The Great Debate: Babymoon

babymoon : A last vacation taken by expectant parents before a baby is born.

Ever since we found out we were expecting I have had a babymoon on the brain and I have been searching and searching for the perfect trip.   The trip must fit into our limited budget since our normal fun/travel budget is much smaller with a baby on the way and it must be somewhere relaxing.  Usually when we travel we are always on the go, running around to here and there, this time we want to just sit and relax. The other factor that we have to consider is the fact that I only have a small window of opportunity to fly and unfortunately that is February to mid-March, the most expensive time to fly south from Vermont (of course).

Ideally our babymoon would be spent somewhere like this:


Sunny, warm and on the beach with a virgin mojito in my hand.  Instead we probably will have to go with Option B:


Still on the ocean but only 4 hours driving from home and about 40 degrees colder (I don’t think we’ll be lounging on the beach.)

Either way I know we will have an amazing time together.

Did you go on a babymoon? Where did you go? 

Weekend Wrap Up: Things Get Corny

The highlight of the weekend was purchasing and installing our new washer and dryer. We finally decided that since we never go to the laundromat and end up with piles of laundry as well as the fact that we have a baby on the way which means even more laundry that we should finally suck it up and buy our own washer and dryer. So all of Saturday afternoon was spent making polenta lasagna and watching Storage Wars while Neil and my pa installed the washer and dryer.

Sunday Neil and I spent the day relaxing around the house and cooking up a big pot of Chipotle Coconut Corn Chowder. In the mix: frozen sweet corn, chopped green chiles, onion, carrots, garlic, paprika, chipotle chili powder, ground cumin, coconut milk, vegetable broth and chickpeas.

Neil used his new bread book to bake up a tasty loaf of whole wheat bread.

Monday came along and my stomach was feeling a little off from all of the gluten I had Friday-Sunday. So I ended up taking a sick day to relax and feel better. I enjoyed lots of water and some left over chowder.

And started reading the new Fit Pregnancy.

Yesterday afternoon I started to feel better and just in time because the UPS guy came knocking at my door to deliver a package from Cornucopia Popcorn, a variety of vegan popcorns.

I couldn’t resist diving right in and of course went for the most colorful option the Cornfetti, a mix of all our colorful candied fruit flavors including Cherry, Strawberry, Orange, Banana, Grape, Blue Raspberry, Green Apple and Watermelon.

It was super tasty. I had a few small handfuls and shortly went back to the box to try a few pieces from all of the other flavors.

Dinner time came around and my stomach was starting to feel a little off again so I decided to make Neil a big bowl of quinoa with tempeh and veggies and myself a nice big fruit plate.

Cara Cara Orange, Grapes and Banana with Almond Butter

{Pregnancy Update} 14 Weeks

I had planned on writing this post a few days ago but now here I am at 14w4d and I’m finally posting here on the new blog. I also had said that I would have my first bump photo but well the weekend got away from me and I didn’t have Neil take one so expect one at at 15 week update.

How I’m Changing

I am starting to finally look more pregnant.  I have mini bump and I’m looking forward to the day when I have a big noticeable bump.

How I’m Feeling

I am feeling really good, but pretty tired out in the evenings and I have been going to be at 7:30p-8:30p and getting up at 4:30a most mornings.  I am going to attempt to get myself into a better routine because early wake ups just aren’t working for me. I am also going to increase my workouts to 3-4 times per week and hopefully attend pre-natal yoga once per week starting this week or next.


What I’m Eating

This week I have eaten lots of salads, bean dishes and too much coconut milk ice cream.  Saturday I made a polenta lasagna which was delicious but I ended up with ridiculous indigestion which doesn’t seem to want to go away.
Random Facts of The Week:
  • Total Weight Gain: 5 pounds (I think).
  • Workouts:  um none this week. Fail.
  • Baby Items Purchased: 10 for $10 onesies.
  • Gender Suspicions:  Still leaning towards a boy.
  • Cravings: beans and creamy foods.