When Things Don’t Go As Planned

A month ago I wrote a post debating the topic of daily blogging and eventually I decided that although time consuming that I would see how it went for awhile.

Moving ahead to today….

I haven’t blogged daily.

What have I been doing?

Playing nurse to my husband (okay guys lets keep this G rated).

Trying to find time to sleep; this has gotten better now the Hubz is starting to get back to his normal routine.

Working (day job). Working (coaching). Both of which have been keeping me super busy and is great because I have a few new projects in the works. I also have a number of workshops over the next month as well as a 5 Week Teleclass Series that I have partner up with fellow health coach Nicole Culver to do.

In addition to all that I am trying to keep our house in order, training for my first half  round 2 (more about this tomorrow-second times a charm right?) and I am getting back in the kitchen with a notebook full of recipe ideas.

Needless to say but I’ve been busy.  Which is really good but it means that daily blogging probably isn’t going to happen.  I really want to go for quality over quantity.  I am still planning to fill the blog with lots of recipes, Fitness Friday and personal life posts but maybe just not everyday.  I also want to guide you over to my health coaching blog where I am featuring new recipes and healthy living posts that WILL NOT be featured in full on this blog- I will let you know when they go up over there though.

P.S. CVL is getting a face lift in the next month or so- any features you’d like to see? Tell me here Click here to take survey

Weekend Wrap Up: Farmers Market, Ferry Rides & Eating In

Saturday morning Neil and I headed out early on a mission for Fall veggies from the Farmers Market and new jeans. First stop the Burlington Farmers Market where I picked up two types of kale and two types of squash.



YUM Kale! And Neil loves his delicata squash!


We did a little jean shopping around Burlington and well it was pretty unsuccessful so we decided to take advantage of the beautiful day and rode the ferry to New York and took a scenic drive to the outlets in Lake George.  It was a relatively fruitless trip for me but Neil came home with a new pair of jeans.

It was a wonderful day with my main squeeze, my hunky hubz.

After our long day away I came home and made dinner of quinoa, kale and tempeh, ordered jeans from JCrew.com (on sale-win!) and spent some cuddle time with my furry little man.

Today we’ve spent most of the day relaxing on the couch watching movie trailers, a movie (Morning Glory- really cute) and drinking chai lattes. The benefit of staying home to watch a movie is enjoying a giant bowl of popcorn with nutritional yeast and homemade chai lattes. After relaxing on the couch all day the Hubz and I went on a three mile walk and watched the sunset before dinner.

What did you do this weekend?

Progress: October Eat-In Challenge

  • Things are going fairly well but it is challenging.  I have wanted to go out for a coffee and yesterday was a struggle because we enjoy breakfast out on Saturday mornings but I resisted. As for my budget I am right on track at $150 and almost all the groceries are purchased for the week- we just need some fruit. 
  • This week I made a lot of beans greens and grains, homemade gluten free pizza with caramelized onions and tempeh, oatmeal, and a bunch of veggies.  Today I am roasting up some squash because I have so many of them from our CSA.  
  • I love my coffees out once in awhile. As much as I love making coffee at home and meals at home I also love getting out and enjoying a really great coffee at Mags.