6 Recipes for Cool Weather

6 recipes for cool weather

I am working on a number of new recipes right now (yay!) but until then I wanted to re-share a few of my favorite Fall recipes.

Chickpea Tomato MinestroneThis actually isn’t one of my recipes but rather a recipe that I had pinned and tried. It is super hearty and warming.

Vegan Pumpkin Pie: First off Happy Canadian Thanksgiving to my friends (and husband). This recipe while perfect for the upcoming American Thanksgiving holiday it is really great anytime. Seriously rich and delicious.

Creamy Curry Butternut Squash Mac & Cheese (vegan): I crave this all year long and make it (or variations) at least once or twice per month. I haven’t made it myself this month but I think it’s long over due and with squash in season it’s the perfect time.

Cinnamon Chocolate Pecan Tart: This is super indulgent and perfect for the Thanksgiving holiday.

French Lentil Dahl: I am a huge lover of lentils and this rich and hearty soup is perfect for the cooling weather. I like to pair it with a nice green salad with French Vinaigrette and a slice or two of baguette.

Chickpea Potato Tagine: This warm and heart tagine is sweet, a little spicy and earthy. So delicious.

What are you favorite cool weather recipes? Have you tried any of the recipes above? Any cool weather recipe requests?

Currently. 10.7.14


Doing: Watching Gilmore Girls and passing a baby with an upset stomach back and forth. Also listening to Edith over the monitor as she makes all the sounds from the Potty book.

Thinking about: How much clutter this house is right now. We had an Ikea order dropped off yesterday which set into motion getting more things unpacked, furniture put together and other furniture moved around but with two kids and work the whole process takes a lot longer.  Things are coming along however and I am really loving our dining room area; now we just need to get ourselves a new dining room set.

Watching: see doing.

Looking forward to: The weekend! We are going to do some fruit harvesting with some other PDX bloggers and I can’t wait! We will be harvesting grapes and maybe apples. Then it’s off to dinner at a friends house and then Sunday I am getting my hair cut for the first time since April (!!).

Reading: I’ve been reading some preschool homeschool/activity books as I prepare for preschool homeschooling this winter.

Loving: I am loving all things pumpkin right now and it’s kind of crazy because I don’t usually go for the whole pumpkin spiced everything craze but this year the I’m all into it. I am also loving Neil for finally getting Alder to calm down and fall asleep – poor boy has an upset stomach I think (insert sad face).

As always this post is inspired by Sometimes Sweet.

RWT Reader Survey

The Pumpkin Patch- family smiles ikeabeds

Hi Friends! Hope you had a wonderful weekend! We spent the weekend sipping coffee, shopping at the farmers market and playing at the pumpkin patch. Now it’s Monday and I’m wondering where the bottomless cup of coffee is while I wait for Ikea to deliver our new mattress (wahoo!). I’m working on improving content over here on RWT and I have a survey for you to take (it takes literally 30 seconds) so if you wouldn’t mind clicking here and taking it I’ll be forever grateful.

*Click the words above to view photos from our weekend via our Instagram accounts. 

BODY AFTER BABY | Skin Care Products


I have always been interested in skin care products and make up but I really have never taken anytime to learn more and try products. I basically only use a shampoo/body wash combo, conditioner, deodorant (sometimes- hey just being honest) and when my skin is really dried out I might use a lotion but usually I just end up using a sample when I’m out at a store. I also have a little bit of make up but rarely wear it.

I know from the list above it would seem that I don’t really care about taking care of my skin and hair or taking time to put myself together.  The thing is I DO want to take better care of hair and skin and look more put together but I honestly haven’t wanted to spend the money to invest in it, especially when I feel like I don’t know where to start. That’s where Mamamio Skincare comes in; they generously sent me a variety of samples of their pregnancy/postpartum skincare products and I’m ready to take on the challenge of using them.

As part of my Body After Baby journey I really want to take back myself. I want to not only feel healthy but I want to look healthy and put together. I know that being a mom doesn’t mean I have to look like a slob and that doing a few simple things for myself every day like washing my face (yeah I’m terrible and only wash my face in the shower which is like 3-4 days per week), put on a little lotion and/or body oil and also put on a little bit of make up (don’t worry I’m not going to crazy I’m talking just a little foundation, blush, mascara and lip gloss) is going to make me feel better. I think it will also make me feel more productive during the day and motivated to keep taking care of myself.

Today was the first day I used any of the Mamamio Skincare products and after washing my face, putting on some of the Tummy Rub Oil and Goodbye Stretch Mark Lotion I am already feeling a little better and I haven’t even gotten dressed yet.  I need to remind myself that I do have 5-10 minutes per day to do a few little things like this for myself. If I feel good then I can be more focused and productive during the day and that’s better for me, my children and my husband. So I am here to say that I am challenging myself to 30 days of using these products and I will report back at the end of the month about how I feel. Also just for fun I’ll be doing a little giveaway of a few Mamamio Skincare products over on Naturally Family; you can check out the giveaway items over on the NF Instagram account. 

What are your favorite skincare products? What is your beauty routine like? Any tips? 

What I Ate Wednesday: Lately Edition

It has been a long time since I participated in a What I Ate Wednesday. This one planned so it’s a random mish mash of my favorite things I have eaten lately. If you’d like to see more daily eats please let me know in the comments! Also recipes are going to be making a comeback soon!
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Tuesday Night Dinner: roasted carrots, parsnips, red onion and delicata squash with crispy(ish) kale, maple tahini dressing and pomegranate

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Vanilla hemp milk pumpkin spiced latte

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Canteen: SOUTHERN BOWL–> bbq soy curls/collard greens/black eyed peas/brown rice/carrot & cabbage slaw/cashew ranch/greenonions

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Canteen: Pumpkin Cheezcake


The best chocolate ever.

What have you been eating lately?