Fitness Friday: Learning To Love Walks

When I got pregnant I was in the middle of training for my first half marathon and I had a 4-mile race 4 weeks after finding out we were expecting.  I was all about being a pregnant runner but then the morning sickness or rather all day sickness came on full force.  I went for one final run shortly around 4.5 weeks and it was the worst run of my life and that’s when I hung up my running shoes.

During my first trimester I had such awful morning sickness working out was almost non-existent with the exception of a few walks with Neil and a ton of walking when we went to NYC. Honestly, when I actually got out for walks I felt so much better and it helped the morning sickness but the challenge was actually getting out for the walk.

Now at 25 weeks I go on lots of walks with Neil; we try to go at least 3 days per week. Sometimes walks are really boring, especially doing the same route and it certainly isn’t running which I am really missing, but walking has been great for staying fit during pregnancy.  When I go for walks by myself I turn on a podcast and do a 2.25 mile loop along the bike path.  My favorite walks however is to go with my husband because it gives us a chance to step out of the house, away from the computers, phones and television, and gives us a chance to connect and talk while we do our 2-3 mile loop.

Tonight Neil ran late at work and by the time he arrived home I had made dinner and was ready to settle in for the night but instead of eating dinner and turning on a show we went out for a walk.  It wasn’t a long walk only 1 mile but we got out, we chatted and we got a little workout in.  It felt great and it was nice to know that I at least got some sort of activity in (Neil had already gone for a run so this was just extra for him).

Do you enjoy going for walks? What do you like the most?

Goals for Last Week :

  • Th: Off
  • F: Off
  • S: 2.5 mile walk
  • Su: 2-3 mile walk
  • M: 2 mile walk and/or workout DVD
  • T: Pre-natal Yoga
  • W: 2 mile walk and/or workout DVD

Actual for Last Week :

  • Th: Off
  • F: Off
  • S: NADA
  • Su: 2.25 mile walk
  • M: Summer Sanders workout DVD
  • T: Pre-natal Yoga
  • W: 2.25 mile walk

Goals for this Week :

  • Th: Off
  • F: 1 mile walk
  • S: 2.5 mile walk
  • Su: 2-3 mile walk
  • M: 2 mile walk and/or workout DVD
  • T: Pre-natal Yoga
  • W: 2 mile walk and/or workout DVD

{Pregnancy Update} Week 25

How far along are you: 25 Weeks

How big is the baby: Head to heels, your baby now measures about 13 1/2 inches. Her weight — a pound and a half — isn’t much more than an average rutabaga, but she’s beginning to exchange her long, lean look for some baby fat. As she does, her wrinkled skin will begin to smooth out and she’ll start to look more and more like a newborn. She’s also growing more hair — and if you could see it, you’d now be able to discern its color and texture. (source)

Baby’s Gender: We don’t know but I think it’s a boy but I had my second baby dream and in it we had a girl (first one was a girl too) – for those of you who have babies did you dream about the babies sex? Did it end up being the same as in your dream?

Baby’s Name: We have decided on a boys name and have narrowed the girls names down to two and have decided on a middle name if it is a girl.

Weight Gained: 17 lbs and feeling huge. Correction I went to my midwife appointment Thursday and I’ve only gained 15lbs! However I am consistently measuring large (about a week ahead) which is why I probably feel huge.  We have a big one on the way. Did you know? I weighed 8lbs 3oz at birth and Neil was 9lbs 6oz

Clothes:  No new clothes. Our weather went from 80’s last week to 30’s this week so I am back in my winter maternity. I know that I am going to have to get a few more pieces before this pregnancy is over though.

How are you feeling: I am feeling pretty good, my energy levels are a little all over the place but otherwise good.

What do you miss: I still miss running.  I also am really missing wearing non-maternity clothes.

Symptoms: Heartburn!

Cravings: No strong cravings this week but I am still on a spicy food kick.

How are you sleeping: This week I actually have been sleeping pretty well, there has been a little tossing and turning and bathroom breaks but otherwise good.

Workouts: This week I didn’t get as many workouts in as I had hopped but I did get a few walks in, an at home prenatal fitness sesh and I went to prenatal yoga.

Baby Grooves & Moves: I have been feeling the baby move for weeks now but I am really anxious to have Neil really feel the baby.  Sometimes he does but it’s still hard for him to totally tell and lately whenever I call him over to feel the movements the baby stops- such a tease! Yesterday morning however Neil finally got to SEE the baby move.  Yes you read that correctly he saw my belly jump as the baby kicked and moved- such a wonderful experience. Sometimes I just sit and watch my belly waiting to see little movements and lately these little movements are getting bigger and bigger.

Sacred Pregnancy by Anni Daulter

*Catching up? You can read my re-cap of weeks 1-14 over here.

This week I was going to write about weeks 15-24 however my post on Sacred Pregnancy just went live over on NAB Communities WELLNESS and I would love to have you head over there and read my thoughts on the book as well as some pregnancy reflections of mine.  Next week I will reflect on weeks 15-25 and we’ll take a look at what’s in store for week 26.

Sacred Pregnancy Week 25: Love

This week’s focus:

– Showing your body love- get a massage, put your feet up and relax, practice your kegel exercises

– Write a love letter to yourself this week! Encourage yourself to work
through any places where you feel stuck this week!

Monday Meal Plan

This week I have decided to shift things around a bit and introduce to you the Monday Meal Plan. Don’t worry though, Recipe of The Week hasn’t gone anywhere,  you can find it now on it’s new day every Tuesday!

  • Monday: Ginger-Sesame Veggie Stir Fry with Tofu and brown rice
  • Tuesday: Black Bean Burgers with Avocado, Lime and Chili Ketchup and Oven Roasted Sweet Potatoes
  • Wednesday: OUT- Post Midwife Appointment Date Night at American Flatbread (our tradition)
  • Thursday: Spiced Lentil and Veggie Soup with homemade bread
  • Friday: Spinach and Walnut Pesto Pasta
  • Saturday: Butternut Squash and Tofu Ricotta on Homemade Pizza Dough
  • Sunday: Leftovers

*My shopping list only includes the ingredients that I do not have at home already to make the recipes above and snacks for the week.


This weekend started out bright, early and cold at Neil’s first 10k of the season.

Promptly following his successful race we headed to Magnolia Bistro where we sipped super spicy delicious vegan bloody mary’s (virgin for me)…

And brunched- I ordered a bunch of my favorite sides- SO GOOD!

Following brunch we headed to Michael’s to pick up a few necessary art supplies to complete our nursery art work.

Then it was over to Healthy Living Market where I spotted their electric car charging station and we picked up a few ingredients for meals this weekend.

The remainder of the weekend was spent doing laundry and lounging on the couch with this guy:

We did however manage to peel ourselves off the couch on Sunday and got out for a 2.25 mile walk.

What did you do this weekend?