Fitness Friday | barre3 Anywhere Challenge

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Take four 60-minute workouts per week
Do one 10-minute outdoor workout per week
Try one new summery barre3 recipe per week

You guys I can’t believe it’s almost June (and I’m still not back to running). This month I have been focusing a lot on my physical therapy exercises and taking advantage (when I can) of ClassPass.  So that leads me to June plans. I am going to continue with PT for now and I’m still working at getting back to running but my big fitness plans are to participate in the barre3 Anywhere Challenge. 

As many of you know I have been really into barre workouts lately and have been doing barre3 online workouts for the past few months and I also have attend a few barre classes this month (unfortunately not barre3-yet). That being said when I saw barre3 post about their June challenge I immediately went and signed up to participate (it’s $15 for a month of the online program but if you already have a membership it’s “free”).

While you could do all your workouts online with the exception of the 10-minute outdoor workout you could always drop into a studio and try out a class. I am really hoping that I can make it to a live class in June (fingers crossed) until then I’ll be sticking to online classes. There are so many new classes that I haven’t tired yet but I probably will turn to some favorites which include Post Baby Bounce Back and Studio Fit

Who wants to join me this month? 

*This post is not sponsored. I paid for my own barre3 membership through June. 

My First Floating Experience | Float On Portland


This past Saturday Neil and I headed to Float On, a sensory deprivation float tank center here in SE Portland, for our very first floating experience. I’ll admit I was pretty excited but I also was feeling pretty anxious as well. The thought of closing myself in a tank, in the dark and just floating there really freaked me out however the benefits which include deep relaxation, stress & pain relief where pretty enticing. 


Screen Shot 2015-05-17 at 8.32.28 PMOnce we arrived I tried to calm my nerves by reading the Beginners Guide to Floating over and over but after the fifth time I was just making myself more anxious. So I put it down, grabbed a cup of herbal tea (caffeine is not recommended 4-6 hours before floating) and just tried to relax until it was time to float.   
FloatOn-5Once it was time to float Neil and I were given a little tour of the float rooms. We had rooms 1 and 2– the ocean float rooms which are taller and have a light as well. Neil was lucky and got room #2 the room with the star lights on the ceiling of the tank (see photo below). 

Once we were walked through the steps of floating and I realized just how in control of the situation I was I began to feel less anxious. It also helped when I found out the float tank only contained around a foot of water. 

Now it’s time to actually float. I put in my ear plugs which transported me back to my childhood when I had tubes and had to wear ear plugs to swim. Anyways moving on. 

I showered (check out the lighted shower) and then it was time to hop into the tank. I chose to bring in the neck noodle just in case I wanted to use it to support my neck (and I did).


photo credit

I climbed into the tank, closed the door, took a deep breath and turned out the light. I instantly felt super relaxed just floating there. Neil and I both agreed that while floating we felt both heavy and weightless at the same time. Being in the dark wasn’t strange at all, I actually found it completely relaxing and it wasn’t until I started feeling a little stuffy that I really noticed that I was closed in; you really just lose all sense of space. When I started to feel a little stuffy I felt around, grabbed the handle and popped open the door just a crack to let in a whoosh of cool air.


photo credit

So what did I do while I floated? Nothing really. I just floated and I spent some time focusing on my breath. I actually thought that I would spend a lot of time thinking and brainstorming but instead my mind just calmed down and I really didn’t think about much at all. I just completely relaxed. I thought I might fall asleep as well but I didn’t, I just floated there with my eyes wide open until it was time to get out.

As I said above you lose all sense of space (unless you drift towards a wall and touch it) and you also lose all sense of time. I will admit I started to feel a little bit anxious towards the end because my life seems to revolve around the clock. I start my morning trying to help Neil get out of the house in time for work and then the day revolves around nap times and meal times so not knowing how much longer I had made me want to jump out and check my phone -and I almost did. It wasn’t because I wanted to be done but rather because I had no idea how much time had passed. In the end I didn’t jump out to check my phone because seconds later the music came on signaling that my float was over and it was time to get out, shower and be on my way. 


The above photo is a perfect image of blissed out Neil. Seriously we both left in a positive state of mind. We were relaxed and just felt absolutely amazing. 

Would I float again? YES! I would definitely float again and I think that the next time I will most likely be even more relaxed because all of those (silly) little anxieties I had won’t be there. I think knowing that I could get out of the tank whenever I felt the need (ie. just feeling uneasy, needing to go to the bathroom, get a drink of water, ect.) really made me feel in control and okay to do the float. Once I actually started the float I was kicking myself for not trying it sooner, especially when I was pregnant. I mean seriously what could be better than essentially feeling weightless while pregnant. Plus I truly believe water is a magical thing that just makes life better.

After floating I was thinking about how often I turn to water for therapeutic reasons for myself. I take a shower when I am feeling anxious or frustrated or a bath when I am feeling sore or just need to relax. I give the kids a bath or we do some sort of water play when they are cranky. So really floating is just another level of these things and when I think about it that way it makes so much sense to me why people love to do it. 

Have you ever tried floating? Would you like to? 

*Disclaimer: Float On provided Neil and I with free floats. I was not required to write a positive review and I received no compensation for this post. 

WIAW: Rawdacious | Portland, OR

Rawdacious PDX

This week it’s all about the cheesecake; specifically gluten free and vegan cheesecake from Rawdacious here in Portland. 
Rawdacious PDX-1

Yesterday I had the opportunity to visit the Rawdacious kitchen to see where all the magic happens. Little did I know until about an hour before going that I had actually tried these delicious cheesecakes before at some of my favorite Portland restaurants. So that being said I was even more excited to try some new flavors. When I arrived Jenn, the owner of Rawdacious, presented me with three mini cheesecakes to sample.  While we chatted away while I stuffed myself silly with the most insanely delicious gluten free and vegan cheesecakes.  

Rawdacious PDX -12

I sampled the Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip, Northwest berries and cream and a chocolate one that I am forgetting the official name of. Of the three the PB one was my favorite but I already knew this because I have enjoyed it before at Sweet Hereafter and The Bye and Bye. I actually had no idea that cheesecakes at these two places where from Rawdacious but now I do and so do you!. My other absolute favorite from Rawdacious is the seasonal pumpkin cheesecake that I had last Fall at Canteen (see photo here).

Rawdacious PDX -11Anyone want to go in on this Matcha With Coconut Cheesecake? Rawdacious PDX-5

All of the cheesecakes are naturally vegan and gluten-free without a soy base. The raw base of the cheesecakes is made from organic cashews, homemade organic almond milk and organic coconut oil. The cheesecakes filled with quality organic and locally sourced ingredients whenever possible. You can read more about the cheesecakes here.

Rawdacious PDX -1

These beautiful and delicious handcrafted cheesecakes now come in mini sizes as well and can be found at Alberta Co-op, People’s CoopFood Front Cooperative and this summer you can find them at the St. John’s Farmers Market. You can also find them at a few other shops and restaurants around town including two of my favorites Prasad and HarlowRawdacious PDX -2

Not interested in venturing out for cheesecake? You could always have Postmates (if you’re lucky enough to live in the radius) deliver a 4-pack of minis or even a whole cake right to your doorstep. Rawdacious also takes special orders and does catering and would be perfect for a wedding or your next party ; Edith has already requested a few mini’s for her birthday (I don’t know who’s more excited me or her). Until then I’ll just have to find excuses to pick up a slice or mini when we are out and about.

Which flavor of Rawdacious cheesecake would you like to try? The Lemon Fig is at the top of my list and the Coffee With Cream & Fudge and ….well all of them really. 

*Disclaimer: I was invited to visit the kitchen and sample the cheesecakes. I was not compensated in any way for this post. I just simply can’t tell you enough about how insanely good these cheesecakes are. 

Fun In The Sun At The Oregon Coast Plus Tips To Protect Against Harmful UV Exposure


This past weekend we packed ourselves up and headed west to the Oregon Coast. This trip was a bit last minute but we ended up finding a great rental in Arch Cape just half way between Cannon Beach and Manzanita. The beach house was located just one block from the beach so it was a perfect location for us. Of course as soon as we arrived and unpacked the groceries we had to head to the beach so we did a quick outfit change on the kids and headed down to play in the sand and sunshine.




It was a bit windy but we had a great time. 


I’ll be sharing a more detailed post from our weekend over on Naturally Family but first I wanted to share Edith and Alder’s outfits.

Edith’s top (bottom’s I purchased from REI) and Alder’s outfit are both from Coolibar – aren’t they super cute? Both are not only great for splashing in the waves at the beach but also for protecting their skin from harmful UV radiation. I loved that Alder’s little romper also had snaps along the legs for easy diaper changes when necessary. The kids both seemed to be comfortable in the outfits and I loved how soft the fabric is against their skin. Alder’s growing so quickly though that it looks like we will be needing to buy him a size up very soon since we plan to spend many weekends at the coast and by our community pool.

What did you do this weekend? Anything fun for Mother’s Day?

Coolibar’s Tips For Outdoor Enthusiasts to Stay Protected From Harmful UV Radiation:

  • Wear lightweight moisture wicking sun-protective clothing. T-shirts are NOT adequate protection against UV rays. Along with the UPF 50+ rating in your clothing, it¹s important to wear moisture wicking clothing so you don¹t overheat.
  • A wide-brim hat is a must for golfers, walkers and spectators and provides extra coverage to the neck and shoulders, areas that often get more sun exposure. Every inch of hat brim can lower your lifetime risk of skin cancer by 10%. For runners, choose lightweight hats that cover the top of the head and neck.
  • When possible, avoid outdoor activity between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m., when the sun¹s UV radiation is most intense.
  • Keep sunscreen and a hat in your sports/gym bag so they are always available. Use a golf umbrella for shade when walking or waiting.
  • Remember to reapply your sunscreen every every two hours, or more often if sweating or swimming. Use sport sunscreen so it doesn’t run and irritate your eyes.
  • Wear sunglasses. In addition to protecting eyes from UV exposure, another cancer risk, the right sunglasses offer impact protection, and reduce reflection on the road, field or course.

About Coolibar

Coolibar, based in Minneapolis, the company was founded in 2001 to bring Australia¹s world-leading approaches to sun protection to the America. Coolibar is dedicated to the highest quality sun protective clothing, hats and accessories and guarantees UPF 50+ ratings for the life of their garments.  Each garment is developed with sun protection as the number one priority with a full line of proprietary SUNTECT® fabrics. Coolibar has been recognized by the Skin Cancer Foundation, the American Academy of Dermatology and the Melanoma International Foundation for effective sun protection. For information about Coolibar, go or follow them on Facebook Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram.

Disclaimer: This post contains no sponsored content. Occasionally I am sent products for review/feature but they will only be featured if I truly like them and would purchase myself in the future.

7 YouTube Channels For Free Workout Videos

I have been enjoying creating all kinds of stories over on my account. I thought since it’s Fitness Friday I would share my favorite YouTube channels for workouts. Do you have any favorite YouTube fitness channels?

Check out 7 YouTube Channels For Free Workout Videos

by Lindsay at Mode

*this post is NOT sponsored. I am just sharing with you because it was fun to make and I think these YouTubers are great.

WIAW | Picnic at TheLadybug Park

WIAW | Picnic At The Ladybug Park

Saturday morning after Neil returned from his running group Edith and I headed out for some much needed mommy-daughter time. Of course with Edith that time usually involves talking about what Dada and Alder are doing and eventually we decided to pick up some picnic provisions and meet them at the ladybug park (a Edith likes because there is a ladybug play structure). WIAW | Picnic At The Ladybug Park | Gonzo Hummus

I finally got my hands on a container of Gonzo Hummus which is local to Portland and Gonzo is one of our favorite food trucks so I was thrilled to be able to have their hummus at home. This hummus is seriously so amazing and next time I’ll pick up one of the ones with their homemade hot sauces too. WIAW | Picnic At The Ladybug Park | Hummus WIAW | Picnic At The Ladybug Park | strawberries

Along with hummus Neil and I split a Veggie Chick sandwich which is really a treat because it’s not the healthiest of sandwiches (unfortunately) but it tastes so good. We also enjoyed some incredibly sweet organic strawberries and organic blueberries. We also had some crackers to along with the hummus.WIAW | Picnic At The Ladybug Park | Kevita

To quench our thirst we shared some water and a Ketiva Master Brew Kombucha.  I had heard about these kombuchas before but hadn’t found them locally until this weekend (I found them at the Alberta Co-op and then saw them Sunday at New Seasons for those who are local). They are exactly the type of kombucha I like to drink, not too sweet and a little bit funky. I also recently had a free product coupon and tried the Ketiva Cleansing Probotic Tonics and those are pretty amazing as well. WIAW | Picnic At The Ladybug Park | Hide & Seek

We finished off our picnic with some hide-and-seek and cuddles in the sunshine.

WIAW | Picnic At The Ladybug Park |