Happy May 1st! This past month life shifted a bit and the goals that I set in March didn’t all go as planned but I’ll be honest I’m pretty happy with how my month went regardless of how my goals went. The first three months of the year were not great for me but April was a nice change. I spent the month offline more than I had planned so that is why you will see there were only two post last month. It wasn’t intentional but I let life, learning and fun be the focus of my month rather than the internet. Now I’m feeling re-inspired, re-charged and ready to take on May but first let’s review my April goals.
April Goals
+Create more blog content. [FAIL] I am seriously laughing as I read this. I honestly probably had one of my slowest months for blog content this past month. Life was good this month but busy and I just chose to focus on other things and not feel guilty about it. In the past I would have put out mediocre posts just to keep up content but this month I just mentally needed a break. I needed to focus on other things and spend more of my time offline.
+Carve out time each week to work. [Still In Progress] This goal wasn’t a complete fail but it wasn’t a complete win. I started off the month slow and just wasn’t making time for my work but by the end of the month I had set up a schedule and May will be the first month on this schedule so fingers crossed it goes as planned!
+10 Gym Workouts + Daily Workouts. [Successful Enough] I am not sure how many times I made it to the gym, I am going to say seven times but I did get in regular home workouts. I am feeling really good about my workouts this month so much so that I’ll share it all in an upcoming post.
+Clean up my diet. [Still Working On] I would say that this goal was fairly successful. My month was filled with tons of veggies and fruit but there was also a lot of bread and some other packaged foods that I want to crowd out over time. So this is an ongoing goal.
+Get out for at least three social events. [Fail] I only ended up getting out once this month. I was hopefully to do more but it just didn’t happen. I will say this though I have two social events this first week of May so I am starting out strong at least!
May Goals
+Post at least two times per week. I am ready to get my content back up and flowing across all of my blogs so two times per week per blog seems reasonable.
+Create an editorial calendar. I know I have been blogging for far too many years and I have yet to master the editorial calendar. This month I would like to set up a calendar that has ideas ready to go for three months out. Also I’ll take any post requests at this time!
+Workout at least 20 days in May. Whether it’s at the gym, at home or outside I am making it my goal to get in at least 20 days of workouts. I also have a few personal training sessions to schedule and take and I’m so excited!
+Put the phone down. While I haven’t been on my computer as much this month I have been on my phone a lot. It’s easy to check in on social media or to pop onto snapchat (username: lindsayingalls if you want to follow) all day long but honestly it’s not very productive. I’m working on not using my phone during none “working” hours with the exception of needing to make a call or look something up such as directions or business hours.
So basically this month is all about creating more, being more productive and continuing to get my fitness back.
What are your goals for May?
Enjoy your May events! And hang in there, it is always a process to reset routine.
Thank yoU! It really is but I feel like routine is finally coming back!
Good goals! And good attitude too. Sometimes life doesn’t go as planned, and that’s okay!
I’m really learning that I just have to let go sometimes and focus on what I can control because like you said life doesn’t always go as planned especially with little ones.
My goal for May is to eat healthier! Of course, I’ve been saying that since March…
Haha I hear you – I have been saying the same thing- well here is to May!
I love your goals! My goals are about getting a little more active and taking time for myself before I start school in a few weeks.
Those sound like some pretty perfect goals. What types of things do you like to do to stay active?
My goal for May is to make moving into our new house as seamless as possible. It’s been an uphill journey so far – But we sign today!
That’s so exciting!! Congrats! I hope you settle in quickly!
I’m curious about the social events… are those blog related? Anyway, I couldn’t even do only 1 in a week… let alone a month, so that one was interesting to me!
Not necessarily blog related but possibly. I’m not saying that I don’t get out and socialize I do but often it’s with just my littles or our family and other families. For me my goal is specific to getting out and do something social with a girl friend which doesn’t happen very often. While I would love to do it multiple times per week that just doesn’t happen when you have a husband and littles.
Great perspective, Lindsay. After many (many, many) years, I’ve come to look at goals like a hiking trail. They set you in the right direction, and as long as you stay on the path, you’ll get there eventually. But sometimes the shiny things and pretty flowers along the way are just too hard to ignore, and sometimes you get a rock in your shoe, and sometimes there’s mud, and sometimes your little ones need you to carry them. The point is, keep looking forward and remembering that it’s all about the journey. (Sorry for the heavy-handed metaphor, but I think it works.)
I love the metaphor and you are spot on.
“successful enough” – I feel like that should be every mom’s goal!!! Good luck this coming month!
Oh man I’m so guilty on the phone thing, I feel like it’s my lifeline to the outside world but I probably should try and put it down more and not check every online!
Great goals, and a healthy perspective. I’m so impressed by the goal to work out 20 days in May!