March was one of those months where I am wondering where it went and how is it possible that I haven’t gotten anything done. Okay that’s a bit dramatic but March was a terrible month when it comes to goals and productivity. We had family in town for a large chunk of the month which essentially through our lives off track for an extended period of time. Now April is just days away and I am ready to restart but let’s review my March goals just for laughs.
March Goals
+Read Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert
I really thought that this would be the one goal that I would accomplish but if I’m being real I loved the first two sections of the book but by the third I just lost interest. The book ended up in our car and I just forgot about it. Maybe I’ll give it another try, maybe.
+Workout at the gym 10 times.
This would be the goal I am the saddest about not accomplishing because I really wanted to make it to the gym 10 times but as I said above life was thrown a bit off track. I ended up at the gym five times and did a few home workouts and got out for lots of walks when we were in Bend.
+Create an editorial.
Yeah that editorial calendar? Still in the works but hey maybe I’ll finish it tomorrow and my goal will be accomplished in the month of March.
+Visit Tea Bar.
Yay! One of the goals that I actually did accomplish! Hubby and I went for a day date and we each had a boba tea and it was super tasty. PROOF.
+Focus on improving my Instagram accounts.
I think I am just re-evaluating this all together. I don’t feel too bad about not accomplishing this goal. I have been really focusing more on blog content for this blog (RWT), Naturally Family (NF) and my beauty(ish) blog Naturally Lindsay (NL).
So now that we have reviewed last month let’s see what’s on the agenda this month.
April Goals
+Create more blog content.
I have so many blog post ideas just buzzing around in my head but what I really need to do is actually write them down and share them with you. Ideally I would like to post 8 posts to RWT, 6 posts to NF and 4 posts to NL.
+Carve out time each week to work.
I find myself scrambling to get work done through out the day but I rarely get any uninterrupted time to actually work. A post or project that would normally take me 30-40 minutes often take closer to 60+ with interruptions such as the littles needing something, a playdate, housework, meals, etc. This month I am taking making time to have 2-4 hours each week that are just for me to work.
+10 Gym Workouts + Daily Workouts.
Let’s try this again. I want to do 10 gym workouts minimum this month. I also want to get at least 10 minutes of workouts each day this month whether that’s (at least) 10 minutes of yoga, barre3, running, weights, HIIT, or walking.
+Clean up my diet.
I have been eating a lot of foods lately that haven’t been making me feel healthy and energized. This month I’m getting my diet back on track to lots of fresh fruits and veggies and whole grains.
+Get out for at least three social events.
These events don’t have to be huge it could simply be getting out for a drink or dinner with a friend or it could be a blogger event or something similar. Just something that takes me out of the house, forces me to put on real pants and has me interacting with other adults.
Goals are set so it’s time to put them into action!
Share In The Comments Below: What are you goals for this month?
Great goals for April! I love that you’re making time for social events. It really is important and it’s so fun! Sometimes we just get too busy to make time for these things that matter most!
I am such a homebody I have to force myself to get out and socialize. It’s not that I don’t love socializing I just am often content to hibernate haha.
Love the goal of going out to socialize with other adults and put on real pants! It’s important to water your connections in one’s social circle, and glad you highlighted that!
I definitely had ambitions of hanging out with more adults this past month but alas I didn’t make it happen enough but I’m starting out May in the right direction because I already have real pants on and I’m off to Bottles & Bottega tonight for a little painting and ladies night!
I’m a believer in setting out specific and achievable goals (like your 10 times a month to the gym, vs something vague like “work out more”), where you can actually measure the results. Don’t get discouraged if you didn’t meet all of them!! Looking forward to seeing what you accomplish this coming month!
Yes being specific helps to make goals more measurable and easier to set into action.
Talk about cleaning up your diet, me too!
We took a break from all things healthy during our spring break road trip last week. Time to get back on the healthy wagon.
Hope your return to healthy eats has been a fun and delicious one!
I particularly like that last goal. It’s good to have goals that make you feel fulfilled, not just productive.
Exactly – our goals should build us up as well as make us feel productive.