Exciting Time

I know that I have been a bit detached from all social media this week and my blog and it’s not for a lack of desire but rather a lack of time. As most of you know I wear many hats and currently I have two projects that are taking over my life. It is a really exciting time and I am hoping to get myself back on track and tell you more about everything that is going on. I had given daily blogging a try due to so many requests over the past year and I know that I have been lacking there but I am just wondering what you liked, disliked or would like to see more of?

In other blog related news the Hubz and I will be going away next weekend for our Third Wedding Anniversary and I will have a wedding special and a Fitness Friday Giveaway for you. I still have room for some guests posts so if you are planning or have had a (mostly) vegan wedding and would like to be featured send me a short proposal of what you would like to guest post about lindsay@cookingforaveganlover.com

Lastly, in health coaching news I have finally received my certificate of completion from IIN and I have started in the immersion program. I also am in the process of getting a number of details figured out with a P.O. Box, legal paper work and bank accounts; all things I’m a little late on since I have been coaching for awhile now, oh well they are getting done now. I also wanted to make sure you know to go check out my specials on my Health Coaching Site and if you are interested in finding out about Friends and Family specials e-mail me for more details.

Well I’m off to finish my iced green tea and to purchase a few new notebooks (this is going to drive my husband crazy.) Then it’s off to work and the gym! Also tomorrow is Fitness Friday- any special requests?