Things I’m Looking Forward To | 8.3.15

I find that some weeks I look at our calendar and there is almost nothing going on and then we have a week like this one. I am already stocking up on coffee and snacks because busy weeks while fun always need a little bit of extra fuel. So what am I looking forward to this week?
Wicked! Yes I am finally getting out on a week night with a friend to do something fun. When you have two little ones this is a rare occurrence and I am so excited to get out. I also can cross Wicked off my bucket list. This show has been on it since I found out about it when I lived in Boston and had no money to go see the show when it was literally in a theatre two blocks from my dorm. Fun fact: there will be $25 Wicked tickets prior to each performance!! In short, patrons need to arrive 2.5 hours before the performance to put their name in the barrel and ½ hour later, names are drawn to purchase a pair of tickets (don’t forget your cash!)
New Seasons Slabtown opens this week! Okay so who else loves to visit new grocery stores? There is something about a brand new store with all of it’s organized displays and it’s clean and new and fresh. I just love grocery shopping in general so if you say new store you’ll be I’ll be there for the opening. Oh and I’m getting a sneak peek of the new store tonight so follow me on instagram [@runwithtongs] and snapchat [lindsayingalls] for a sneak peek too!
Oregon Wine Country Half Marathon! I won’t be running this half (this year at least) but I am so excited to head out to wine country and cheer Neil on. This will be Neil’s 5th half marathon and I couldn’t be prouder of him. He used to tell me that he could never be a runner but he obviously has proved himself wrong. So excited for this event!
In edition to these three events we also have three birthday parties and will be spending time with friends before they head back to Germany. I feel like August is just our month with so many great things going on. The one thing I am not looking forward to is packing because packing with two little ones is less than ideal but alas it has to be done some way, some how.
Photo Credit: Oregon Wine Country Half