CVL Eat-In Challenge

Yesterday marked the start of of the CVL Eat-In Challenge: 30 Days Restaurant Free.

The Challenge:

And now, here’s your challenge.  Starting on October 1st and running through the month until October 30th, challenge participants are encouraged to eat-in for all meals.  This includes snacks and beverages.  I am not going to state any exceptions because this is something that you are doing for yourself.  Just remember if you do “cheat” one day it doesn’t mean the month is a loss.  Just start right back up; each meal is a new chance to jump back in.
Set a budget for the month and stick to it.  This budget should include all of your meals, snacks and beverages and should be based on your personal/family needs. This means making your coffee at home, avoiding vending machines at work (you should avoid those anyways). Do you crave dessert? Make sure to add it to your grocery list, try to avoid those late night runs to your favorite dessert spot.   Every budget will be different but make sure it is one that you will be able to work with for an entire month.
    • My monthly grocery budget for October is $360 plus CSA (two remaining share baskets)
    • How you are going to keep yourself on track and what measures you plan to take to make this a successful challenge.
      • I am going to blog about my journey, menu plan and focus on buying vegetables, whole foods and bulk items.
If you are participating:
  1. On October 8th, 15th and 22nd post a progress report.  The post should include:
    • Discuss how things are going and whether you are on track for budget.
    • Discuss the meals you had over the course of the week.
    • Something you learned, a challenge you faced and how you over came that challenge

Are you participating? Add this badge to your blog:

Warm Wishes & Pumpkin Cookies

Today I’m juicing and I’ll blog about that later but first head over to the Health & Wellness with Lindsay Blog and check out a few new things.

New Things:

  • Warm Wishes: I would like to give you the opportunity to send a friend a little fall treat (warm mulling spices) and a warm wishes message from YOU. Read more here.
  • Pumpkin Cookie Recipes: Yes you read that correctly- TWO pumpkin chip recipes for you.  Which one do you like more? Get the recipes here.