Barney the Butter Not the Purple Dinosaur

Barney Butter sent me a few packets of their smooth almond butter to sample and with that they are going to provide one reader a giveaway, but more about that later.  This almond butter is the most like peanut butter that I have ever tried.  I even got my parents who are peanut butter-aholics into Barney Butter. It is smooth and creamy and wonderfully spreadable. Barney Butter is also peanut and gluten free which is great for those who have allergies. Barney Butter makes both creamy and crunchy almond butters and my favorite thing is that they have snack packets which are great for traveling. Also love the new packaging- it really gives it a fresher look.

My favorite ways to enjoy almond butter are stir into oats, on a spoon or my favorite lately is to warm it up with a few chocolate chips and spread it on green apples. Now that you know my favorite ways to enjoy almond butter now it’s your turn to tell me yours:

To Enter to win 24 snack packets: (You must leave a separate comment per entry)

The Winner is:

Giveaway is open until March 10th at 8pm. CLOSED

  • What is your favorite way to enjoy almond butter?

Additional Entries:

  1. Follow Barney Butter on Twitter
  2. Follow Cook.Vegan.Lover. on Twitter
  3. Tweet “I want to win the @BarneyButter giveaway on @cookveganlover”
  4. Like Barney Butter on Facebook.
  5. Like Cook.Vegan.Lover. on Facebook.

Additionally if you would like to purchase Barney Butter from their website you can save 20% off you order buy using coupon code Almond20.

Cookbook Club: Book#3

  • Start Date: March 20, 2011
  • End Date: April 16, 2011
  • Post By Date: April 23, 2011

When doing your final review of each months cookbook each of us will address the topics in our blog post:


Is the layout clear?
Are you able to easily tell the ingredients apart for the instructions and the notes?
Are the instructions easy to follow?
Are the recipes numbered or is the section labeled?

Does the cookbook feature photos?
If yes, is there a photo for every recipe?
Do the photos of the recipes look like the actual results?
What kind of paper is the book printed on?
How is the quality of the photos?


How many recipes are in the cookbook?
What kinds of recipes will you find in this cookbook?
Is there a theme to the recipes?
Are the recipes complex or simple? would they be good for seasoned cooks and/or beginners?

Ingredients and supplies

Are the recipe ingredients easy to find?
Are there any items that stand out as being expensive or specialty?
Are there particular appliances that will be required such as blenders, juicers, dehydrators, ect?
Does this cookbook provide additional useful information?
What additional information beyond recipes does this cookbook include? Is it easy to follow?

Other important Information

You need to make the recipes! Yes, to get an accurate representation of the cookbook you need to try out at least 3-5 recipes. Additionally when you right your review you should make sure to include your experience while cooking the recipe:
How did the recipe turn out? How did it taste?
Was the recipe easy to follow?
Be honest when discussing the recipes you tried- if you didn’t like it then explain why.

Okay now that you know what this is all about are you interested in participating? If you answered yes then please email me your name, twitter handle (optional) and blog URL to by March 20, 2011 put “Cookbook Club” in the subject line. Additionally if you have not yet please vote here for future books. Also remember you are not required participate every month pick the books that interest you!

This months participants:

Lindsay ( (twitter: @cookveganlover)