1. Oh mama, I feel you on all that nursing! I once calculated the % of every day I nursed Kiwi, and I nearly fell over because it was like a third of the entire day. You are doing SO MUCH!

  2. Wow that is quite the list, my days feel/look a lot like yours with definitely as much nursing. I find I’m often doing 2 things at the same time Nursing with baby in the sling while cooking dinner etc. No wonder we are exhausted at bedtime, and then the work/nursing normally continues through the night. Your an amazing Wife and Mummy.

  3. That is a lot of stuff!! I can’t imagine how it must be to be managing the house every day not just for you but for the kids who need your help, too. When I’ve done it for a day or two with friends or babysitting, it has been exhausting! Busy busy! You go, mama!

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