Currently. 7.7.13


Thinking about: So many things. My mind is full right now with posts I’d like to write, training plans I’d like to try, books I’d like to read, places I’d like to go. Oh and the biggest thing is Edith turning one. Yes, one. This Tuesday my baby will be a year old and I have really been reflecting on the past year and thinking about the years ahead for us. I’m hoping that once our guests leave I’ll have some time to sit down, relax and regroup because I am over full right now.

Feeling: exhausted. anxious. happy to have an amazing husband and daughter.

Watching: We have been watching a lot of the Yankees in our house right now.  It’s so weird to watch the game after the fact (we have MLB TV on our Roku).  We have to be careful not to catch anything on social media that might ruin the game for us, but this happens so often we don’t even bother watching the game. I don’t know why but we have lucked out the past few days.  Neil and I have also been catching up on a few shows (Criminal Minds and Rizzoli & Isles) after about two months of watching little to know evening TV.

Reading: I tried reading The Complete Idiots Guide to Vegan Eating For Kids but it was so terrible that I only got through the first four chapters before thumbing through and realizing the book is crap. Yes crap. There are so many other books that provide better information as well as better sample meal ideas.

Looking forward to: Heading to VA for a wedding! This will be our second cross country trip with Edith, although Neil’s first and my first with Edith as an err… toddler (I don’t even want to say it, she is my baby and my baby forever right?) I’m also looking forward to getting back to a regular routine since the past few weeks have been crazy with Fitbloggin and our guests being here.

Making me happy: Neil and Edith. They are the light in my life. Seriously so happy with them.


This post was inspired by Sometimes Sweet.

July 2013 Goals

Can you believe it is already July? I never even got around to posting my June goals last month, oops! Well here we are July and I have a busy month ahead of me. My parents are currently on their way across the country to visit for a few weeks, Edith turns one (!!!), my cousin is coming for a quick visit on her way to CA, and we are headed to a wedding in Virginia.  So many things going on this month so I have to be smart about my goals.

July Goals

  1. Keep up with Best Body Bootcamp.  The one thing I have been lacking in my workout routine is a consistent strength training routine and since starting BBB I feel like I am finally getting back on track. I really feel like it has made a difference in losing the postpartum weight as well. As most of you know I have been really struggling in that department and I plan to write a post on this soon; that being said lets move on to goal #2. 
  2. Create an editorial calendar.  I know I should have done this already but I haven’t so I am hoping that with two extra sets of hands around that I will have time to do so this week.  I have so many post ideas but have had my hands full with an active life and baby.
  3. Eat more plants.  I have been really going for the grains, beans, and other starchy foods (and sweets).  I really need to get back to regular plant eating! I am glad that we will have our Organics to You box coming weekly now instead of bi-weekly.  That being said I also need to continue to drink less coffee, eat less sugar and drink more water.
  4. Unplug more often. I didn’t read any books last month which is really not great so this month I want to unplug and read more.  I also want to unplug more because it is so easy to constantly be checking various social media accounts and email all day long when I am home and really I need to be a better example to Edith.
  5. Track all my food and fitness. I used to use My Fitness Pal all the time and it was really helpful for me to keep myself on track but it’s been months since I last touched it until today.  I am hoping that by keeping a running tally of food and exercise that I will be able to improve my diet and fitness levels.

My Fitness Pal jul 1 2013

I can think of about five more things I’d like to do this month but since I will be on the run all month I think five is a good goal. What are your goals for the month? 

Easy Entertaining With BACARDI

I am currently running around my house right now getting myself ready to head to a conference. On top of trying to get ready for the conference we have guest coming in next week! AHH! What was I thinking having these two things go back to back? My guest arrive Monday and of course I want to greet them with a clean home and be ready to entertain so I’m making things easy on myself. I have a bottle of BACARDI Classic Cocktails Light Strawberry Daiquiri in my fridge ready for their arrival. There is no mess, no fuss, just chill and pour over ice. Seriously the easiest cocktail to use for entertaining! 


So now you’re probably wondering but how does it taste? Well it taste like a strawberry daiquiri without all of that added sugar and calories (or the whipped cream). It is sweet, light and refreshing. BACARDÍ CLASSIC COCKTAILS LIGHT Strawberry Daiquiri is made with natural strawberry flavor, real lime juice and cane sugar. Really the perfect summertime beverage.

I have only had it over ice but I bet it would be great blended with ice as well (if you want to go the extra step). You could also go crazy and use the BACARDI Classic Cocktails Light Strawberry Daiquiri to make your own cocktails! You could add a nice basil simple syrup and shake and serve on the rocks or straight up with a basil leaf if you wanted to get really fancy!


So now I can head off to my conference and be ready to come home and start entertaining! No fussing around making cocktails for our guests and I you know what I can actually enjoy them instead of playing bartender! Also, who doesn’t enjoy drinking cocktails with their friends, but hates having to worry about all the extra calories? The BACARDÍ CLASSIC COCKTAILS LIGHT line gives you the best of both worlds with delicious, low-calorie cocktails.

As always enjoy your summer entertaining and events and always remember to DRINK RESPONSIBLY.

When it comes to at-home entertaining, we want to have our cocktail and drink it too. With BACARDI Classic Cocktails Light, you don’t need to choose between serving great cocktails or socializing with friends. Enjoy the best of everything – the convenience of ready-to-serve cocktails and the confidence of natural ingredients mixed with the world’s most awarded spirit. BACARDI Classic Cocktails Light allow you to serve the best, naturally!

This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of BACARDI. The opinions and text are all mine. Sweepstakes Rules.

Creating Mini Running Goals

Being a busy mom it is often hard to commit to a rigid training/fitness plan. Lately, I have been doing the Best Body Bootcamp workout plan and it is great because basically it’s five workouts per week and right now that’s what works for me. I decided to start with a modified version of beginner plan, I added a third round for my strength training, and the cardio part follows what I was planning for my race training. Although I am (attempting) to follow a plan right now I have made sure there is some flexibility and I have also created some mini running goals for myself.


Goal One: Get out and run. Basic right? Often it’s easier said than done. I can come up with a million excuses not to run so my first mini goal is to stop making excuses and get out even if it’s just for 15 minutes.  Tip: Set yourself up for success by setting out your running gear the night before and make sure to carve out time to run in your day even if it is only 15 minutes.

Goal Two: Run three days per week. I’d like to run four but there have been weeks lately that I have only been out twice or even once, so this month my goal is three times per week. On my runs I have been focusing on two 20-40 minute runs per week and one mileage run, anywhere from 3-6 miles. Did you know? Three workouts per week is the minimum you need to maintain your fitness.

Goal Three: This is my goal for the entire month. My goal for this month it is to run before 9am at least 50% of the time. Other monthly goal ideas: Run specific number of miles or distance, try a new running route, sign up for a race, find a running buddy (and run with them) or go to a group run.

What are your running or fitness mini goals? Think of a basic goal, weekly goal and monthly goal.