Blogging // How Much Are You Worth?

Disclaimer: I have chosen to the blackout the names of the people, event and minor details in order to not draw negative attention to this specific event or the people involved.

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I was recently approached about covering a local event here in Portland. I was thrilled to be asked and was really excited about the event. The initial e-mail didn’t include any details beyond when, what and a link to the event so I responded that I was interested and looked forward to hearing more. Finally 18 days later I heard back from my contact stating that media bloggers would be receiving standard passes and that more details would be sent soon regarding the event. This was my first red flag.

A standard individual pass for this event has a value of $20 however at the time this was all happening you could buy a standard pass for $10 via groupon. This standard pass basically included admission and few minor things that really had little to no value.

My response to this email:
Screen Shot 2014-05-08 at 9.09.40 PMFive Days Later this is their response:

Blogger WorthHours:

  • 2-3 Weeks of Social Media Buzz –> 2 hours
  • Attend Event and Interview Sponsors, Interview Key Note Speakers, and Live Social Media Coverage –> 8 hours
  • Blog post about event –> 4 hours (this includes time to edit photos, work on the post, edit post, social media around post )
  • Blog post review for the kit –> 3 hours (this includes time to edit photos, work on the post, edit post, social media around post )

Total Time: 17 Hours

Value: $80 = $4.70/hour –> I do not consider the Blogger Power Hour or VIP seating to have any value in the situation. As for a Blogger Exhibit space a. I don’t have a newsletter and promotional material beyond my business cards to hand out and b. I am not sure how I am supposed to attend the event, interview companies and key note speakers and try to work an exhibitor table; honestly it’s easier for me to walk around and interact with attendees and pass out my business cards. The Kit valued at $50 really shouldn’t be in the “what we’d love to offer you” section but rather in the “what we’d love from you” due to the fact that there is an expectation to do a blog review and company profile with it; as you can see this blog post is included above in the hours.

For fun let’s consider the giveaway option as well:

  • Blog post prior to event –> 2 hours
  • Standard sidebar AD

Total Time: 2 hours

Value: $30 – $20 for sidebar AD = $10

Total Value for both: $90/19hours = $4.73/hour <– minimum wage in Oregon is $9.10/hour and LIVING WAGE is $9.42/hour

Needless to say I declined participating as a blogger at this event because simply the cost/benefit of attending was just not worth it. I honestly felt insulted by the imbalance between the offer and expectations.

Curious about how much I’m worth? My rates basic rates for a sponsored blog post including 3-5 social media shares starts at a value of $100 however the average is $175 –>  what is that hourly? $175 divided by 7 hours (prep, photos, post, edits, social media) = average $25/hour.  While I do some free work/product only work I am selective about who I work with and only tend to work with companies that I already have a relationship with or ones that have a product/service that I love or think is a good fit for me, my blog and my readers.

How much are you worth? Consider this next time you are approached to review a product or attend an event.

Update: Since I wrote this post I did end up attending the event however not as a blogger but with a company that I work with frequently.  The event overall was unfortunately poorly run and has resulted in a lot of negative feedback from attendees.  I have to say in the end I am glad that I did not participate in this event as a blogger because I honestly would have had very little positive feedback to provide my readers. I also ran into a fellow blogger at the event who also had been invited to be a VIP blogger and she also declined due the requirements and the simple fact that their expectations versus the compensation was simply insulting.


Things I’m Loving Lately: Weekend Edition

Salt & Straw: Coconut Ice Cream with Petunia’s Salted Caramel Bar –> Seriously this ice cream is insane.  It was just released on Thursday and we already went for cones and then yesterday we bought a pint for our anniversary (hmmm and there are leftovers in the freezer…)
salt and straw petunia's(Almost) Nightly Park Dates: we have been taking Edith to the park almost nightly to have a little outside time before bed and so Neil and Edith can go down the slides. Edith is too much sometimes – lately after every turn she has on the slide she wants Neil go to down too and will sit next to the slide and say ‘dada, slide’ and won’t move until he takes his turn. sellwood parkSoaking Up The Moments With Edith: We are going to a family of four soon and while I am excited (and nervous) for this new journey I am trying to soak up the time I have with Edith before our new baby arrives.
mt tabor park belly ball
Celebrating Life With Neil: This Saturday we celebrated 6 years of marriage. What a ride it has been and I can’t wait to celebrate many, many, many, many more years.
What are you loving lately?

Recipe | Arugula Pesto | Vegan

Arugula PestoI don’t know what it is but in the last two years I have been nuts for pesto. It’s something I am making over and over again and there honestly aren’t a ton of things that I make over and over again. However, the thing is I am kind of meh about basil. I like it fine but only in small amounts and I don’t really care for basil pesto, so that’s when I started trying other greens.

I have tried baby kale pesto (too bitter), I’ve tried parsley pesto which I like (hmm I should make it again soon), I have tried spinach pesto (that was a flop) and then I found baby arugula (it was just right). I have absolutely fallen in love with arugula pesto and it is my FAVORITE.

The other dilemma I have run into when it comes to pesto is what type of nut/seed to use. I love the traditional pine nuts but they are SO expensive so I have been playing around with less expensive nuts and seeds to try and find what I like. I have tried sunflower seeds and hemp seeds (both make for chunky pesto), pumpkin seeds (good but not my go to), cashews (make a super cream pesto, but not nutty enough), and then there are walnuts (again these were just right.)  So walnuts are my go to nut component in my pesto because it makes a smooth pesto with a nice nutty taste.

So how do you make my arugula pesto?

  • 1/2-3/4 cup nutritional yeast
  • 3 garlic cloves
  • 3/4 cup raw walnuts
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt

Place that all in the bowl of a food processor fitted with the s-blade and process until crumbly.

  • 4 cups loosely packed arugula
  • juice of 1/2 lemon (optional)

Add and pulse 10-12 times.

  • 1/2-1 cup extra virgin olive oil

Now with the processor on slowly drizzle in the olive oil until you have reached a smooth consistency.

Store in a jar in the fridge for up to a week or freeze!

Healthy Challenge | (No) TV Challenge

I am behind. Or at least it feels that way.

Behind on blog posts, behind on housework, behind on getting ready for this baby, behind on my workouts…

Maybe it’s nesting or finally realizing that um we are going to have a baby sometime in the next 6-11 weeks. I just am feeling like I have so much to do and I haven’t been making time to do it. Yes, I haven’t been making the time. It’s not that there hasn’t been time but rather I have been doing other things with my time which lately has mostly been catching up on TV shows almost nightly and well doing nothing but sitting. While I am getting more and more tired out as I get deeper into this third trimester I also know that I could be a little more productive with my free time (aka time when Edith is sleeping).

How I currently feel about TV aka give me all the TV (after the tot goes to bed)

How I currently feel about TV aka give me all the TV (after the tot goes to bed)

That all being said Neil is feeling the same way about his nights and weekends and so we have decided to make a change.

Edith (generally) is up from 6/6:30a-12p, naps 12-1:30/2p, and then heads to bed between 6:45-7:30p. During her naptime I often find myself lounging on the couch watching a show. Instead I know I need to use some of this time to get housework done, respond to emails and catch up on blogging or any other task. On days that I need a break instead of watching TV I should be reading or napping.

As for nights it’s so easy to just plop down on the couch and watch TV/browse Pinterest. Instead of doing that the goal is to do something productive including a quick 5 minute pickup around the house.

So this month Neil and I are challenging ourselves (and you) to do the following:

Sunday-Thursday: No TV before 9pm and max of one episode of a show.

Friday & Saturday: No TV before 7pm. No max.

I know this should be easy but when you are an exhausted pregnant lady with a toddler sometimes you just want to veg out on the couch. I know I will thank myself later (especially when #2 arrives) that I was more productive with my time.

How about you? Are you ready to take on the challenge?

Currently 5.23.14

IMG_7790Doing: At this moment I am working on 8 weeks of meal plans because I am officially crazy. Seriously not sure what has motivated me to do this but I have spent the week (yes week) working on this. I must be nesting.

Thinking about: How long we are going to need to boil our water and how much water we should stock up on. Oh what am I talking about? We have an E.Coli contamination of our water here in Portland. AWESOME, right?

Watching: I have been watching Royal Pains on Nextflix and Neil and I have been watching The Following <– have you watched this yet? Seriously insane!  

Looking forward to: The long weekend! So glad to have Neil home for three full days. I’m also looking forward to a BBQ with friends on Saturday. I think this is the first weekend in years that we haven’t gone out of town for the long weekend so it will be nice to relax.

Reading: Unlike many other Currently updates I actually have been doing a good amount of reading. I read The Casual Vacancy and then I just finished Orange Is The New Black. Right now I am reading The Book Thief and The Conscious Parenting. I loved both The Casual Vacancy and Orange Is The New Black (and no I haven’t watched the series-yet).  Would you be interested in mini book reviews?

Loving: Lemonade. Daily Burn. Maxi Dresses. Full Panel Maternity Shorts. 

As always this post is inspired by Sometimes Sweet.