Spirulina In My Smoothie

The following post is sponsored by FitFluential LLC on behalf of Nutrex Hawaii.

I fell in love with spirulina many years ago now when I first started out as a health coach. I was actually looking for something for myself that would be an excellent source of protein, Vitamin B12 and Iron. As a vegan I have dealt with B12 deficiency and I wanted an easy way to get more in my diet. To be honest it’s not only vegans and vegetarians that often have a B12 deficiency but many omnivores do as well.I found that spirulina is not only is it an excellent source of those but also of Vitamins A, K1, K2 and manganese and chromium.  To top things off one 3 gram serving of Hawaiian Spirulina Pacifica provides 60% protein. It is also rich in phytonutrients such as carotenoids, GLA, SOD, and phycocyanin.

While I have tried other spirulina I have found that Hawaiian Spirulina Pacifica is one of the top quality and provide so many amazing benefits. These benefits include:

  • Strengthens the immune system
  • Boosts energy levels <– it really does! Take this for 3-5 days straight and you will see a difference.
  • Supports cellular health
  • Supports cardiovascular, eye and brain health <– this is why I give this to my vegan toddler (and why my husband and I take it as well).

Hawaiian Spirulina is packed with nutrients, gram per gram it has:

  • 2800% more beta-carotene than carrots
  • 3900% more iron than spinach
  • 600% more protein than tofu
  • 280% more antioxidants than blueberries


I prefer to add mine to a smoothie but on days when I don’t have a smoothie I love that Hawaiian Spirulina also comes in capsule form. My (and Edith’s) favorite smoothie is Banana Blueberry Spirulina and this is how you make it:

  • 8oz unsweetened vanilla almond milk
  • 1/2 cup frozen blueberries
  • 1 banana
  • 1 tsp spirulina
  • 1-2 tsp agave

Blend until smooth and frothy! So easy right?

Have you tried Spirulina? What’s your favorite way to use it?

PNW Winter Running & Mizuno Wave Rider 17

*The following post is sponsored by Fitfluential LLC on behalf of Mizuno. All opinions are my own.

It’s December 4th and I am still running outside! This is just another thing that I love about the Pacific Northwest. Last year I was able to run in mid-January (when we moved here) and it was amazing. I am looking forward to keeping up with 2-3 days of running per week this winter as well however I need to gear up.

Winter 2012-13

Winter 2012-13

Last year I waffled over whether or not to buy a water proof running jacket and by the time I decided to the rainy season was just about over. Here we are again in the rainy season and I think it’s just about time to gear up with a new running jacket. Other essentials for PNW winter running include a brimmed hat to keep the rain out of your face, gloves (!!), warm running tights and of course a good pair of shoes.

As I write this however we are in the midst of a cold spell and it’s actually been colder here than in Vermont AND yesterday there was a dusting of snow. So I guess I might need to get a few new warm base layers as well. Oh how much easier it is to run outside in the summer! Maybe we should move to Hawaii.

While gearing up for seasonal running is important I would say the most important and essential running items you need is a good pair of sneakers. I have been all over the place when it comes to running shoes just based on weight, experience and changes after pregnancy.  The first shoe I ever bought was a Mizuno Wave Rider about four years ago. I loved them but took a break and tried some others but I am glad to be able to try another pair of Mizuno and not just any Mizuno the new Wave Rider 17.

photo 2Why you might also like this shoe:

  • You’re a neutral runner looking for a new shoe.
  • You are looking to train for an upcoming race and need a shoe that will be able to give you just enough support and cushioning for high mileage training.
  • You want a shoe that is not only supportive and good for training but also looks stunning on your feet. photo 1

At this point I have done around 8 miles in these shoes (I just received them a week ago) and I like them. I can’t commit to loving them until I have done at least 20 miles but I am hoping that I do! So now I have new shoes and I am hoping Santa brings me a few of the other essentials above so I can make winter running happen (or I’d take a gym membership and do some winter dreadmill running).

What are your winter running essentials? How do you chose a running shoe?


Wednesday Things


1. My parents are coming tomorrow or 10 days and our house is still a mess and I should probably go grocery shopping.

2. I have been keeping up with running 2-3 days per week and it feels so good. I am still working on finding time in my day for other workouts when Edith is awake and asleep.

3. Because of above I am really considering either a. getting back into regularly, weekly yoga classes or b. getting a gym membership after the holidays.

4. Neil’s Christmas party is next week and the dress I ordered just doesn’t work so now I’m on the lookout for a new dress. Any suggestions?

5. We didn’t end up going to Seattle for Thanksgiving due to Neil’s crazy work life so we didn’t have Asian food instead the morning of I decided to head to Whole Foods and buy the ingredients to make mashed potatoes, gravy, cranberry sauce, broccoletti, Celebration Roast and a French Apple Tart. After many hours of preparing dinner we sat down as a family to eat and were done in 15 minutes. So much work for such a quick meal. P.S. we were starving.

6. We took Edith to the Macy’s Holiday Parade in downtown Portland and she had an amazing time. While it wasn’t as thrilling for us adults and it was freezing the little munchkin had a blast until she had a meltdown that is.

7. I have been craving hot chocolate with vegan whipped cream for days and Neil kindly went out and bought the fixings. Last night I had a glorious cup of hot chocolate.

8. I am so in the mood to watch Christmas movies at the end of the day but lately I have been putting Edith to bed and falling asleep with her (err the other night that was at 7:30pm). Why am I such an old lady?

9. I am working on a project that will start the first week of January and hope to release it to you by the 22nd. So I guess I will have to stay up later than 7:30p if I want to get any work done.

10. Lastly, I need a really amazing recipe for tortillas because I am in the mood for amazing homemade corn tortillas, pinto beans and all the fixings. Please share!

Tell me one thing. Anything.


What My Toddler Wears: Reebok VentureFlex


Disclosure: This is a sponsored post with Reebok and FitFluential. Edith and I both received sneakers as compensation. All thoughts and opinions are honest and my own.

Usually I’m blogging about my own fitness gear but today it’s all about Edith. Recently she received her very own pair of Reebok VentureFlex and she is in love. Seriously this girl is crazy about shoes, I mean if she could wear them all day and night she would but these seem to be a favorite of hers. Every morning before we even get dressed for the day she grabs those shoes brings them to me, sits down and asks me to put them on her.


The VentureFlex, which is just for toddlers – girls and boys sizes 2-10, is more than just a cute shoe that Edith loves they are an overall great shoe. Reebok’s Ventureflex has an incredible flexible outsole, a sock liner tool which helps you quickly size your toddler’s foot and also a wide toe box. One feature I really appreciate is that the shoe offers a good amount of flexibility while still being supportive.

Reebok VentureFlex - great for climbing slides!

Reebok VentureFlex – great for climbing slides!

Although we were provided these shoes for free I have to say that as soon as Edith grows out of them I will be buying her another pair. These shoes have proven to be perfect for walks to the park, running around the playground and they have even made a trip to the science museum where they were worn while doing some crazy water play (yes they dried fairly quickly).  Overall a winning shoe and perfect timing as she had just grown out of her first pair of sneakers.

P.S. This product is available at Finishline in store and online at finishline.com

Currently 11.27.13

Coffee RistrettoThinking about:  What I’m going to make for Thanksgiving tomorrow. We aren’t really big on Thanksgiving and we weren’t even supposed to be in town this year but due to Neil’s crazy work schedule the last two weeks we decided to cancel our Seattle Trip and stay home. So now I’m trying to figure out just what I will be making tomorrow.

Feeling: Good. Excited for the holidays. Tired out.

Watching: I’m still watching Supernatural – sometimes I wonder why but apparently I’m addicted and it gets me through the early bedtimes with Edith that happen 2 or 3 times per week. Otherwise that’s pretty much it. With Neil so busy at work we haven’t been watching much TV.

Reading: I have been trying to catch up on my blog reading but that’s about it. I have a few books that I plan on reading but honestly don’t see that until the new year or until I charge my ipad.

Looking forward to: Neil having four days off from work!! The PDX Macy’s Day Parade, we actually weren’t going to go but then I entered a giveaway and won VIP tickets! I am also looking forward to other holiday events like the tree lighting over on Mississippi Ave and decorating our house (yes that is an event).

Making me happy What I’m Thankful For: My hard working husband who is a loving caring partner and father. My beautiful daughter who is the light of my life. Living in a place that I love and being surrounded by wonderful friends and family both near and far. What are you thankful for?

This post was inspired by Sometimes Sweet.

Overcoming Workout Obstacles

Neil is on a major deadline for a work project which has been consuming all of his time. He actually at work as I write this, it’s 6pm on a Sunday and he will probably be there for another 6 hours. This was our situation last weekend as well and every day this week he has been early to work, late to arrive home and after a quick dinner and story time he has been back to work. Needless to say we haven’t had a lot of family time and I haven’t had a lot of alone time to workout.

jogging stroller - kids reebok

Weeks like these I could just throw my hands up and not workout but instead I make alterations to my workout plan and try to get in as many workouts as possible. Often workouts have to be done with a toddler in tow so here are a a few ways I get a workout in:

  • Jogging Stroller. Seriously one of the best investments that we have ever made has been in buying our BOB jogging stroller. I use it at least twice per week to go out for a run with Edith (yay for being back in my running groove) and I often take her out at least one or two times for a nice long walk to the park.
  • Babywearing. You might be scratching you head and saying really? YES! Caring around my 20lb toddler IS a workout especially when we get out for a 2-2.5 mile walk. The days of easy babywearing are over but I still love it.
  • Chase The Toddler. This is a game E and I love to play. We head to the park and find a green area and I will run after her or circles around her and then come in for a big tickle session. I get my workout in and both of us get lots of laughing in.
  • Stair Climbing. Literally. We have a set of stairs that goes up to our main living area and E will stand at the top and I will run up and down the stairs (17 stairs total in case you are wondering).  I then reach through the gate and give her a tickle and she just laughs and laughs.
  • Dance Party. When the weather is dreary we put on music and dance around the house. The best part is I can really get going and get my heart rate up just by having a 30 minute dance party with E. Bonus she generally sleeps better on dance party nights.
  • Yoga Videos During Naps. I have tried to do other workout videos during naps but I often make a little too much noise but since yoga videos are generally calm and  quiet I am able to do them during nap time.

I am still trying to come up with some other ideas on ways to get workouts in while E is awake but so far I have a number of ones that work for me. That being said there are NO EXCUSES when it comes to getting at least four good workouts in per week.

Are there obstacles or challenges that are getting in the way of your workouts? How do you or could you overcome them?

Conclusion: Michelle Bridges 12 Week Body Transformation

12week3The following post is sponsored by Girls Gone Sporty on behalf of Michelle Bridges 12 Week Body Transformation. As always all opinions are my own.

I am in the homestretch for completing Michelle Bridges 12 Week Body Transformation 4-week preview plan. I am often not one to stick with training plans (with the exception of running) so I am proud of myself for sticking fairly close to this plan. I’m not going to tell you I didn’t have off days because I did have 3-4 but overall I stuck to the plan and I can tell you I notice a difference.

  • Weight: My weight fluctuated during this training time but overall I saw a 2lb lost (according to today’s weigh in). My goal was to be closer to 5lbs but I’m still happy with 2.
  • Inches (or Centimeters): Here is where I have seen more of a difference. It was a bit confusing to do everything in metric although after going to University in Canada I get why metric is just more accurate overall (take note American teachers). Anyways I lost centimeters around my hips, waist, arms, and legs which for me is even more significant that the overall weight loss. Clothes fit a bit better and I even went and bought myself some new items!
  • Workouts: I tried to stick close to the plan and I got in 90% of my workouts including a lot more running. I am feeling good and back on my game for sure. I am planning to keep up with running, strength training and also some yoga.
  • Food: This was the only real place I found issues. I tried most of the vegan recipes but since there was such a small selection my husband, daughter and I got bored fast with the options. Now I refuse to cook separate meals for the two of them so whatever I make is for all of us so I had to consider them a bit when choosing our meals for the week. I ended up creating meals a number of meals that stayed in my calorie allowance that were low in salt, sugar, fat and were filled with protein and important nutrients. Some of the dishes I made were gluten free pasta with lentil marinara, Buddha bowls, tempeh with greens and roasted roots and banana ice cream (whipped frozen bananas).

Overall my experience with this program was a positive one. I lost a little weight, lost centimeters and got back on track with working out. As I said in the past I have heard rumors that they will be increasing the number of vegan options so if you are vegan the selection of food should improve. I also really enjoyed the weekly motivational videos from Michelle Bridges. They really helped to keep me focused and on track with my goals.

So would I do the full 12 week program? Although I know it would be a huge challenge I would love to try it out. I was impressed with the preview and think that there is a lot of potential for this to be a really great 12 week program.

Do you think you would be interested in this program?