Portland Dirty Girl Mud Run

I am hooked on women only races lately.  I just completed my first quarter marathon which was all women, I am signed up for a 7k and a 5k in August both of which are women only and I have a 10k in September that is, you guessed it WOMEN ONLY! I just love women only races right now.
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One women only race that I really wish that I could participate in this year is the Dirty Girl Mud Run on June 1st here in the Portland area. I had actually planned to run this race and just before I signed up Neil was offered a new job (out of the blue) and he has chosen to take it so we are preparing to move a little closer into Portland so he doesn’t have to have over an hour commute both ways by bus and train. So since we are going away to Seattle Memorial Day weekend and we are hoping to move by mid June we are spending all of our other weekends packing our things up.  Anyways I am on to a tangent so lets get back to the point of this post.

What is the Dirty Girl Mud Run:Dirty Girl is a 5k womens only run for women of all ages and athletic abilities. Don’t worry, it’s not a “race” in the traditional sense. It is an untimed obstacle course designed to push you slightly out of your comfort zone, but only as far as you are comfortable going. Forming teams is encouraged, and so is helping your fellow Dirty Girls get through to the finish. At a Dirty Girl Mud Run you’ll find excitement, laughter, and camaraderie—as well as lots of music and even some adult beverages. It’s a day you’ll never forget” (source)

Dirty Girl Mud Run from Story Place Productions on Vimeo.

The good people at Dirty Girl have something special for you…..20 percent of the Portland Area race!!! Just use this 20% discount code, DGPORTBLOGGUEST, at check out.

If you do run this race please come back and tell me all about it. I would love to hear about your experience!

Disclaimer: I was NOT compensated in anyway to post this. I just wanted to share this opportunity with all of you!

Race Recap: Hippie Chick Quarter

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On Saturday I completed my first postpartum race and The Hippie Chick Quarter Marathon

The night before my race I set four alarms. Yes four, I didn’t want to wake up late! I woke up at alarm #1 (5:27am) and lingered in bed until after alarm #2 (5:34).  I rolled out of bed and headed to the kitchen where I made coffee and bagels <—from my mom in Vermont because you can’t get real bagels in Oregon with Toffutti for Neil and I. I was so anxious all morning that I think I was giving myself and upset stomach but I managed to get through it and we packed up and headed out the door to the race.IMG_7431

After getting a little lost trying to find the parking we finally did and I stretched and we walked over to the starting line. My first impression was that things seemed super unorganized. There were people everywhere and no real orderly set up for the race.  On top of that I couldn’t hear what the race coordinator was saying over the speakers so I just made my way to the back knowing that I was going to be on the slower end of things.


All of a sudden I hear the starting gun go off announcing the start of the quarter and half marathons (they started at the same time).  Startled I started slowly walking forward with the group and finally started running once I crossed the starting line. My plan was to do 4:1 run/walk intervals throughout the entire race with a goal of finishing in 95 minutes.  I ended up running the first 10 minutes because it was so congested and I wanted to get by the slower walkers.  It took about a mile for things to loosen up but still had a lot of trouble getting around the walkers, no hate to the walkers just a challenge to get by groups of walkers going slower than I was running.

Around mile one there was a water station that also had a team handing out Luna Bars and a group of teens cheering.  I didn’t end up stopping for water although now looking back at things I probably was a little under-hydrated and could have used a few sips.

IMG_7475By mile two the sun overhead was getting hotter and that is when I started to overheat which resulted in chills for the remainder of the race.  Just before mile three three there was another water station and I grabbed a cup and had a few sips before heading on. At this point I found myself saying I might not make it back without walking the majority of the way.  My legs were feeling a little heavy, the slanted and torn up road was bothering my right IT band, I still had the chills and I was just losing steam. However, I pushed through made it to the turn around and head back stopping at the same water station for another cup of water which I had a few more sips of before heading back towards the finish line.


Shortly after that (around mile four) I had my chews which seemed to help rejuvenate me and reduce the chills. Just before mile 5 the stadium came into site and I knew that I was really almost done and talked to myself pushing myself forward. I kept at my 4:1 pace until around mile 6 when I really just started to hit a wall. I ended up doing a 3:2 for one interval then a 2:1 and then it was time to finish the race and I ran and ran until finally I crossed the finish line where Edith and Neil were waiting for me.


After the race we headed up to the finisher area where I grabbed a plate of orange wedges for Edith and I to share as well as some more water.  We found a shaded spot for Edith and I to nurse at and we relaxed for a bit and took a few silly photos before heading over to the awards ceremony.  We watched some of the awards before going to check the board for my official time –> 1:32:55 <– that is 2:05 less than my goal!! Also a PR for me because well it was my first quarter!

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Overall it was a great race but I really could have prepared a little more and been a little more hydrated but overall I am happy with how things went.  I was surprised when I came in under my time goal because I actually thought I was closer to 1:40, so not bad.

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Summary of the race:


  • Awesome SWAG bag! Shirt, Chinook book, free coffee at Peet’s and a few treats.
  • Finishing the race in the stadium. So fun to run into the stadium onto the new turf.
  • Water stations were well placed as well as porta potties and the staffing was awesome.
  • Loved the cheering squad at the start and end by the first water/snack station.
  • Great end experience with fun vendors, lots of food and beverages and massage tables (which I didn’t take advantage of).
  • Had a person staffed at the Half/Quarter split and they were great. Loud and very clear on what direction to go.
  • Very walker friendly!! For those of you who are not really runners but want to get out this race is super walker friendly.  There were tons of groups of women who got out and walked together and seemed to be having a great time.

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  • The finisher necklace looked like something I could have gotten out of a quarter machine, okay maybe a dollar one, but either way it was terrible. On the website they had a photo of last years race necklace, which was kind of cheesy, but it said Hippie Chick Half and Quarter Marathon 2012 and was on a metal chain.  This years race necklace came in a little blue velour bag and the necklace had a peace sign charm that said Hippie Chick 2013 that was on a black plastic necklace. I was going to take a photo of it for you but I have no idea what I did with it after the race. Either way it was super lame and disappointing. I really would rather of had a race medal or at least the race necklace that was advertised on the race website.
  • The organization of the race was really lacking.  The line-up organization was pretty much non existent and you couldn’t hear a word they were saying over the speakers before the race.
  • No free beer or mimosas. You could buy them but no free ones for those of age.
  • The race was on a really uneven road both in that it was angled and it was all torn up.  If it had been repaved it would have been better.  This is more of a minor thing that bothered me and my legs

Overall I really enjoyed the race but it wasn’t a race that at the end of it I was like I can’t wait to sign up next year.  There are so many other races around the area that I think I would try a new race.

Disclaimer: I was comped the admission of this race in exchange for a post.  As always all opinions are my own.

May Goals

The Cool Impossible

1. Plank-A-Day. This is the next challenge in my monthly challenge series.  My goal is to increase my time by 2-5 seconds per day.  I started these the first and boy was I surprised at how hard to was for me, just goes to show how little I have been strength training the past few months.

2. Strength Train 2-3x/week.  I haven’t been doing any strength training at all. nada. none. zilch.  I am in major need of some strength training because I know it will help me to lose this baby weight and it will improve my running.

3. Floss Everyday. I’m that person that goes to the dentist and am ALWAYS told that I need to floss more. Hell I need to floss in general.  I am horrible at flossing but this month I will do it everyday.

4. Read Before Bed 4x/week.  I would like to say everyday but to best honest it won’t happen so I am trying to set myself up to succeed. I am hoping to read 20-60 minutes before bed four nights per week.

5. Read a New Book. I am currently reading The Cool Impossible and it is amazing.  That being said it is my goal to finish the book this month and if everything works out as planned I should also be starting another new book TBD (suggestions please).

What are your goals for this month? How do you set yourself up for success?



Review of April Goals

I really feel like this past month I dropped the ball on accomplishing the majority of my goals.  Honestly, I look back now and I wonder what DID I do all month? I mean I know I made dinners at home for us the majority of nights, went running, spent quality time with my family and spent my days trying to convince Edith that her Sophie was more fun to chew on than empty toilet paper rolls and receipts (she’s still not convinced).

However, I made a list of goals that well lets just review them and you’ll see.

April Goals:

1. Read one new book. ACCOMPLISHED! Yes I did indeed read a new book this month.  I was actually hoping to read it in time for my moms group book club meet up but I started it a week before the meet up which was like 3 weeks ago and I finished the book April 30th, needless to say I didn’t make the meet up.  I read Wild by Cheryl Strayed and honestly it is one of the best books I have ever read. It is about one young women’s journey on the Pacific Crest Trail.  It is absolutely amazing and now I want to go back packing- has anyone gone with a baby?

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2. Run/Walk/Bike 100 Miles. So I didn’t accomplish this.  Honestly, I was a bit naive to think that I would. Did you know 100 miles is a lot? Well it is. Especially when you don’t have a bike. I ended up completing 81.03 miles of running and walking.  It could have been more but I skipped a few runs, didn’t get out of long enough walks and ended up being sick the last few days of the challenge.  You know what though? I am proud of myself for completing that many miles because let me tell you it was a challenge.

3. Write 5 freelance articles. I only wrote one. Not impressed.

4. Use one of my cookbooks each week. I ended up only using two recipe books.  I guess that is better than none?

5. Finish unpacking. I don’t want to talk about it. #FAIL.

6. Return calls and e-mails to friends. I did return a number of emails although I’m behind again now. I also called some friends which was great because I ended up learning that my BFF had decided to run off to India for 3 months with her beau.

7. Write 8 new recipes this month. Zip. Zero. Nada. Yeah I didn’t write any recipes this month.  I did a lot of home cooked throw together meals this month or followed recipes in the books I did actually use. (Side note after 14 months my freelance recipe writing job has been put on hold.)

8. Spend more time at home. We have only been practicing this the past two weeks but I am already starting to see improvements around the house, as well as we are skipping less weekend workouts which is important.  I am hoping that we can keep this up.

Coming up May Goals.