Vacation Workouts

Am I the only one who actually enjoys working out more on vacation than at home? I find it really fun and motivating to get up early in the morning and heading the the hotel gym or out for a run. It also helps me feel a little better when I inevitably enjoy a sweet treat or maybe something a little less than healthy.

Hotel Running

During our latest excursion to Seattle I did a little research before we headed out and found that our hotel had a huge cardio room, a weight room and a pool. They also had these great little cards created by Runners World that have 3-5 mile running routes near the hotel. On top of that they had workout clothes and shoes that you could rent for $5/day if you forgot yours. Could you really ask for more?

We took advantage of the cardio room which had treadmills and ellipticals with personal TV’s at each which is always a nice distraction.  We went to the pool as a family and had some fun splashing around and Neil went on the 3+ mile run on the card in the photo above. On top of all that we did some major walking, about 15 miles over the entire weekend and if you have been to Seattle you know that there were some major hills as well.

On our next trip I will me in the midst of training for my half so I will be researching good running routes in Charlottesville, VA. If you have any suggestions let me know!

Do you you like to workout on vacation?

Half Marathon Training #IWILL

As I mentioned before as a Fitfluential Ambassador I am participating in the Under Armour What’s Beautiful Campaign.  My goal is to complete my first half marathon no matter what, even if it means crawling to the finish line.  That being said I need to get my butt in gear and start training! The problem is there are so many training plans out there it can be challenging to decide which one to follow.


When I did my quarter marathon I followed the RunKeeper 10k training plan app on my phone.  I really liked it and thought about using it for my half as well but couldn’t find a plan that really fit my needs. I then thought about doing the Hal Higdon novice plan or the Mother Runner finish plan but then Neil started a new job and that threw a wrench in my plans so back to the drawing board.

So I really made a list of my needs and how much I would be able to commit to training:

  • Two or Three runs Monday-Friday that are 30-45 minutes
  • One long run on the weekends
  • 16-18 weeks long

In the end I found that the Jeff Galloway plan was the best fit for me. After sitting down and laying things out I realize that I won’t have as much free time to run during the week so I need to have a plan that sets me up for success. I also have come to terms with the fact that I am not ready to exclusively run my first half and that I will be following a run/walk method which is the Galloway plan in a nutshell.

That being said training week starts this week, which is exciting because that means this race is real. On my non-running days I am planning to do strength training, yoga and cross-training workouts. I am planning to workout 5-6 days per week.

P.S. It’s not too late to sign up to be part of this amazing campaign!

Disclosure: This post is sponsored by Under Armour through FitFluential. My compensation was clothes to wear for the campaign. I received no monetary compensation. As always all opinions are my own.

Insta Meals: 5.29.13

Remember when I used to post all kinds of recipes? Yeah I do too and I miss it so much.  I am trying to get back to writing recipes but it just hasn’t been happening. Honestly it’s like we have been in survival mode or vacation mode ever since we moved in January.  Monday through Friday I am at home with Edith and Neil gets home around dinner time which has been a transition for us since he used to get home closer to 4:30pm rather than 5:30pm. Now Neil has started a new job and is no longer home at 5:30pm but rather closer to 6:30pm which basically leaves no time at night to really work on recipes and photograph them.

On top of all that we have been spending our weekends exploring our new home so that hasn’t left me much time to work on creative meals.  I am hoping that now that we have been here for 6 months that we can spend more time at home on the weekends so I can make time for my love for recipe writing and have more recipes to post for you.  I also am going to try and do some quick meals for lunch and breakfast that I can photograph and post for you.  I know I love quick meal ideas for inspiration so I hope I can provide you with some inspiration as well.

With all that being said I do still cook real meals around here, we aren’t just living off take-out and pre-packaged meals. However most of the meals are thrown together with no measurements or so quickly that I haven’t bother posting them.  I have been posting some of my meals, mostly lunches to my Instagram account, so if you’re curious to see what I am eating and often what Edith is eating you can follow me there. I’ll also be doing regular installments of Insta Meals to give you a peak.

Me: Salad with an Amy's veggie burger, tahini dressing, guacamole and sauteed mushrooms and onions; Edith: guacamole, sauteed mushrooms and onions and an Amy's veggie burger with a drizzle of tahini sauce

Me: Salad with an Amy’s veggie burger, tahini dressing, guacamole and sauteed mushrooms and onions; Edith: guacamole, sauteed mushrooms and onions and an Amy’s veggie burger with a drizzle of tahini sauce

Me: Snow peas and black beans sauteed with tamari, chili garlic sauce and chili flakes and jasmine rice; Edith: sauteed snow peas and jasmine rice and black beans

Me: Snow peas and black beans sauteed with tamari, chili garlic sauce and chili flakes and jasmine rice; Edith: sauteed snow peas and jasmine rice and black beans

Me: Brown rice, black beans, Olykraut, Heidi Ho chia nacho sauce, Way Better chips and hot sauce; Edith: brown rice, black beans and nacho sauce

Me: Brown rice, black beans, Olykraut, Heidi Ho chia nacho sauce, Way Better chips and hot sauce; Edith: brown rice, black beans and nacho sauce

What are your favorite throw together meals?


Follow me on Instagram for more Insta Meals

Currently. 5.21.13.


Thinking about: Our trip to Seattle this weekend.  We are going on our first trip to Seattle and I feel so unprepared. Before Edith I used to spend hours researching our destinations but these days I’m lucky if I can find even an hour or two to look up a few things to do and places to eat. That being said please send me your suggestions. oh yeah and i’m also wondering if it’s bed time yet. also if it is too late to have coffee.

Feeling: Tired. Proud of myself for getting in a HIIT workout today even though I wanted to sit on the couch and relax. Full of love for my silly little girl and my amazing husband.

Watching: The Office.  Honestly it’s embarrassing how many times I have watched the entire series.  I can watch it over and over and over again. My favorite episodes are Gay Witch Hunt, Threat Level Midnight and Product Recall. Bears. Beets. Battlestar Galatica.

Reading: I am almost done The Cool Impossible . I am loving this book and everytime I pick it up I just want to go out and run.  It is like I am getting a personal coaching session from Eric Orton.

Looking forward to: getting away this weekend! We are celebrating our 5th wedding anniversary this weekend with a little family trip to Seattle. I am also looking forward to parents night out (local swap and play babysits) in June and Fitbloggin!

Making me happy: As always Neil and Edith.  I love to spend time with these two people. This weekend was so much fun we went to the market, out to eat and explored a few new neighborhoods.  Also making me happy is meeting new people and making new friends.  So happy that we moved to Portland. Oh and Neil is making me so happy because we starts a full time job next week (he is contracting at Nike right now).

IMG_8283This post was inspired by Sometimes Sweet.