Detox Drinks From Cell-nique

Disclaimer: I was compensated for the post. As always all opinions are my own. This is my honest review of this product.

We have a juicer at home and although we juice a few times per week there are often weeks that we go without juicing just because of the labor in making our own fresh juice or because Edith is sleeping and we don’t want the crazy loud juicer to wake her up. So I have been on the search for a quick, and healthy green drink to have on days I don’t want to make my own. When I was offered the opportunity to try Cell-nique I decided that it sounded so why not?

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  • Cell-nique Super Green Drink is a USDA organic drink that energizes, detoxifies and nourishes your body with the equivalent of 8 servings of fruits & vegetables in every bottle.
  • Cell-nique is Vegan, gluten-free, low-calorie.
  • All flavors of Cell-nique Super Green contain the same 31 organic superfoods.  Most of the sugar count comes from the naturally occurring sugars in the fruits and vegetables, with a small amount of stevia and organic blue agave.Screen Shot 2013-06-18 at 9.18.16 PM

Although Cell-nique isn’t just like my favorite fresh green juices it is great when I want something quick and easy to go to. I really loved the green tea, tropical fruit and citrus vanilla flavors. I also honestly felt pretty energized after drinking it. As you know I have been off coffee this month so I have been looking for healthy alternatives and this has really done the trick.

Cell-nique Logo


Try your choice of any 1-3 bottles of Cell-nique now and get FREE SHIPPING! Redeem this offer at

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Best Body Bootcamp: Week 1


Yesterday marked the start of this summer’s Best Body Bootcamp (BBB) and I am so ready to get back in shape. I have been kind of lazy lately. Yeah, I said it LAZY. I don’t know why but after training for my last race I have just been feeling unmotivated and my workouts have been basically 1-2 short runs, 1 strength training session and 3-5 walks per week. Nothing to intense and to top it off I have more races coming up in early August so I need to get my act together.

When I found out that there was a bootcamp session this summer I decided to jump at the opportunity to work with Tina and be apart of the BBB community. This was just the support and motivation that I needed to get back on track and reach my goals. Also after going clothes shopping and finding clothes that once looked good on me just didn’t work I was feeling even more motivated to get back to my dedicated workout self. Side note: I bought a dress for a wedding at the end of July and it’s my goal to look great in it versus the okay that I look in it right now.

Yesterday I did the fit test which was actually somewhat embarrassing and alone is motivation to get myself back to work because honestly I have never run so slow in my life. Back before I was pregnant I could do a straight mile about 5 minutes faster (and without the BOB) versus right now. I also could hold a plank longer than 45 seconds. So I have a lot to work towards and it feels good. I also want to lose inches. I am not so worried about the weight number but I’d like to get more toned. I am almost a year postpartum and I’m so ready to get back to my old body or at least closer to it. Although I will probably have another year or two before that happens due to breastfeeding (my goal is to breastfeed until at least two). I’ll share my weight-loss while breastfeeding issues in another post soon.

So while I’m not up for sharing my numbers (weight, measurements, etc) with you I will share a before picture. I will also share progress photos at 4 weeks (half way) and then at 8 weeks when the program is complete.


Who else is participating in BBB? Or have you before? 

{Recipe} Bloody Mary Hummus with Naked Power Garden


Disclosure: Compensation was provided by Naked via Glam Media.  The opinions expressed herein are those of the author and are not indicative of the opinions or positions of Naked.

I don’t know about you but I love hummus. Actually, everyone in my house loves hummus, my 11 month old could eat an entire bowl full if I let her. Since we are hummus lovers around here and we go through so much I have been trying to make my own hummus at home to save money and to make a healthier version.


Neil used to make it for us all the time but with his crazy work schedule/commuting there just isn’t time so I have taken over hummus duty and have been enjoying making a variety of flavors. Just last week I made a jar of balsamic hummus and Bloody Mary hummus (recipe below). Both jars were gone by the end of the week. I think we might all turn into chickpeas!

The Bloody Mary hummus was inspired by all the juicing that I have been doing for my cleanse. Instead of oil I used Naked Power Garden Tomato Kick juice to thin it out and provide the tomato/veggie flavor base.  My favorite Bloody Mary recipe uses wasabi instead of your traditional horseradish so I used it in my hummus recipe to give a little heat.  I also added some other traditional Bloody Mary ingredients such as (vegan) Worcestershire sauce and some lemon to brighten up the flavor.


Bloody Mary Hummus

  • 2-15 oz cans of chickpeas, drained and rinsed
  • 2 tsp wasabi powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon black pepper
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • juice of 2 lemons
  • 3 tablespoons tahini
  • 1 teaspoon (vegan) Worcestershire sauce
  • 1 cup Naked Power Garden Tomato Kick

Add the chickpeas, wasabi powder, black pepper,salt, lemon juice, tahini and Worcestershire sauce to the bowl of a food processor that has been fitted with the s-blade. Process on low while slowly steaming in the Naked Power Garden Tomato Kick through the feeding tube. Serve up with veggies, crackers and/or pita. For the best flavor make at least an hour before eating.


What is your favorite flavor of hummus? What is the most interesting flavor you have tried?

Come back and visit on Monday, June 17 to learn how you can enter the Pinterest Sweepstakes contest with Naked Power Garden by voting for my recipe!

Power Garden is Naked Juice’s new veggie drink lineup with 1lb. of veggies in every bottle*. With delicious flavors that only Naked could blend, Power Garden offers one of the easiest ways to get your daily servings of veggies and fruits, along with good sources of fiber, vitamins and minerals. Learn more at