plan for workouts, carve our time in my day or try to workout in the evenings but as I quickly learned babies are unpredictable and exhausting.  After “missing” workout after workout because either my scheduled time didn’t workout or I was exhausted by the end of the night I knew I had to figure something else out.

Nowadays I put my workout clothes on as soon as I wake up so that I am ready to fit a workout in whenever the window of opportunity opens (or maybe I just put them on because who doesn’t love to wear leggings). I also am taking advantage of the BOB and I would say 99% of my runs are done during the day with Edith in the BOB. Actually now that I think about it I haven’t been on a solo run since moving to Oregon. I could wait until Neil gets home from work to run but honestly by the end of the day I just don’t want to run and I still have dinner to make and a bedtime routine to follow with Edith.

So, I am running 3-4 times per week logging around 6-10 miles right now with plans to increase a little bit each week.  I am also registered for three races, yes THREE! I have a 5k that I am running in April with Edith in the BOB (Neil is running the 5 miler so I’m on BOB duty), I have a quarter marathon in May and another 5k in August.  It feels so good to be back on track with my running and in a real routine even if that routine is less predictable.

How has your running routine changed over time? How do you make time to run?



{Recipe} Parsnip-Carrot Au Gratin


One of my favorite childhood dishes was potatoes au gratin.  Now was a vegan and adult I have had to work to try and make a healthier version as well as dairy free.  This dish is gluten and soy free for those with allergies and is delicious.  It isn’t the cheese covered potatoes of my childhood but it is a great upgrade.


  • 4 cups parsnips, peeled and thinly sliced
  • 4 cups carrots, peeled and thinly sliced
  • 2 large leeks, thinly sliced
  • 2 garlic cloves, minced
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 2 cups almond milk
  • 1/2 cup almond meal
  • 1/4 cup nutritional yeast
  • 1/2 teaspoon pepper
  • 1 teaspoon salt


  1. Preheat the oven to 425F.
  2. Heat a sauté pan over medium-high heat; add olive oil, leeks and garlic and cook for 5-7 minutes, until tender.
  3. In a medium bowl whisk together the almond meal, almond milk, nutritional yeast, salt, pepper and the sauteed leeks and garlic.
  4. In a roasting pan or casserole dish layer the parsnips, carrots and almond milk mixture starting with 1/3 cup liquid, 1/3 of the carrots and parsnips and repeat two more times. Pour any remaining almond milk mixture over the top.
  5. Cover with aluminum foil and bake for 45 minutes. Remove the foil and place under the broiler for 5 minutes or until lightly browned and bubbly360parsnipandcarrot2

Monday Link Up: March 4th

Over the past month I have been creating meal plans for cleanse inspiration and have enjoyed it so much.  I debated continuing this weekly ritual but decided that instead of creating specific meal plans each week for you that I would instead link up my favorite recipes each week as well as my favorite (non-recipe) links of the past week.

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Where We Went This Weekend:
Besides Target and Whole Foods…
We tried a new coffee shop, Oblique Coffee Roasters, which you may recognize from here.
We had a massive and delicious breakfast at Jam on Hawthorne.
We also took the little one to The Portland Children’s Museum.

Food I’d Like To Eat:
I have really been loving slaws lately and this Rainbow Slaw with Sweet Tahini Dressing sounds delicious.
I could really bite into one of these Vegan Big Mac’s.
Again because I’m loving cabbage and I always love cashews this Orange Cashew Salad looks amazing.

Yoga Everyday Inspiration:
A little yoga for relaxation
A little yoga in bed
A little motivation and activation

What’s New on Naturally Family:
Check out what we did last weekend
Take a look at what we are listening to right now.
A little discussion about sleep deprivation.

Share a favorite link or two of yours in the comments!