Guest Post
Check out my guest post over at Body By Nature
Check out my guest post over at Body By Nature
If you want to learn more about For Japan With Love, check out these posts on Ever Ours and Utterly Engaged
I’m late, but since I have time this morning I decided to play the blogger ABC Game that I saw other bloggers doing this week.
A. Age: 25.
B. Bed size: Double.
C. Chore you hate: Dishes!!! I hate the dishes especially putting them away
D. Dogs: I want one, now.
E. Essential start to your day: Water! It’s a great way to start the day- wakes up your cells
F. Favorite color: Green and Pink
G. Gold or silver: Silver or white gold and yellow gold just for fun
H. Height: 5’4.
I. Instruments you play: I currently don’t play anything but I did play piano as a child.
J. Job title: I wear many hats- Board Certified Holistic Health Coach, Administrative Assistant, Domestic Goddess, Blogger
K. Kids: Kids? I like them. Will we have our own….not sure.
L. Live: Vermont with my Canadian Husband
M. Mom’s name: Patricia.
N. Nicknames: Lindz. As a child my dad used to call me Porkchop and when I went to university in New Brunswick, Canada I picked up the nickname Vermont.
O. Overnight hospital stays: When I was born.
P. Pet peeve: I have many but my biggest are omnivores calling themselves carnivores- idiots your don’t just eat meat.
carnivore |ˈkärnəˌvôr| noun–> an animal that feeds on flesh.
Q. Quote from a movie: “Strange things are afoot at the Circle K.”
R. Right or left handed: Right.
S. Siblings: Older. Nada.
T. Time you wake up: most mornings between 5:30am-6am
U. Underwear: Yes I wear them.
V. Vegetables you dislike: umm there really aren’t many that I don’t like- I do hate canned mushrooms though.
W. What makes you run late: Neil, the Hubz.
X. X-Rays you’ve had: Teeth, ankles, knee.
Y. Yummy food you make: I make lots of yummy food– just now I ate a delicious quesadilla with leftover sauteed veggies and seitan- yum!
Z. zoo- favorite animal: I don’t like zoo’s but I do love animals and I really love giraffes
If you did the blogging abc game, share the link!
So I am home along tonight and decided I would try out the Accent Vlog after watching Caitlin at the Healthy Tipping Point do hers; so here it is:
If you wanted to follow along, here is the list of words/questions for The Accent Vlog: Aunt, Route, Wash, Oil, Theater, Iron, Salmon, Caramel, Fire, Water, Sure, Data, Ruin, Crayon, Toilet, New Orleans, Pecan, Both, Again, Probably, Spitting image, Alabama, Lawyer, Coupon, Mayonnaise, Syrup, Pajamas, Caught
Q: Have you tried this out yet?
I have been blogging sporadically since 2006 and consistently over the last 15 months. Blogging has become a huge passion of mine. I love the community that has embraced me and allows me to learn from them every day. That said, I want to ensure that my contributions to the community are of the highest value. To help me improve my blog, I’ve reached out to you, my readers, for your feedback with my C.V.L. survey. I received a great response and was pleased to find out what you like and dislike about the blog. I received both positive feedback and constructive criticism and hope to grow my blog and myself from all of your input.
A total of 117 people filled out the C.V.L. survey, which included demographic based questions and request for input as to your favorite features and topics are and what you’d like to see more of. Below, you will find a breakdown of the demographics of C.V.L. readers and selected feedback with my responses. Enjoy!
Favorite Blog Post Topics (those who filled out the survey could choose any that applied):
Topics that you would like to see introduced to the blog or would like to see more of:
C.V.L. Response: I must say, I was quite surprised by the number of people who wanted to see my daily eats featured more often. While I can’t say that what I have to eat is always very interesting, I will do my best to accommodate that request for sure! I will also make more of an effort to keep you apprised of the goings on in my life with more photo posts and personal posts as well. I am flattered that you all have taken such an interest in me!
For those of you who’d like to see me tackle recreating the recipes of your favorite restaurants, I’m always up for a challenge! I will often go through the menus of some of my favorite restaurants (as well as interesting restaurants I’ve never been to!) and take inspiration from them and do my best to create my own version. If you have any specific restaurants or recipes you’d like to see me attempt, please e-mail me at with your suggestions!
Personalized Comments by You:
“I would love to see you improve your writing to make the blog more professional. You have wonderful things to show and say, but sometimes run-on sentences, etc. make it more difficult to read.”
I love to see this sort of comment. It is a very helpful and useful critique. I can be guilty of rushing through my posts at times and I am making a concentrated effort lately to work on improving my posts through more careful reviewing and editing before pressing publish.
“I would love to see more commentary along with your recipes.”
This is a comment that I get frequently and I agree that it would be really enhance my recipe posts if I added a bit of commentary to them.
“[Improve] photography clarity.”
This is one part of the blog that I realized needed to be worked on. I had the Hubz build me a makeshift light box from an old box, a white shower curtain and some scrapbook paper. I feel that this has helped my food photography a lot and hope that you all feel the same way. As they say, a picture’s worth a thousand words!
“I really like your blog as it speaks to a set of values I really relate to. I have just begun the IIN program and have your site to thank for initially pointing out the program in the first place. It is exactly what I have been looking for. I love your recipes, they are easy and yummy”
It makes me really excited to hear that others have become interested in IIN via my blog. It is a really great program and per readers request I will be posting more about the program and my experience with it.
“I think you’re doing awesome, and I love your blog! But, maybe you could do an inspirational story every now and then- those are well loved and popular.”
I would be honored to share parts of my life that may help me to inspire others, if there are any particular stories you’d like to see, please get in touch at
This survey has been a great learning experience for me and I only hope to continue to learn more from this great community that I truly consider to be my friends.
Tonight the Hubz and I had a romantic dinner date.
There were no candles.
No low romantic lighting.
There were no table cloths or cloth napkins.
No wine or romantic music.
There was florescent lighting.
There were plastic tables and chairs.
We used paper napkins and sipped from giant bottles of seltzer.
We were serenaded by the humming of washers and dryers.
And we enjoyed one of my favorite meals ever out of plastic containers.
Eggplant Parm
Roasted Cauliflower with Mustard Dressing and Capers
being shy tonight
Cook.Vegan.Lover. is in the process of getting a facelift. For the past year I have been making a list of all of the features and improvements that I would like to see on this blog and finally I sat down and drew out a template for him to work from. Now I am not sure when these improvements will begin to show themselves but hopefully within the next few weeks.
On top of working on improving the blog my husband is also working on my health counseling website- which for right now is the one provided by the school. However it will be updated ASAP and you will be able to sign up for my monthly Healthy Tips newsletter. If you are interested in receiving this newsletter you can email me now and I will add you to the list:
Other things that are going on right now regarding this blog:
– I am in the process of working on another e-book. I have a number of really dedicated testers who have generously offered to test my recipes and provide feedback so that I can offer you a really wonderful recipe e-book. This one will feature healthy recipes for the entire family.
– I am still working through the survey that I asked you to fill out. This survey has provided me with really wonderful feedback and I will be blogging about this soon.