I’ll be honest since having our third child I haven’t been making fitness a priority. I spent my first 3 postpartum weeks recovering and really caring for my body and since then I feel like I have been surviving and not thriving. I have been just simply trying to make it through each day and have really not carved out anytime for me to focus on getting stronger and losing the baby weight. However, as with most new years I have a new fire to get back to feeling strong, healthy and get to a weight that makes me feel good.
The thing is all of those “obstacles” that I felt in the last 7 months are still there so I am having to figure out creative ways to increase my activity while juggling three kids and all that comes with that. Luckily, I have a little more time these days because Neil’s 2.5+ hour commute has been cut down to 0 which means there is more time in my day to focus on my fitness. That being said life happens so I have also been relying on alternative ways to get active and have my kids involved.
Set Up A Schedule With Your Partner. Your partner wants you to be successful and wants you to reach your goals so TALK with them about your needs and create a schedule together that allows you to have kid free time to workout whether that is at home or outside the house.
Get Your Kids Involved. Ideally you will have time to workout without your kids but that doesn’t always happen so it’s about figuring out what you can do with them.
- Go to a family yoga class.
- Head on over to YouTube and do a family yoga class together! We love Cosmic Kids Yoga.
- Go on a nature walk!
- Head to the playground and get in a playground workout such as this one!
- If you have a child who will still go in a stroller head to a stroller mama bootcamp.
- Turn music on and dance it out at home!
Utilize Any Down Times During The Day. Find times during the days such as when your kids are napping or having screen time or before the wake up to fit in a quick 7-10 minute workout. There are a few great apps for short workouts search around and find one that works for you or you can try this 7-minute plan.
When All Else Fails Go For A Walk. Get outside and more your body. The change of scenery, the fresh air and the movement will feel good and you can easily bring the kids along.
Get your kids excited to join your workouts with their own outfits just like yours. Make them feel a part of the process and you will all benefit from getting out the wiggles and spending time together. That being said don’t forget about yourself; make sure you too have the gear your need to feel confident and ready to take on each workout. I know it might sound vain but the truth is when you feel good in your clothes you are going to want to workout and want to continue to reach your goals.
Speaking of goals….
This month my goal is to workout 21 days this month. This could be going on a class, spending 7-minutes going hard, getting all the kids out for a walk, hiking or setting up for yoga in the living room. Whatever it is I want to move my body more simple as that.
What are you fitness goals? If you have kids how do you make time to workout? What tips can you share?
Outfits c/o JillYoga.com
JillYoga.com carries yoga clothes for babies, kids and women!
Also JillYoga.com just released their Spring line and I’m dying over these ice cream leggings.
Your photos are SO cracking me up! And how adorable are you three in your coordinating yoga clothes? My oldest would be so proud to wear a matching outfit! As far as goals, we rely a lot on dance parties. My kids and I go all out for a handful of songs before collapsing in a giggling pile, and it is super fun!
These photos are ADORABLE!!! When my kids were younger, I would do a lot of the same things you suggest – especially walks! Now that they are older, my husband and I can hit the gym with or without them on a regular basis, so it’s easier to be consistent and I have to admit: I am motivated by knowing my hubby and friends are counting on me to be there at the gym, and they make it fun!
Oh my gosh – SO cute! I love your matching yoga outfits! The only way I manage to squeeze in workouts consistently is by doing them on my lunch break during workdays. Otherwise my schedule just seems to take over!
The photos! With 3 littles, big congrats for even taking the time to set a 21 day exercise goal. Setting the goal is halfway to manifesting it as reality!
So sweet! I love that you incorporate your children with your workouts, and that’s so fun for them as well! Great job!
Gosh love this. Totally trying the 7 min workout. Thanks for the inspiration <3 Xoxo, K&E
I love your 21 day goal. I keep complaining that I don’t make time to workout, but if I like the idea of scheduling out a specific goal so I’m tied to it!
Your kids are adorable. Congrats on finding a strategy to get yourself back in shape. As someone told me, no matter how much activity or exercise you are getting in, you are lapping the person on the couch.
You guys are too cute!! My exercise is mostly stroller runs plus one long solo run on the weekends, but now that the days are getting longer I’ve signed up for pilates classes after baby goes to bed that I can run to and from (I don’t drive, which adds an extra challenge). I also do yoga videos with the preschooler and baby sometimes, which is adorable or annoying depending on the day. :^)
Awesome tips for helping busy parents fit in a workout! Your photos are adorable. Working out 21 days is a great goal, I love the flexibility you’ve given it. I think when we make fitness goals it’s so important to give some flexibility and not expect ourselves to work out an hour everyday, but just to get moving in some way most days.