Having a Wanderfully Rainy Time


After we packed up camp this morning Neil and I made our way up to Stratton for Wanderlust , unfortunately the rain from camping last night decided it wanted a second round and we ended up with a very wet day. This meant wet yoga classes for me and no hiking for Neil, oh well!

I took two classes today the first with Kia Miller and the second with Desiree Rumbaugh. The first classes was a Kundalini yoga class, the first I had ever taken. I really enjoyed it but boy was it tough at times! The second class I took was an Anusara workshop to help knees, hips and legs. This was a very interactive class and I loved it! I learned some great tips to help me get into postures better and how to relieve any pain in my lower body. Tomorrow I have an neck and shoulders worksop- getting the whole body done!

In addition to yoga classes Neil and I had food from the Krishna Cafe that was delicious, however no photo because I was starving!

I am at the opening ceremony now and then going to bed- I have an early class in the a.m.
