To Do or Not To Do: Daily Blogging

To Blog (Daily) or Not to Blog (Daily)

To do or not to do that is the question.  I have been asking myself this question for years (CVL is almost 6 years old, including transition from Cooking For A Vegan Lover) and I have always debated whether or not I wanted to be a daily blogger. I currently blog most days but I tend to focus on feature/topic related posts rather than more personalized daily post like discussing what I’m eating, my life and everything else.  My hesitation in the past has been because of number of things such as:

  • Do I have time to commit to writing daily?
  • Do people really want to read about my whole life? and how much do I really want to share?

As I just wrote that I really thought I would have come up with more reasons why I hesitated really it’s just those 3 things.  So, I have now come back around to the idea of daily blogging and I am wondering should I or shouldn’t I? I feel like I can commit to writing daily and I feel like I really can share as much or as little as I want.  As for do people really want to read it? I have no idea- do you want daily life posts? 


Weekend Wrap Up: Sunday Night Dinner

My weekend started off with a really great run with my Hubz and then we got ready for a date night. We started our night at the South End Art Hop where we looked at some wonderful local art studios and stole a few snacks (pretzels, veg and hummus) before heading to dinner at Flatbread. We enjoyed a delicious drink while we waited for a table, wine for me and beer for him, and then shared a salad and flatbread with mushrooms, heirloom tomatoes, peppers and eggplant- so good.

Art Hoping

Saturday morning Hubz and I headed out for our Saturday coffee and spent some time working before going shopping. This coming weekend I am heading to NYC for an IIN conference and I “needed” to go get a new “dress to impress” outfit. I spent too many hours looking for a new outfit and by the end of the day I found one I liked but couldn’t commit. I decided to sleep on on it.

This morning the Hubz and I got up at my parents (unplanned over night) and did a hilly, back road run. I had 4 miles on my plan for today but once I got going I felt amazing and decided to do a 60 minute run which ended up being 4.56 miles!!! The most I have ever run in my life and it felt amazing. I really could have kept going but I knew I shouldn’t because I shouldn’t veer off my training plan. After running it was time to get ready to celebrate my G-Ma’s 80th Birthday! Happy Birthday to her!

After her b-day party, Hubz and I headed home and I finally decided to commit to the outfit…and a new pair of pants. Neil was thrilled because after putting him through too many hours of shopping yesterday I finally bought something. See outfit below.

Now it’s time to sit and relax for a bit, watch a few shows and help the Hubz bottle his most recent homebrew. Dinner was sauteed chard, creamy white beans and a root veg mash- recipe to come!