Monday Link Up: April 22

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What we did this weekend…
Friday night I had the house to myself while Neil went to a concert.
Saturday Morningwe started off our morning with breakfast at AND Cafe and then we went to the Saturday Artist Market before heading home to get ready for date night.

Saturday night we dropped Edith off at a local childcare spot and we went out for a drink at Branch, had some small plates at The Station (honestly wasn’t very good), got ourselves some Kombucha Sorbet at Salt and Straw and then a coffee before heading back to pick up Edith.
Sunday we stocked up on yummy baked goods at the Worldwide Vegan Bake Sale and we wondered around Mississippi, picked up some groceries and took Edith to play on the baby swings.<

Is it summer yet?…
I am ready to pimp my lemonade, aren’t you?
I also want to be sitting by the fire while I sip on my pimped lemonade or my summer sangria.

Breaking the fast…
It might be because I have breakfast on the mind but I want to veganize these and eat them all right now–> Roasted Blueberry Coconut Quinoa Parfaits, Raspberry Maple-Pecan Granola, Roasted Strawberry Parfaits and Raw Breakfast Crumble.

Recipes I want To Make…
I hear that Frito Chili Pie is one of those things everyone is “supposed to” try before they die, so maybe one day (after I have gone for a long run) I’ll make this recipe.
On a healthier note these tacos sound fantastic or how about these nachos.
If you haven’t figured it out yet besides breakfast on the brain I have Tex-Mex on the brain and this salad is on the top of my must try list.

Over on Naturally Family…
You can start off with checking some photos from last weekend.
Then you can move on to some cute photos of Edith Eating.
Lastly, I finally did a cloth diapering update.

#RWT100Miles: Update

Screen shot 2013-04-19 at 8.48.38 AM I had the best intentions to write this post back on the 15th (the half way point) but with everything that happened this week I have taken a little break from posting. I have had a few post go live that I had previously worked on but other than that I haven’t been feeling ready to get back to blogging I have been to consumed with everything that has been happening this week.

Anyways I thought that it was important to an update before this challenge is over and I hope to do at least one more next week along with a post on my favorite running gear.

I honestly am not sure that I myself will be able to complete the challenge but I am trying my hardest to do so.  I think I was a little naive to think that I could easily get in 100 miles this month while taking car of a baby and my home responsibilities. I am not giving up but just being realistic.

So far I have completed 50.3 miles walking and running.  So with 49.7 to go that means I need to average 4.14 miles per day between now and the 30th. I know based on my running plan I have to run about 20-25 miles between now and the end of the month so it’s just the other 25 or so miles I need to complete as well.  Hmmm…maybe I can?

I would love to hear how other participants are doing and what your thoughts are.  It really has put things in perspective for me and makes me WANT to move more.   I sit far too much during the day and need to get these legs outside and moving around more often.

P.S. I will be posting early next week with more details but get ready for May’s challenge it’s going to be planking awesome. hint. hint.


{Recipe} Tofurky Aritisan Sausage Pesto Pasta

I love pesto, especially with pasta. I also really enjoy vegan sausages. Tofurky recently came out with a variety of artisan (vegan) sausages and so far my favorite is the spinach pesto variety. They are so good and even better with pasta and more pesto.



  • 2 Tofurky Spinach Pesto Sausages
  • 10 oz baby bella mushrooms, thinly sliced
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 2 roma tomatoes, diced
  • 1 cup of pesto (use your favorite or this recipe)
  • 1 lb of bowtie pasta (or your favorite), cooked according to package directions
  • 1/4-1/2 cup reserved pasta water
  • salt and pepper


In a large skillet heat the olive oil over medium-high heat. Add in the mushrooms and sausages and cook until lightly browned. Stir in the tomatoes. Add the pasta and pesto and stir to combine. Add a the reserved pasta water a tablespoon at a time if needed to help create the sauce (I used about 1/4 cup).

Disclaimer: Tofurky sent me their new Artisan sausages to try at no cost. All opinions are my own.

My Heart Goes Out To Boston

Sending my love and thoughts to Boston and all those at the marathon.


Such an amazing event that I had the privilege of spectating at in 2006 while living and studying in Boston.

It saddens me that something so horrific could occur at such an inspiring race.  My thoughts go out to all of those participating in the event runners, organizers, volunteers, those spectating, the families and the people of Boston.

Monday Link Up: April 15

vegan cheese plate
What we did this weekend…
We started our weekend off at Vita Cafe where we indulged in a big plate of biscuits and gravy.
We then headed downtown to the library so I could do a little work and Neil and Edith had some daddy-daughter time at Book Babies.
Saturday night we were pretty wild and made homemade pizza and watched TV.
Sunday we skyped with my parents and then we slowly got ourselves together and went out for a 5+ mile run. After our run we were hangry so we headed to Alberta St where I treated us to The Cheese Plate (amazing vegan cheese plate) and Neil Treated us to beer at Captured by Porches.
We then promptly headed home, picked up a few groceries, had dinner and went to bed at 8:15pm.

I am totally lusting after these shoes….I might just have to buy them.

This stir fry looks insane (along with all of the other food on this blog).
I’ll be honest ever since I got pregnant I haven’t been so in love with greens, crazy I know, but this salad does look amazing.
Summer is almost here and it’s time for cold treats like this ice cream.

Since I spent most of my days in running gear and yoga pants of course I have this high on my too purchase list.

Over on Naturally Family…
Along with the shoes I am lusting over above I am also lusting after these sneakers and sandals.
If you really like sippy cups you may want to enter this giveaway, there is only 1 day left to enter!
Just a cute photo of Edith at Vita Cafe.
Here are a few of my favorite mom friendly swimsuits.
OH and can you believe it Edith turned 9 months last week!

New on RWT…
If you haven’t seen it yet RWT has a new look! It’s not 100% finished but it is in a good state so Neil finally revealed what he has been working on (off and on) for the past few months.
RWT New Look