Survey Results: Part 1

I really appreciate all of you for taking a few moments to take my blog survey. Your feedback has been very helpful in guiding the future posts and focus of the blog. If you have not taken the survey yet, and would like to, please visit here. The survey is open until January 15, 2012.


Since I have received so much great feedback I decided to split my results into two parts, the first of which will be a discussion on various comments that were made and the second will discuss more the poll results and the future of RWT.

Comment: “I think your blog is great! Sometimes it doesn’t feel like a food blog.” 

Response: My blog is not intended to be a food blog. Yes when I first started blogging in 2006 as Cooking For A Vegan Lover my blog WAS exclusively a food blog that was about 90% recipes and 10% products and restaurants. Since then I transitioned to Cook.Vegan.Lover. (aka CVL) in the fall of 2010 which was my small move into adding more lifestyle posts into my then food blog. Over the course of CVL I became a health coach and started adding health and nutrition posts as well as lifestyle and fitness posts into the blog on a small scale.  Then after many months of debating whether I wanted to make the big leap to transition into more of a healthy living blog (which CVL was already becoming) I finally made the decision to say goodbye to CVL and that is how Running With Tongs was born.  If you have not yet I encourage you to read my Important Changes letter that explains the transition from CVL to RWT.

 I would like to see less iphone photos/crappy phone pics.

Response: I agree they suck. I have been lazy lately and I haven’t bothered to locate my camera when I decide to take a photo and since I always have my phone on me I end up taking lots of iphone photos.  This is one change that I am working on being better about and I will be limiting iphone photos on the blog to ones that are well done.

Travel and restaurant reviews, only because I don’t travel or eat out.

Response: These are two things, especially restaurant reviews, that people would like to see less of on the blog.  I have to say that you will see less of both in the coming months but not because I don’t enjoy writing about them but because with a baby on the way we won’t be doing so much traveling or dining out. However, they will not go away completely.  I know that many of you don’t live in the Vermont or travel to the same spots that we do but I enjoy writing about our experience and will continue to do so.  I will be doing less restaurant specific reviews and more overall travel posts though.

I would like to see less pregnancy posts. 

Response: You will. At first when I kept seeing this come up on the “things I would like to see less of” responses I was a little upset.  My blog is a place for me to write and express myself and I really value my readers, so hearing that many of you are not interested in sharing my experience made me feel a little upset (it doesn’t help that my hormones are raging). However, I get it, so many bloggers happen to be pregnant or were recently pregnant so I know that many of you are feeling a little over the whole “I’m having a baby” thing but guess what I’m not. We have experienced two miscarriages and being on my third pregnancy and this one currently being successful it is as big deal to me and I really want to share my experience. Ultimately I have decided to keep RWT pregnancy post free and the Hubz is working on a RWT Bebe site for those of you interested in following my pregnancy progress and for those of you interested in my vegan pregnancy.  Although I am creating a RWT Bebe site, RWT will not be 100% pregnancy free because my blog is where I choose to open up about my life and well I’m not going to pretend I’m not pregnant, so no explicit pregnancy posts (although I will make a note at the bottom of daily posts letting you know of updates to RWTBebe) but being pregnant might come up occasionally.

I would like to see more more recipes.

Response: This you will definitely be seeing more recipes.  Honestly the first 11 weeks of my pregnancy were hell and getting the kitchen to create recipes was just not going to happen.  Most days I was happy if I could make toast let alone create a recipe.  I am now feeling better and am already working on recipes.  I plan to share 1-3 recipes weekly and I also am hoping to create one new e-book before the bebe comes (e-mail me if you are interested in being a tester).

I’d like to see more health and wellness posts/I’d like to see less health and wellness posts.

Response: So far health and wellness has been pretty divided between those who want more and those who want less.  Well I’m going to try and provide a happy medium.  For those of you who want less: I will try to add more quick tips and work on one health/wellness topic specific post each week.  For those of you who want more I will be posting two-three times per week over at my Health Coaching Blog where you can get your weekly fix of health and wellness posts (that’s 3-4 per week between the two sites).


Pregnancy Update: Week 13

I have finally made it to the last week of my first trimester and it feels amazing! We had our second midwife appointment on Wednesday which involved a head-to-toe physical and we got to hear the babies very strong heart beat for the very first time.  It was an amazing experience and I can’t wait for our next appointment.

So what’s going on this week:

your baby at 13 weeks

  • Can you believe she’s forming vocal cords and teeth?!
  • And even though she’s still teeny, she already has fingerprints.
  • Her intestines are moving from the umbilical cord to their more permanent place, in her tummy.


How I’m Changing

I am more calm. Since becoming pregnant I have worked hard at being more relaxed, calm and less of a worrier.  I know that worrying and stressing about things is bad for me and the baby and I finally feel like I have successfully achieved my desired peaceful state of being.

How I’m Feeling

I am feeling really good, I finally have more energy and no morning sickness and it’s amazing.  I still have so fatigue and I can’t go at the same pace that I once did but I am feeling the best I have in the last 13 weeks. I am also feeling hungry more often and find myself eating 5-6 small meals per day. I no longer can sit down to my regular sized meal, I am full after about half of it but I am hungry again 2 hours later.  I also have been experiencing extreme hunger pains that come out of nowhere. One minute I am fine and the next I am HANGRY, so I try to keep healthy snacks on me at all times for moments like this.


What I’m Eating

This week I have been back to eating salads, I have actually been craving them.  I also have been enjoying hot sauce….on everything.  I am currently addicted to sriracha and I want to put it on everything from hummus to wraps to pasta.  I am so happy to finally have more normal appetite back and I am looking forward to whipping up more fun recipes at home in the coming weeks.
Random Facts of The Week:
  • Total Weight Gain: 5 pounds.
  • Workouts:  So far two workouts this week (you can read more here)
  • Baby Items Purchased: None (so far).
  • Gender Suspicions:  I am currently leaning towards a boy.
  • Cravings: sriracha. salads. bagels.

Fitness Friday: Fit Pregnancy

It’s been over a month since I have featured a Fitness Friday post and it feels good to finally be back at it.  Before becoming pregnant I was training for my first half marathon and was running three to four times a week, doing yoga at least once per week and cross training two to three days. At about five weeks pregnant I did my last run and it was awful.  I was nauseous, exhausted and I had the worst run of my life clocking in at about a sixteen minute mile.  After that everything went down hill from there when my (morning)all-day sickness started and I was hit with extreme fatigue. I stopped running, I stopped consistently doing yoga and my only physical activity was walking and even then not at the same level it once was.

It has been challenging and frustrating not feeling up to doing the same level of physical activity that I once was, especially reading about so many other bloggers who are pregnant or recently pregnant and how they ran nearly their whole pregnancy.  I know every person is different and every pregnancy is different so I try not to get too down about it but I wish I could have kept up running through at least my 2nd trimester but that isn’t happening.

So what now? In the past week and half my all-day sickness has started to decline, I am still experiencing some fatigue but my energy levels have increased and I have started back at working out. My goal is to get a minimum of three 30-60 minute workouts in each week. I have a few prenatal dvd’s to follow which include a yoga dvd and two cardio/weight dvd’s.  I am also lucky to live in a residential area with a bike path that I can go for nice walks on until the snow takes over and when it does the Hubz and I plan to do cross country skiing (on flat services only to limit the risk of falling). I also plan on starting prenatal yoga classes at our local yoga studio at the end of the month.  I have heard from others that it is a great class and a great way to connect with other pregnant women.

This week my workouts have included:

  • Monday: 2 mile walk in 45 minutes
  • Thursday: 30 minute swim at hotel pool 

I plan on doing a bunch of walking today and I plan on heading back to the pool to do some more swimming. Next week I am going to try out my DVD’s and I plan to do a review of each of them in the upcoming months.

What is your favorite workout activity? 

Supporting Your New Year’s Resolutions

Many people begin the New Year by making resolutions. Most times these resolutions are around loosing weight, exercise more or improving your over all health. Resolutions are a great way to start the year with great intentions, but it is easy to fall back into our old habits.

Why is it so hard to stick to those New Year’s resolutions?

Here are some ways you can make your intentions a reality this year:

1. Write down your intentions, share them with a friend and then put the list in a visible place such as the bulletin board in your office or on the refrigerator.

2. Be clear about what your life would look like once you achieve your goal. If you resolve to go to the gym more, how will this benefit you? Get connected to the result of your action, and you will be more likely to stick with your plan.

3. Find someone to support you.  This maybe a friend or family member, or a professional such as a certified holistic health coach.

Big changes do not require big leaps. Permanent change is more likely to happen gradually than through one big restrictive plan. Allow yourself to climb the ladder one rung at a time.

To help you get started on achieving your goals for the New Year I am offering my  4 week web-based series. 

This five-week teleclass program is designed to start your 2012 off on the right foot; moving you toward a life of optimal health and wellness. Each week covers a key theme that is essential in achieving optimal health.

In just four weeks you’ll learn:

– the tools to losing weight naturally without deprivation
-how to shop and prepare foods that nourish you
-the steps to take to manage your time so you can take care of your body both inside and out
-ways to exercise that you’ll love
-how to boost your self-confidence

This 4-Week program includes:

-Each week you will receive a 15-20 page workbook guiding you towards making positive steps for your health.
-Additional weekly handouts to help guide you in reaching your goals.
-Weekly e-mail support from me.
-Bi-Monthly Newsletter.

This 4-week program values at $150 today I am offering it to you for only $24.99 until 2/14/2012. 

Are you ready to make 2012 your best year yet? 

Sign Up Here Today!