Two Healthy Recipes For Your Thanksgiving Leftovers

Two Healthy Recipes For Your Thanksgiving Leftovers | Running With Tongs
I don’t know about you but when it comes to Thanksgiving I’m all about the mashed potatoes and gravy, Field Roast, rolls and the pie, oh the pie! While I go ahead and make a batch of roasted veggies or a salad and I have the best intentions to eat them I often find they end up in food storage containers in my fridge.

Two Healthy Recipes For Your Thanksgiving Leftovers | Running With Tongs

This year that might happen again but I will be prepared for the day after Thanksgiving with these delicious and healthy recipes. These recipes are honestly perfect for any time not just post Thanksgiving and the salad would actually make a great holiday side dish.

Now I used leftover roasted cauliflower and butternut squash but sweet potato, brussels sprouts, parsnips, rutabaga, basically any roasted veggie would be a perfect substitution.

Two Healthy Recipes For Your Thanksgiving Leftovers | Running With Tongs

Roasted Veggies and Dried Cherry Salad

This is a super simple salad that features roasted squash and cauliflower. Feel free to sub your favorite roasted veggies such as parsnips, brussels sprouts and/or sweet potato.

You’ll Need:

Roasted Butternut Squash (delicata would be great as well)
Roasted Cauliflower
Dried Cherries
Hemp seeds, crushed hazelnuts or almond flakes
organicgirl PEPPERGREENS
Olive Oil & Balsamic Vinegar or Lemon

This is a super easy salad to assemble especially with leftover roasted veggies. Simply toss your roasted veggies, dried cherries and hemp seeds together and drizzle with olive oil and vinegar or lemon; alternatively one of the organicgirl Salad Love dressings would be a great addition.  

Two Healthy Recipes For Your Thanksgiving Leftovers | Running With Tongs

Roasted Butternut Squash, Cream Cheese & organicgirl PEPPERGREENS Tartine

Give me most anything on toast and I am a happy girl. This is a super easy breakfast, lunch or snack and can easily use up your leftover roasted squash from Thanksgiving. Feeling a bit more ambitious? You can stick the roasted squash and cream cheese in a food processor to make a creamy spread and then top with your greens, a drizzle of lemon or lemon agave dressing and a pinch of chili flakes. 

You’ll Need:

A Slice of Your Favorite Bread, toasted
Roasted Butternut Squash
organicgirl PEPPERGREENS or sweetpea
Cream Cheese of your choice – I went with a non-dairy spread
Chili Flakes
Fresh Squeezed Lemon Juice or organicgirl Salad Love lemon agave
Two Healthy Recipes For Your Thanksgiving Leftovers | Running With TongsSimply spread the cream cheese on your toast, top it with as much or as little roasted squash as you’d like and then add a handful of greens, a sprinkle of chili flakes and drizzle of lemon or dressing. Easy and so delicious. 

Two Healthy Recipes For Your Thanksgiving Leftovers | Running With Tongs

What are your favorite ways to use up your Thanksgiving leftovers? 

Disclosure: This post was created in collaboration with organicgirl. I am thrilled to be working on a three part series with organicgirl because frankly I have been obsessed with organicgirl for years.

PDX Sites & Eats | Brunch at Harvest at The Bindery

We have wanted to go to Harvest at The Bindery since it opened at the beginning of this year.  But,  with our lack of date nights,  we just hadn’t been able to make it there for a date night dinner. I am not sure how long they have been doing brunch but we stumbled upon it by chance on Saturday. We were out and about Saturday late morning and decided that we should go out for brunch. After perusing Yelp, we saw that Harvest at The Bindery had brunch and Neil and I both squealed a little. Finally we were going to have our chance to give it a try without having to worry about getting a sitter. 


We checked out the brunch menu and instantly wanted to order almost everything on the menu. If I could have justified the cost and had three or four stomachs I just might have. But, nevertheless, we only ordered a few things and they were all delicious. 


We started off with the biscuit and jam. The biscuit, while a bit dense, was really tasty and the jam was housemade and delicious. Neil and I snagged a few bites but the kids devoured most of it.


Neil and I also shared one of their spicy dilly bloody marys and it was easily the best bloody mary I have had in Portland. We followed this one up with the spicy smoky one to share as well and while it was good the dilly was so flavorful and refreshing and the pickled veggies were amazing.


For one of our mains we shared the hazelnut french toast and it was incredible. There is something about french toast that is made with baguette that I just love. The chocolate hazelnut spread tasted better than nutella and that coconut cream on top was amazing.

On the flip side we also chose one of the savory options, the benedict. For me the true test with a benedict is how good the hollandaise sauce is and in this case it did not disappoint. I was sold just based on that. The kale and the housemade seitan were fantastic. The only thing I didn’t love about the benedict was the butternut squash. I felt like it didn’t add a lot of flavor to the dish and roasted mushrooms or a slice of tomato would have been a better addition. 2015_11_14_HarvestatTheBindery-benny

I didn’t get a photo but we also had one of the herbs hasbrown casserole but compared to everything else it fell flat. It was mushy and bit bland. I wish it had been crispy on the outside but it was essentially a mashed potato patty.

Overall we loved Harvest at The Bindery. I would recommend ordering the french toast, the benny and a spicy bloody mary with the dilly mix. 

Now we just need to get a sitter so we can go on a dinner date there! 

Have you been to Harvest at the Bindery? What did you think? What is your favorite thing to order out for breakfast/brunch?

Health & Fitness Check-In | 11.16.15

Screen Shot 2015-11-17 at 7.46.54 AMWe are half way through the month, so I thought I would take a few minutes to update you on how things are going in the health and fitness department. I am a complete mixed bag of emotions on both fronts but I will start by saying things are moving in the right direction regardless of how I am feeling in the moment. 

Back at the beginning of the month I brought back the incentive program and I’m feeling a bit mixed about how I am doing this month. Just as I started the program, I got hit with a stomach bug and immediately following that a cold that has left me coughing, tired and extremely congested. That being said, my workouts have not been how I had originally planned. Neil is also taking on this incentive workout challenge and he is doing amazing with getting out for runs and going to yoga class and weight training classes and I am having a hard time not comparing our activity levels. 

The workouts I have been getting in are a lot of walks with the littles. I don’t think I mentioned this before but in conjunction with my own incentive workout I have also taken on the Hike It Baby November 30 miles challenge which is basically to get out for 30 miles in the month with your littles. So some walks I will throw them in the double BOB and off we go and other days we do a littles led walk/hike which means at a snails pace. So far we (the littles and I) have just over 16.5 miles and 722 minutes this month. 

The reality is I am feeling better and more active now but how active have I really been? I mean we get out everyday rain or shine, sick or well, but with being sick for the past 10 days I haven’t been active at the level that I had intended for this challenge. That being said I am reevaluating this months challenge. 

This month I was to do (at least) 30 minutes of activity for 21 out of 30 days this month. So far I have been active 11 out of 21 days with 14 more days to go. I see myself achieving this goal or even surpassing it but not in the way I had intended. That being said I won’t be taking the monetary incentive this month but I am not going to penalize myself either. 

Now you can see why I feel a mix of emotions around this situation. I feel like on paper I have been accomplishing my goals but my body and mind doesn’t agree. I am also considering that even though I haven’t been going out for a run or a class like Neil with how sick I have been this week that unlike the previous month I at least forced myself to get out of the house with the kids in spite of feeling like crap. 

So what do you think? Should I consider this challenge a wash and penalize myself? How do you deal with feeling like you haven’t accomplished your goals? 

Currently. 11.6.15

Doing: It’s currently 6am and I am sitting on the couch going through emails while Alder climbs on me because Daylight Savings you win. I am attempting to get through as much work as I can before the big one wakes up.

Thinking about: All the things that I need to do today which include clean the house because we have a new sitter coming so Neil and I can finally go on a date night, I  need to pickup snacks for the house, I need to get everything ready for an all day event I am going to tomorrow and I need to do about 30 loads of laundry. Oh and I need to locate my phone that fell behind the bed.

Watching: I just finished my yearly Gilmore Girls watch and now I am back on to NCIS which is one of my favorite shows but I hadn’t seen it in years until it finally returned to Netflix. When I don’t fall asleep putting Alder to bed at 7:30p Neil and I have been watching The Flash.

Looking forward to: Date night. Seriously this is a rare thing for us but we are working on changing this and fingers crossed this sitter works out. 

Reading: I am currently reading Yell Less, Love More.

Loving: Going on hikes/walks. Sweaters. Fall make-up. Coffee.  

Whatare you currently doing, thinking about, watching, looking forward to, reading and/or loving?

As always this post is inspired by Sometimes Sweet.