Now Here’s The Plan

Lately I feel like my blog focus has been none existent and I really want to get back to more dedication and consistency.  That being said to keep me focused I have decided to set up a bit of a posting schedule to keep me inspired and writing.  That is the other thing I want to improve me writing and to do that I need to be more focused and spend more time writing and well re-read before I post.

My plan (for now) is to have a 6 day plan:

M- Recipe of the Week

T- Nutrition Related Post

W- Readers Request Post

Th- Self-Care Post

F- Fitness Friday/Staying Active Update

S- Off

Su- Weekend Wrap Up

That being said i am also going to try and post more frequent daily/bi-daily posts and will still be including the occasional travel, restaurant post or other posts that I think are relevant.  Most product reviews/giveaways will now be under the “Reviews” tab on the navigation bar. I also am making updates under the “Dining Out Vegan” tab so keep checking back.


For readers requests post you can send any requests to


Topics of Interest

I have really been loving the feedback from readers regarding current posts and the new newsletter. That being said I’m asking you to take a few minutes to submit any topics that might interest you or questions that you have; questions can be personal, vegan related, health related, IIN related…basically anything you want to know. Thanks in advance for your feedback!