Currently | 1.24.18

This year has started off with a lot of changes for our family and myself so we are just trying to find our groove. I have plans to share my intentions for year and will do so when I get a minute to myself to just write or rather type up my notes (psst did you know I hand write about 60% of my blog posts first?) Anyways until then I thought I would share a Currently post with you and I hope that you share below something you’re currently doing/eating/watching/looking forward to/reading/loving. xo.

Doing: Worrying about flu season and earthquakes because anxiety sucks. Also feeding people constantly. Breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner. When I am not cooking or putting together a snack for the big people in my family I am nursing the baby. It’s feeding time all day long around here. Beyond the feeding I have been working to declutter our home and make it a space that we all love and are comfortable in especially since Neil is now working out of our bedroom. 

We started the year off with a trip to the coast for Neil’s birthday. Then I had week of solo parenting while Neil went out of town for work. I had my parents here for a bit so we did a lot of running around with them.  Now we are finding our groove. 

Eating: This month we tried Sun Basket for the first time because they finally have a plant-based box! We LOVED all three recipes (see recipe 1 and recipe 2) that we tried and can’t wait to buy our next box.  I have also been eating my weight in Oat Mama bars because they taste amazing and have been keeping my milk supply going strong. Although I made the mistake of letting Edith try one of my bars and now she wants to eat them all. Some other yummy things I have been eating can be seen here, here and here.

Watching:  I am still slowly re-watching Grey’s Anatomy again because I am one of those people who loves to re-watch shows over and over. Neil and I have been watching Top Chef and 9-1-1. If you were a fan of Third Watch you might like 9-1-1; it’s not completely the same but similar idea where it follows paramedics, firefighters, cops and also includes 9-1-1 operators. 

Looking forward to: The summer, the passing of flu season, feeling prepared for an earthquake. Also on a happier note seeing friends this weekend and hopefully writing a lot this weekend. 

Reading: I am still working my way through The Danish Way of Parenting* Life has been a bit crazy these past few months so my reading has kind of dropped off – except for the hundreds of children’s books I read every week. If you are interested in what books we are reading as a family I will be sharing more on our Naturally Family Instagram

Loving: I am loving that we haven’t had a snowstorm this year (cue storm to happen now- lol). I am loving that my husband now works from home. We are still finding our rhythm but having the extra hours with him is pretty amazing. What can I say we hate to be away from each other. 

What are you currently doing, thinking about, watching, looking forward to, reading and/or loving?

As always this post is inspired by Sometimes Sweet.


  1. Sun Basket is one of our favorite meal delivery options! I’m right there with you on looking forward to the passing of flu season, too. This year’s strain has me nervous, and as a part-time classroom teacher, I get exposed to all kinds of nasty cruddies.

  2. I’m with you! So ready for flu season to end and summer to start! Also Greys!!! My fav. I’ve rewatched so many seasons ;). I’m an addict!

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