Blog 365 // Day 4 // Out With A Bang


Good evening! This post is coming later than I had planned but it’s only 9pm PST so I am coming in just under the wire. We have been out partying the afternoon/night away and by partying I mean spending time with friends enjoying drinks and sweets and laughs. 

Neil turns 34 tomorrow and in honour of his big day I decided to plan a surprise get together with a group of our friends. I worked out a plan with friends of ours to invite us for beers and burritos, a dinner date we had already discussed doing, in order to hopefully spare any suspicion Neil might have. So our friends invited us and I secretly invited a bunch of other friends to join us. Unfortunately the Mexican food truck we had hoped to have dinner at closed so we changed the time to an afternoon event of beer/drinks and cake (and fries for those who were lucky enough to indulge). 

Neil was suspicious because it’s not a huge surprise that I like to throw him surprise birthday parties – side note this is the third or maybe fourth surprise party that I have thrown and on the years I didn’t throw one we have been on a mini vacation. Anyways he had his suspicions and of course he was right but that didn’t matter because we still had a great time chatting with friends, enjoying beers (just one for me), eating vegan chocolate mousse cake from Whole Foods and watching our girls play together (the boys are 5 and 6 months old so they just hung out). 

After the gathering we decided to head out for dinner for Neil’s birthday and we ended up getting Bamboo Sushi <– so good and then Neil and Edith wanted Salt & Straw so we indulged and shared some vegan ice cream as well. I can tell you right now I am stuffed, exhausted and happy. I am however dreading going downstairs to weigh in and take my photos for my DietBet game that I am participating in that starts tomorrow (more on that tomorrow). And now this is where I quickly have Neil take my photos and I go to bed because tomorrow is the first day back to the grind and mama needs her sleep. 

The birthday boy and his boy.

The birthday boy and his little man

Goals for the day: Successfully pull off Neil’s birthday party. Check. 

Eats of the day: Bamboo Sushi- yummmmm. Chocolate Mousse Cake – double yum.  

Quote of the day: Success is like reaching an important birthday and finding you’re exactly the same. – Audrey Hepburn

Learning to Commit to Myself

Random photo for fun

Random photo for fun

I have a problem with following through with things. Not all things rather goals or challenges I set up for myself. I just can’t commit to myself .I don’t know what it is but when it comes to committing to myself I start a task and tend to lose steam about 25% of the way in and by the half way point I give up. At least I can say that I follow through 90% of the time (hey I’m only human) to commitments that I have to others.    

I finally came to terms with this a few months ago and have been making an honest effort to follow through. The first challenge I had for myself was my DietBet* challenge. I did this because I wanted to get myself back on a healthy path. I knew I couldn’t lose the 4% body weight  healthfully while nursing but I did know that I could get myself into a better place and I did it. I followed through and while I didn’t see a big drop in the numbers I did in the way clothes fit.

My second challenge to myself has been to participate in the #Elf4Health challenge this month. I love having the connection with other participants and my own elf and I have committed to giving daily updates on my Facebook page regarding each of the tasks. This has been such a great challenge to participate in and I’m so glad I opted in and have followed through. I have made more time for myself, focused more directly on my health and fitness and have made connections with others. This challenge is not over but with only a few days left I can say that I already know that this is a success.

My third challenge is one that I did because Neil decided he wanted to do a juice til 4 cleanse. Now I did not juice til 4 with him due to the negative side effects that a cleanse can have while nursing but I did agree to challenge myself to increase the amount of fruits and vegetables I ate and have no coffee, gluten, processed foods, or alcohol for four days with him. I did it! But even more notable is that HE DID IT! My husband spent the last 4 days doing a juice til 4 cleanse and I have never been so proud of him, okay maybe I have but still this is huge, if you know my husband you might know his will power to pass up free treats is low and he is notorious for being one of those “well I worked out so..” type do people and yet he did his. 100% committed did it. He feels great, isn’t craving the crap that he was and just overall is feeling like the restart button has been pushed. I feel better too and just like him cut the cravings for processed food and sweets. 

What Have I Learned? Committing to myself feels good. I have been feeling successful and healthier both mentally and physically. That being said I am thinking that monthly challenges for myself might be a good thing to try. I have done this in the past and they have helped me out a lot but I also have learned that I do this better when I can do it with others. So that being said who wants to take on some monthly challenges with me? I am thinking starting January doing a monthly health or fitness challenge would be fun. I know that incentives help so I am thinking a giveaway at the end of each challenge for those who finish a challenge might be a fun addition. That being said who is interested and what kinds of challenges would you want to participate in? 

*For full disclosure I made $0 off the entire game after deducting Neil’s entry into the game. 

Currently 11.17.14

Forest Park Hike breastfeeding

Doing: Sitting on the couch with my snuggly boy while Neil makes us breakfast. Also trying to plan out our week and get a little bit more organized. 

Thinking about: This is the last week of DietBet and well (not surprisingly) I am not close to my 4% weight loss goal. I say not surprisingly because to lose 9 pounds in one month as a breastfeeding mom is much more of a challenge.  Like I said before DietBet wasn’t just about losing the weight (which I have lost some of) it was also about making some healthy changes so right now I am thinking about what else I can do this week. 

Watching: Lately Neil and I have been really into watching The Good Wife. We are finishing up the first season right now and I am really loving it. 

Looking forward to: Next week! Neil will no longer be working on contract and will be fulltime as of the 24th (wahoo for him right?!) and that means our trip to Seattle next week will be so much more fun and relaxing. That being said for my local PNW friends if you have suggestions for Seattle please let me know because we didn’t love it our first time around but are really wanting to get the most out of this trip. 

Reading: I’ve been reading I’ll Seize The Day Tomorrow by Jonathan Goldstein.  For my Canadian friends and CBC radio listeners you probably know him his from WireTap show and if you enjoy listening to that then you will love this book. It is seriously hilarious to read and it has short sections so as a busy parent it makes reading in small spurts easy. 

Loving: Weekends with my little family especially when we get out and hike or go to the farmers market. 

As always this post is inspired by Sometimes Sweet.

Book Feature | Plant-Powered for Life

Plant Powered Cover

I have been wanting to share this book with your for awhile now but honestly have just dropped the ball a bit when it comes to regular blogging due to pregnancy, birth and now moving (we move in 9 days!!).  I have a moment this morning while Neil is our running, Edith is watching an alphabet show and Alder is napping in my arms so I wanted to share one of my new favorite books Plant-Powered for Life: Eat Your Way to Lasting Health with 52 Simple Steps and 125 Delicious by Sharon Palmer.

I received an advanced copy of this book to check out and to feature on the blog if I so chose (<–disclaimer). I often receive books and don’t end up featuring them because they just aren’t ones that I love or ones that I think you will be interested in but this book has easily become one of my favorites and is feature worthy. That being said if I didn’t own it already I would buy it for myself and I see it being a perfect gift this holiday season for family and friends.

This book is NOT about becoming a vegetarian or vegan but rather about incorporating more plants into your diet whatever that may be. The aim is simple: to show how anyone, from meat-loving omnivore to junk-food vegan, can benefit by making room in their diet for more whole plant foods.

Delicious Arugula Pizza recipe that I made - so good!

Delicious Arugula Salad Pizza recipe that I made – so good!

The book is laid out so that there are 52 different steps that one can take to become more plant powered.  Along with tips on how to incorporate more plants into your diet each step includes 2-3 recipes that go along with the theme of that step.  One idea that I think would be great is to use this book as a jumping off point to add more plants to your diet by following one step and the recipes in that step each week for one year.  It would be a great way to transition your diet to a more plant powered one without becoming too overwhelmed. Now I don’t know if that is why there are 52 steps but I think it would be a great plan and of course you can go in any order you’d like, although I would do step one first because it has you set a goal such as you want to go 100% vegan, you’d like to become a more plant focused vegetarian or a plant powered omnivore.

The steps are really inspiring and even though I would consider myself a plant powered veg I could always use room for improvement because it really is easy to become a junk food veg or slip into that at times especially when life gets chaotic.

So what about the recipes? I have been cooking up lots of the recipes in this book because they all just sound so good. I also love how easy most of them are to put together.  There are a few more time consuming recipes or recipes that I have had a difficult time finding the ingredients for but the majority of the recipes are healthy, easy and tasty. The book also includes great photos for most of the recipes, tips and side notes and nutritional facts.

So far my favorite recipes are the Arugula Salad Pizza, Tofu Ratatouille and Neil and Edith love the Black Bean Brownies with Walnuts (recipe below). Have you read this book yet? If you do or if you try this recipe come back and let me know what you think!

Plant Powered for Life - brownie photo

Plant Powered for Life brownie recipe Plant Powered for Life – Black Bean Brownie Recipe – PDF

Credit line: Recipe from Plant-Powered for Life: Eat Your Way to Lasting Health with 52 Simple Steps and 125 Delicious Recipes, copyright © Sharon Palmer, 2014. Reprinted by permission of the publisher, The Experiment. Available wherever books are sold. Photo credit: © Heather Poire

Amazon affiliate links included in this post. 

#WFMCherryFest // Fresh Cherry Limeade Recipe + Giveaway

Disclaimer: Whole Foods Market provided me with my own $50 gift card to purchase ingredients for the recipe below. As always all opinions are my own.

Cherry season is here! I have seriously never been so excited for a fruit to be in season. I LOVE cherries and am lucky to live in the Pacific Northwest where a large portion of the cherries and North America are grown. When we lived in Vermont we hardly ever bought cherries, not because we didn’t enjoy them but because they were hard to come by and super expensive.

WFCherryFest-Fresh Cherry Limeade Top View Currently our fridge is filled with cherries (although I bet most will be gone in the next day or two) because we took advantage of Whole Foods Cherry Fest and the $1.99/lb (!!!!) deal that happened this past Friday. We have been eating them by the handful but since we have so many I have been trying out some new recipes with them including the recipe I am sharing below for Fresh Cherry Limeade.
WFCherryFest-Fresh Cherry Limeade Recipe


Recipe Provided by Whole Foods Market 


  • 1 1/2 pound cherries (about 6 cups), pitted, divided
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 3/4 cup lime juice, plus 2 teaspoons finely grated lime zest
  • Sparkling water
  • 1 lime, cut into wedges

WFCherryFest-Fresh Cherry Limeade Syrup    WFCherryFest-FreshCherryLimeadeSeltzerPour

  • Put 1 pound of the cherries, sugar and 1 1/2 cups water into a medium pot; cover and simmer over medium heat (reducing heat, as needed, to maintain a simmer) until cherries are very tender and have made a fragrant syrup, about 20 minutes. Set aside to let cool and then purée in a blender with lime juice and zest.
  • To make each glass of limeade, pour about 1/2 cup of the cherry-lime syrup and 3/4 cup still or sparkling water over ice in a tall glass. Stir well and then top with a small handful of the remaining cherries, garnish with a lime wedge and serve.
Nutritional Info: 
Per Serving: Serving size: 1 drink, 150 calories (0 from fat), 0g total fat, 0g saturated fat,0mg cholesterol, 0mg sodium, 39g carbohydrate (2g dietary fiber, 35g sugar), 1g protein
I shared this with Edith after photographing and we both really enjoyed it (don’t worry I drank 80% of it). I am keeping the leftover syrup in the fridge to make up more Fresh Cherry Limeades this week because they were just well YUM!. With the remaining cherries I’m thinking of diving into a big bowl right now and also topping my bowl of oats with them tomorrow. I’m going to be sad when cherry season ends but until then I am going to eat all the cherries!

WFCherryFest-Fresh Cherry Limeade

Giveaway // $50 Whole Foods Gift Card

Whole Foods has generously offered to provide one reader with a $50 gift card! If you win you might like to try the recipe above or one of these cherry recipes.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Currently. 7.10.14


Doing: Nesting. Yeah surprise, surprise! I’m 37 weeks pregnant and full on nesting mode. I over did it a bit yesterday with the cleaning and I can’t wait until I can bend over multiple times and not need a break every 20 minutes. Basically I am getting everything ready for baby #2’s arrival which at this point could be anytime now.

Thinking about: How many things I need to do before this baby arrives and also thinking about life after birth. We are moving in August (I know perfect timing, eh?) to just a new bigger home that is closer to Neil so not a huge move but alas it’s still a move with a toddler and a newborn.  I am also really thinking about postpartum fitness and diet since I’m going to be honest I have been indulging a little too much the past few weeks.

Watching: Lots of YouTube videos – even as I write that it seems pretty strange to me but that’s what I have been doing. Also catching up on a few years worth of Covert Affairs which I am happy to say gets better and better.   

Looking forward to: The weekend! This has been a long week and we have so much to do still before this baby arrives so I am looking forward to having Neil home to help get things done and to catch up on a bunch of work that I am behind on.

Reading: I haven’t really been reading anything besides lots of children’s books to Edith. I started The Book Thief but I just couldn’t fully get into it.

Loving: berries. fans (it’s ridiculously hot here). family time with Edith and Neil.  

As always this post is inspired by Sometimes Sweet.