Currently 1.3.14

Soy steamer – yum.

Thinking about:  Getting things back on track around here when it comes to cooking meals, blogging and just everyday life. Also thinking about the mail that is needing to be shipped out- I seriously hate going to the post office!

Feeling: A bit better but still nauseous at times and tired out. Luckily 10 weeks hit and things started to get better and I’m hoping that by 14 weeks I’ll be feeling a bit back to normal.

Watching: Neil and I have become addicted to the show Haven (it’s on Netflix).  It’s based off a Stephen King novel and is seriously good.

Reading: I have been trying to catch up on some of my favorite blogs but computer screens still aren’t my favorite thing right now. I also received a few books for Christmas from Neil that I’d really like to get started.

Looking forward to: Date night tonight with Neil. Celebrating Neil’s birthday this weekend. A day that doesn’t involve gagging (thanks pregnancy).

Making me happy: Watching Edith and Neil interact these past two weeks. She is seriously addicted to daddy right now and I’m not sure how she is going to take him going back to work after two weeks of seeing him all day every day.

What are you doing currently?

This post was inspired by Sometimes Sweet.


Survival Mode

Screen Shot 2013-12-27 at 12.16.57 PMI know it’s been a bit since I last blogged and as much as I have been wanting to sit down and write it just hasn’t been happening. I am 9.5 weeks pregnant right now and nausea has not been a friend of mine. I basically have all day morning sickness and while I had bad nausea with Edith I didn’t have a toddler so it as a little easier. Most days I am up at 5am because I just can’t get back to sleep and then Edith is up by 6:30a and then from 7:30/8a – 6/7p I am at home with Edith where if I am lucky she will nap and I can take a nap with her. If she doesn’t nap then 9/10 times I am in bed with her at 7:30p because I am so exhausted I fall asleep while nursing her. As you can see computer time is then limited.

I am hoping that once I get closer to the second trimester my morning sickness will calm itself down and I can get back to a little bit of normalcy. While I have been feeling sick I have been trying to eat as well as I can and am still trying to get in 3-4 workouts per week. I just bought the Tracy Anderson Pregnancy Project and I am excited to start it.

Well that’s what I’ve been up to lately; what’s new with you?

Currently 12.23.13

Merry ChristmasThinking about:  Cleaning my house. Yeah I know not to exciting but after our holiday party Saturday my house needs a good cleaning. I’m also thinking about sitting on the couch, drinking hot chocolate and watching Christmas movies.

Feeling: Tired. Nauseous at times. Pregnant.

Watching: I finished all the Supernatural on Netflix and now I am anxiously waiting for the last season to make it to Netflix. I haven’t really been watching much besides The Office (for the milionth time) and Neil and I have been keeping up with Top Chef.

Reading: I haven’t been reading much besides children’s books with Edith.

Looking forward to: The next two weeks! Neil is off for two whole weeks and I am thrilled to have him home. He has been working insane hours and this is a very necessary break.

Making me happy: My husband, family and friends and all their support for baby #2. Holiday parties. Christmas movies.

This post was inspired by Sometimes Sweet.

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p.s. I am doing an official pregnancy announcement on Naturally Family soon so if you have any questions you’d like me to answer please let me know!

{Recipe} Chocolate Cinnamon Pecan Tart


When I was a child my grandmother would always bake pies for every holiday and family get together. She always had a bit of left over dough and would let my cousins and I roll out the scraps and spring with cinnamon and sugar, roll it up and bake it. This recipe is a reminder of those same flavors and a reminder of the wonderful times we had baking together.


• 1 uncooked pie crust rolled out to 1/8-1/4 inch think

• 1 cup chopped pecans

• 1/3 cup brown sugar

• 2/3 cup mini chocolate chips

• 2 teaspoons cinnamon

• 1/2 teaspoons salt

• 2 tablespoons melted margarine or butter


Preheat oven for 425F. Toss the pecans, sugar, chocolate chips, cinnamon, and salt together. Stir in
the melted butter. Place the pie crust on the cookie sheet and pour the pecan mixture into the middle leaving at least an inch of dough around it. Fold the edges of the dough up and over the mixture, overlapping as you go along. Place the tart in the oven and bake for 25 minutes, until lightly browned. Allow to cool for at least 10 minutes on a wire rack before cutting.

Holiday Gift Guide: The Perfect Gift For Active Women

The Koss products feature is sponsored by FitFluential LLC. No other items are sponsored. All items  I personally use and all opinions are my own.

Most of us will have some sort of fitness related resolution coming up for the new year as well whether it is to run a half marathon, join a Crossfit gym or to try a new fitness class. For me the holidays are a perfect time to stock up on new fitness gear and accessories to get ready for the new year.  While I have a number of items on my list I wanted to feature a few of my favorite items for this holiday season.

Holiday Gift Guide: The Perfect Gift For Active Women

1. Koss FitBuds or FitClips ($29.99; however you can find them for $19.99 at Sears, Kmart & Best Buy this holiday season): I just recently tried both of these products out and they are great! I was in need of a new pair of headphones and I have to say the FitBuds were just the right fit for me however I know a lot of people, especially runners, that love the FitClips style. These headphones are designed by a woman for women so (hopefully) that means your husband or boyfriend won’t be stealing them. They are perfect for working out because they are both sweat resistant and they both come with  three sizes of ear cushions so you get the perfect fit.

2. FitBit Flex ($99): Neil bought me one of these for my birthday and although I have misplaced my charger in the midst of our move it is an item that I love. I love that I can tracks steps, distance, calories burned and active minutes. I can also track my sleeping patterns. I also love that it comes in multiple colors and that it is slim and comfortable to wear all day.

3. Reebok Crossfit Nano ($110): So I see they have come out with a 3.0 which I bet is fantastic but I have the 2.0’s and I LOVE them for cross training. Now I don’t do crossfit but these shoes have proven to be fantastic for strength training and cross training. So if you are looking for a good strength training shoe or maybe you are looking to join a crossfit gym these are a great item to add to your Christmas list.

4. Blender Bottle Sport Mixer ($13): I feel in love with so Blender Bottle many years ago and while I started with the original style the Sport Mixer is my favorite. I use it as a water bottle and as a blender bottle to mix up my vegan protein powders. The little whisk ball makes my smoothies nice and creamy. Pair this with a single serving size protein powder for the perfect gift.

5. Rodney Yee A.M. Yoga for Your Week ($20): I know this isn’t the first time and probably isn’t the last time you will see me sing the praises of Rodney Yee at home yoga videos. I am seriously a huge fanatic of his yoga videos because of his calm presence, the style of videos and the variety of yoga options. I love this one because it has five 20-minute yoga videos that you can easily do before you head off to work.

So those are my top five gifts for active women- what is on your list?

Weekend Things


1. This has been a crazy week for us. My parents are in town, Neil has been working crazy hours and I’ve been dealing with a bit of a stomach bug.

2. While I love that my parents are visiting I have to say that having guests is overwhelming at times and completely throws off our schedule. We will have had 10 good days together and I am now looking forward to getting back to our usual routine.

3. I have a few sponsored posts coming up. Just an FYI.

4. We have been taking in the holiday sites and events here in Portland including Zoo Lights and The Christmas Ships. We have a few more events on the agenda as well.

5. I have about 6 loads of laundry to do and 4 to put away. It’s never ending.

6. Last night was Neil’s holiday party and let me tell you I felt like an old lady. Music too loud, I was the DD so no drinks for me and who eats dinner at 8pm? We had a good time but let me tell you when 10:30 rolled around and we could go home I was so ready.

7. I would love for someone to bake me some vegan gingerbread cookies. I guess I could do it myself.

8. I haven’t watched nearly enough holiday movies yet this season. I still need to watch Home Alone 1 & 2, ELF and The Santa Claus 1, 2 & 3.

Share sometime with me.

12 Holiday Recipes: From Appetizer to Dessert

This post is sponsored by Foodie. All opinions are my own.


Can you believe the holidays are just around the corner? I haven’t even started to plan my menu yet but I can guarantee you that at least three of the following recipes will be on my list. Now I just have to decide brunch or dinner? What do you prefer?

I have a feeling I might lean towards brunch and do yummy maple pumpkin pancakes, gingerbread and of course we need some chocolate to snack on all day. I also want to make some vegan cheese balls but hmm so many options!!

Here are 12 recipes that I am loving for this holiday season.

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