Recipe: Quinoa Chili

In two weeks (or less) I will complete my training to become a Certified Health Counselor* but until that time I am working hard on finishing up the last modules and studying for my final test.  In addition to this I am working on a few other projects, articles and getting our garden started.  This week is going to be crazy and when the times get crazy I turn to quick, easy and healthy favorites for dinner.

Last night after 9 hours of working it would have been so easy for me to ask Neil to pick up dinner while he was out but I talked myself out of it and made up a batch of Fantastic Foods Nature Burgers, roasted sweet potatoes and parsnips and roasted broccoli with mushrooms. This dinner was healthy and easy to make and came together in less than 30 minutes- with most of that time involving putting the veggies in the oven and letting them do their thing- no work for me.

Since I have been focusing on finishing up my training I haven’t been spending very much time in the kitchen creating anything too interesting.  Mostly we have been having veggies, grains and beans and have thrown a little homemade pizza and veggie burgers in the mix.  Basically quick healthy versions of easy food due to chaotic schedules.  One of my favorite dishes to make when times are crazy and I want something hearty, healthy and filling is my Quinoa Chili from my first e-book. Since I don’t plan on getting to the kitchen and creating new recipes until April check this one out for the time being:

What are you quick go-to meals during busy times?

*If you’d like to learn more about my health counseling or to sign up for my new health and wellness newsletter visit my site here.

Newest Addition

As many of you know from twitter we lots our fur baby earlier this month due to sickness and old age. We miss her but were prepared (as much as we could possibly be) for the day to come that she would no longer have the quality of life she should. Since then we have been debating over adopting a dog or a cat and finally settled on another cat (for now) due to our current living situation and travel commitments.
We found one kitty that we but in our adoption papers for but never heard anything back from the ASPCA. So after calling all week and never getting to talk to a person and never receiving any returned phone calls we decided that it just wasn’t meant to be. So we headed over to the Chittenden County Humane Society to check out  the kitties they had for adoption.  We had already been checking them out online so we had an idea of which ones would be a good fit for us based on their profiles.  We spent sometime talking and interacting with a number of the cats and final decided after spending some one-on-one time with him that Squeakers (yes he does squeak) was the perfect fit for us.  Below is profile from the Chittenden County Humane Society site.

Settling in at his new home