twenty-seven. goals.

Today I turn 27.

August 2011
I just looked back at my goals for my 26th year (first time since I wrote them -whoops) and I certainly didn’t accomplish most of them.
- Attend one blogger conference (Fitbloggin, Healthy Living Summit, ect.). <– had a baby instead
- Attend one health coaching conference/event. <– attended half of one but had to fly home because Neil hit his head
- Eat out no more than once per week. <– did pretty well with this although we certainly had a few weeks off and on that we ate out more than once (vacations were the exception)
- Run a 10k. <– had a baby instead
- Run a 1/2 Marathon. <– had a baby instead
- Write one new e-book. <– slacked on this.
- Read 10 new books. <– accomplished
- Do yoga at least once per week. <–in Sept, Oct and Nov I did this and then starting at 18 weeks through my pregnancy
- Commit to daily blogging with high quality posts. <– maybe not daily but improved quality of post (work in progress)
- Improve my blog (quality of posts, photos, layout, appearance) <– made improvements but work in progress
- Find time each week to unplug (literally) <– yoga was my time for this
- Work on improving my time management. <–done but now needing to rework it with the new baby

August 2012
Okay as per tradition lets look at my goals for my 27th year:
- Run a 10k.
- Run a 5k.
- Give Running With Tongs as facelift.
- Work on improving my health coaching business and getting re-focused.
- Move into a new home that we love.
- Read 5 new books (I have a baby now so setting my expectations a little lower).
- Write a new e-book (for real).