Our CSA starts today!

This Week’s Share Contains Fennel; Bunch Sweet Salad Turnips; Mixed Sweet Peppers; Walla Walla (Sweet Onions); Bunch Mizuna; Green and/or Purple Pac Choi; Delicata Squash; Bunch Curley Parsley; Red Norland Potatoes; Shallots; Vermont Cranberry Company Dried Cranberries; Maplebrook Farm Ricotta Cheese; and Elmore Mountain Pain au Levain bread.

so our non-vegan partners will take the cheese and we will have to figure out the rest but i am excited to use all these ingredients!


Neil got a raise I think this means an out to dinner celebration! We are going out to A Single Pebble! yummy food here we come!

Things have been crazy busy and little real recipe cooking has been done. Mostly we have just been throwing easy things together at home.

Care Package Swap

I am glad to see that there has been a good amount of interest that has sparked from the idea of doing a vegan care package exchange. Now I would like to move on to the next step which would be getting this all going. If you are really interested in doing this please send me a an e-mail at cookingforaveganlover@gmail.com by October 31st, 2008. I will then let you know within a week who your partners are and you are expected to send your packages within a month of receiving this information.

Please just send me a note with an e-mail address that you would like to be contacted by and whether you are willing to exchange internationally or not. Please do not send me your address I will then match you up with someone and give each of you each others e-mail contacts and it is up to you to exchange mailing addresses. As well please expect to spend around $20 on goods, if you would like to spend more than do so however do not be disappointed if your partner does not do the same. As well this is all based on trust that whoever is participating in this exchange will actually follow through on the exchange, BE AWARE that someone may default and that there is nothing that I can do regulate whether your partner will follow through or not you have to trust that both of you really want to participate. If you don’t feel like you will be able to participate to the full extent please do not respond to this.

I look forward to seeing how many people are interested in participating. Please encourage other vegan bloggers to participate as well.

Vegan November Care Package Swap

So I was drawn to the PPK forum because of this idea of vegan care package exchange which I think is a great idea and would love to participate in. However there are two problems:
1. it’s over on the PPK
2. (this is the big one) I have not been posting on the PPK for 6mos. nor do I have 1000 posts so apparently I couldn’t even participate if I wanted to….it is said that those who do not fulfill one of the two requirements are statistically more apt to default on the exchange.

So now is where I propose an exchange with someone. I have no idea how many people acutally read this blog but I would really like to put the idea of an exchange out there. I am willing to send anywhere.

So comment below if you are interested and we can get this started.

Veganmofo- survey…3?

I finished the gym earlier than I thought so here I am at my desk dreading the minutes until I acutally feel obligated to start doing something work related. Until then however…lets survey:
(oh and p.s. I took pictures of the tofu loaf ….which was delicious….however my camera battery died and I have to find it’s charger so I will upload a picture soon!)

1. What was the most recent tea you drank?
Yogi- peach detox

2. What vegan forums do you post/lurk on? If so, what is your username? Spill!
I’m lindzveganlover on the PPK

3. You have to have tofu for dinner, and it has be an Italian dish. What comes to mind first?
tofu pumpkin manicotti

4. How many vegan blogs do you read on an average day?
pretty much I read blogs constantly at work when I have nothing else to do.

5. Besides your own, what is the most recent one you’ve read?
I just read The Spice Must Flow….that’s where I got this survey from

6. If you could hang out with a vegan blogger that you haven’t met, who would it be, and what would you do?
that’s weird to say.

7. If you had to base your dinners for a week around one of the holy trilogy – tofu, seitan or tempeh, which would it be?

8. If you had to use one in a fight, which would it be?
what???!um seitan because it is tough.

9. Name 3 meals you’d realistically make with that tough protein of choice!
seitan satay, seitan burgers, sweet and sour crispy seitan

10. What’s a recipe in vegan blogland that you’ve been eyeing?
it’s more like which one haven’t I been….
But I really want to make the Spicy Vegan Hot Wings from http://www.myvegancookbook.com/blog/?p=62

11. Do you own any clothing with vegan messages/brands on them?
no I don’t think so

12. Have you made your pilgrimage to the ‘vegan mecca’ yet? (Portland, duh)
not yet

13. What age did you first go vegan? Did it stick?
the first time I was 17, it didn’t stick I wasn’t healthy about it. Then I began vegan again at 21 and it has stuck.

14. What is the worst vegan meal you’ve had? Who cooked it?
hmmm the worst vegan meal was some curry thing that made me really sick that my old roommate lisa made.

15. What made you decide to blog?
I was first inspired by the Fat Free Vegan

16. What are three of your favorite meals to make?
thai, Indian, tacos

17. What dish would you bring to a vegan Thanksgiving-themed potluck?
FFV’s Green Bean Casserole it is my favorite

18. Where is your favorite vegan meal at a restaurant? How many times have you ordered it?
Um let’s see….Pad Kee Mao- (veganized) at our local thai place…..um probably like 10 times

19. What do you think the best chain to dine as a vegan is?
I haven’t ever been to one

20. My kitchen needs…
lets see… my stove needs a hood….and more counters and better lighting and a better fridge/freezer…but we do okay

21. This vegetable is not allowed in my kitchen!
I don’t really think that there isn’t a veg allowed in my kitchen, yet anyways.

22. What’s for dinner tonight?
Chana Masala with mushrooms and spinach and brown rice

23. What is your Favorite Vegan (for vegan friendly if you can’t think of a pure vegan one) Restaurant?

Yuan in Montreal.

24. Add a question here!What would you like me to write about in future entries?

Veganmofo- Tip Top Tofu Loaf

As you might have already known we have been crazy busy with trips to Northampton and Cooperstown/Albany. Along with this we have had house guest so needless to say our house is need of some cleaning. Since I had to get up early with Neil this morning I decided since I had the time I would get dinner ready. Rather than having to rush home after the gym and try and prepare dinner and clean all I have to do is heat the oven and pop my tofu loaf in and cook up some broccoli!

La Dolce Vegan’s Tip-Top Tofu Loaf

  • 2 T Olive Oil
  • 1 c medium-firm tofu, drained
  • 1 small onion, chopped
  • 2 garlic cloves, chopped
  • 2 T ketchup
  • 2 T tamari
  • 1 T dijon mustard
  • 1t montreal chicken spice (my own addition)
  • 1/2 c rolled oats
  • 1 T tahini
  • (in La Dolce Vegan the recipe calls for 1/4 t black pepper and 1/4 c parsley, minced however I had no fresh parsley so i omited these and went with montreal chicken spice which already has pepper in it)

Preheat oven to 350F. Oil a 9-inch loaf pan with olive oil and set aside. In a food processor, blend together tofu, onions, garlic, ketchup, tamari, mustard, montreal chicken spice, oat flakes and tahini until well mixed. Pour into baking dish, pressing down evenly into baking pan. Bake for 55-60 min. Let cool 10 min before removing from pan.

4 Servings; per serving: calories 220.5; sodium 697.5mg; fat 10.25g; carbs 14.5g; protein 17g