Lately. 9.2.13


Instead of my usual installment of Currently I thought I would do a Lately post instead. We have been busy, busy, busy over the past two weeks and it seems that we have a busy month ahead of us but more on that later.

Happenings: Last week I finally took the plunge and decided to take an intensive four day course to become a Certified Babywearing Educator.  I completed all four days and came out learning more than I could have imagined and after I finish my two take home tests I will (hopefully) be fully certified!

Adventures: We went for a long weekend away following a crazy week of classes. I wish that I hadn’t had both back to back because it would have been nice not to be exhausted for our trip but oh well! We spent the weekend at the Sou’Wester Lodge in Seaview, WA. We stayed in a vintage camper, enjoyed a mostly electronics free weekend, and spent a lot of time at the beach.

Food: The best thing I have eaten lately was the veggie burger from Bad Vegan in Astoria, OR. Seriously so good! It was basically a vegan Big Mac.

(BIG) News: We are moving!! Not out of state just closer to Neil’s work. Right now he commutes 2-3 hours per day and this move will bring us closer to our favorite hangouts and it will cut Neil’s daily commute in half if not more!

What have you been up to lately?

{Recipe} Black Eyed Peas & Greens

This dish is spicy, savory and tomato-y! This is a perfect meal for the nights you are looking for something quick, satisfying and healthy.

• 1T olive oil
• 1 medium sweet onion, diced
• 1 carrot, peeled and diced
• 1 celery stalk, diced
• 4-5 medium garlic cloves, minced
• 1 jalapeno, minced*
• 1 tsp paprika
• 1 tsp Italian seasoning
• 1/4 tsp tumeric
• 1/2 tsp chili powder
• 1 tsp salt
• 1/2 tsp black pepper
• 1/3 cup white wine or vegetable broth
• 1 bay leaf
• 2 cups low-sodium vegetable broth
• 1 (6oz) can tomato paste
• 1 (15oz) can of black eyed peas,rinsed and drained OR 1 & 2/3 cups cooked black eyed peas
• 3 cups kale, collards or mustard greens, chopped into bite sized pieces

1. In a medium heavy bottom pot heat the olive oil over medium-high heat; stir in the onions, carrots and celery. Cook for 6-8 minutes until they begin to soften.
2. Stir in the garlic and jalapeno; cook for 1 minute.
3. Stir in the paprika, Italian seasoning, turmeric, chili powder, salt and pepper; cook for 30 seconds.
4. Stir in the white wine and cook for 2-3 minutes until the wine has cooked off.
5. Stir in the bay leave, vegetable broth, tomato paste and black eyed peas; reduce heat to medium-low and cook for 10 minutes.
6. Stir in the kale; cover and cook on medium-low for 10 minutes. Taste and season with salt and pepper. Serve over brown rice.

*If you don’t like a lot of heat or are serving this dish to kids you may want to omit the jalapeno.

My Weight Loss Story & a New Oxygen Network Show

The following post is sponsored by FitFluential LLC on behalf of Oxygen Network

Weight is something that I have struggled with my entire life. Growing up I attempted to be active and participated in floor gymnastics, soccer and tennis but I was always heavier than most kids my age. My struggle with my weight as a child developed into an unhealthy relationship with food in high school and into my first year of university. At my highest weight I was 220+ lbs and it wasn’t until then that I finally realized that I needed to stop feeling bad for myself and actually evaluate my life and make changes. During my second year of university I lost 40lbs and by the end of the summer before my third year I had lost another 10lbs. After that I fluctuated between 160-170 but kept off the 50lbs.

Summer 2005



In 2009 I decided to continue my on my pursuit to become a healthier and happier human being and to help others. I started a health coach program which I completed in the winter of 2010 and I left it feeling healthy and happier and ready to help others. I continued to maintain my 50lb weight loss until the Fall of 2011 when I became pregnant with Edith. I gained 35lbs over the course of my pregnancy and here we are nearly 14 months later and I am holding on to 25 of them. When I watched the following clip from Oxygen’s new show My Big Fat Revenge it really resonated with me for one reason, Tamar’s daughter (see clip below). I have a daughter. I want to feel more energetic, lose this baby weight and be a good role model for my daughter. Over the next year my goal is to lose this baby weight and get back to that post health coaching healthy, happy and lighter feeling that I had.

Interested in learning more about Tamar and her story? Tune into the Oxygen Network on Tuesday’s at 9pm EST.

Tuesday’s On Oxygen Network, @ 9pm EST
Oxygen Media gives women a life changing opportunity of transformation and retribution in the
empowering new docu-series “My Big Fat Revenge.”

{Recipe} Black Bean & Butternut Squash Burritos with Chipotle-Cashew Sauce

Am I the only one craving fall? I can’t get enough of the crisp air, warming foods and the warm clothes. In honor of my Fall cravings I have a fantastic, quick and easy recipe for you –> Black Bean & Butternut Squash Burritos. To go along with the burritos I wanted a healthy and tasty sauce so I made a Chipotle-Cashew Sauce, however, you can always top these with your favorite salsa; I’d recommend a roasted corn one.

Black Bean & Butternut Squash Burritos

Serves 4


  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 1 small onion, diced
  • 2 cups butternut squash, peeled and diced
  • 1 15oz can black beans, drained and rinsed
  • 1/2 tablespoon chili powder
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • 4 whole wheat or sprouted grain tortillas
Preheat oven to 350F and line and baking sheet with parchment paper
Heat the oil in a medium saute pan over med-high heat.
Add the onions and cook for 3-5 minutes until translucent.
Stir in the butternut squash, cover and reduce to med-low for 7-10 minutes or until the squash is tender.
Stir in the black beans and chili powder and then season with salt and pepper to taste.
Fill each of the tortillas with 1/4 of the filing and roll up.
Place seam side down on the baking sheet and bake for 10 minutes or until lightly browned.
Serve with the Chipotle-Cashew Sauce below or your favorite salsa and a green salad


Chipotle-Cashew Sauce:


  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 1 small onion, diced
  • 4 garlic cloves, sliced
  • 1 dried chipotle pepper
  • 1 15oz can whole tomatoes, with juices
  • 1/4 cup water
  • 1 tablespoon cumin powder
  • 3 tablespoons cashew pieces
  • salt and pepper to taste
Heat the oil in a small pan over med-high heat.
Add the onions and cook for 3-5 minutes until translucent.
Stir in the garlic cloves and cook for 1 minute.
Stir in the tomatoes, water and chipotle pepper; bring to a simmer then cover and reduce heat.
Cook for 10 minutes on low.
Stir in the cumin and cashew pieces and cook uncovered for 5 minutes.
Transfer everything to a blender or food processor and process until smooth.
Return to the pan and season with salt and pepper to taste.

Healthy Living On A Budget: Dining In

Earlier this week we discussed dining out now lets talk about eating in.

How can eating at home help?

You have control – You have all of the control. You can control: the portion sizes, the quality of ingredients and the costs. When we eat at home we are able to buy high quality ingredients to make dishes that are tasty, healthy and better fit our budget. You can control the salt and the fat, which helps you take control of your diet.

Image Credit

Meal Planning Tips:

Plan you menu for the week and make a grocery list. Make sure to include snacks and drinks on your list. Planning will help you to stay on track and to cut costs.
Focus on simple, healthy meals during the week and one “WOW” dinner on the weekend. When you keep things simple you reduce stress and the desire to eat out. The “WOW” dinner is a replacement for eating out; make something special and make an event out of it. One of our favorite things to do is pick a movie and create a meal that follows the theme of the movie.
Have a prep day. One of the biggest challenges many of us face is time. Take one day per week, I find Sundays work well for me, and prep your meals for the week. This helps things run smoothly through the week and you will have more time doing the things you want, rather than being in the kitchen all night.
Buy in bulk and portion out. I love to buy nuts, seeds and dried fruit in bulk for snacks. When I get home I portion them out into little containers so they are easy to grab and go. This is also great to do with other snacks such as veggie sticks and hummus or whole grain crackers and salsa.
Keep it simple and have fun.

Healthy Living On A Budget: Dining Out

What are the biggest problems with eating out?

1. Portions – Most of the times, your portions are way too much for one person. Many times, Neil and I will share an entree and a salad or appetizer. But, whether you just arenʼt feeling like eating the same thing as your partner, or you just feel like youʼre hungrier than you probably are, sometimes you just want your own meal. You could always ask the wait staff to box half up of your meal before they bring it out, but, honestly, how often does that actually happen?

2. Expense – Thereʼs no two ways about it, eating out is expensive. Just think about how much that pasta with salad dish would have cost you at home. Would that bottle of wine you shared at dinner really have cost you $35.00 at the grocery store? Often, a meal for two (as simple as the one i just mentioned) can cost upwards of $60. In reality, you can make it at home for $15-25 (including that bottle of wine!). I know that part of what you are paying for is the experience, but why not try to recreate that at home? And hey, tipping your partner with a kiss is a lot cheaper than 15-20% of that $60 bill (and more fun!).

3. Mystery – Often, it can be a mystery as to what you are actually eating. Unless a restaurant clearly labels each ingredient on their menu, you may not have any idea what is in your dish. Often restaurant dishes are filled with sodium and fats used to heighten flavor which makes you want more, creating repeat customers. Not to mention that you donʼt know what the quality of the ingredients they use are or whether they are packaged or made from scratch.

Currently 8.23.13


Thinking about:  COFFEE. Pancakes. Doughnuts. How I wish I was still sleeping. How I should have gone to yoga this morning but 5:15am came too early. How much I need to do this weekend to prepare for the week ahead. How I can’t believe next week another birthday will come and go.

Feeling: Exhausted, overwhelmed and in need of a good sweat session.

Watching: Okay now comes my embarrassing confession. I have been watching The Vineyard which is pretty much like the East Coast summer version of Laguna Beach. I know, I know super lame but hey sometimes moms need a mindless distraction. I also have been watching Supernatural on Netflix- side note I came across someone on Instagram who named their son Dean after Dean Winchester.

Reading: So I finally brought the Kindle back out and am finally finishing Devil In the White City.  I am also trying to decide what book our book club will read first – any suggestions?

Looking forward to: The weekend! I have yoga on the agenda for Saturday and Sunday and we have a family happy hour on Saturday. I am also looking forward to next week because I have my Babywearing Educator Certification course, my birthday and a family getaway.

Making me happy: Knowing that we can finally start looking for a new place to live- East Side here we come!

This post was inspired by Sometimes Sweet.