+Read Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert
I’m part of the Glowing Green Community of Facebook and our first book club book is Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear*. I am nearly half way through and I am loving this book. If you’d like a full review let me know in the comments below. If you’d like to join the community you can do so here and our book club we are voting this week on our next book!
+Workout at the gym 10 times.
I know it might not sound like a lot but I am working hard to getting back to regular gym workouts. Unfortunately my gym has weird hours and no childcare so I can’t go as frequently as I’d like but I feel like 10 is a good and maybe even a bit of a challenging goal.
+Create an editorial.
This is a goal that I have had for years and I have made regular attempts but never seem to stick it. I am going to this year though and I even bought myself some really cute quarterly planners from inkWell Press* along with some stickers and pens to decorate my planner. What can I say I am a pen and paper kind of planner.
+Visit Tea Bar.
I know this one might sound like a strange goal to have but I have been wanting to visit Tea Bar here in Portland since it opened and I have yet to go. I am dying to give it a try so I am planning on treating myself this month.
+Focus on improving my Instagram accounts.
Can we first give a big shout out to Instagram for finally allowing you to toggle between accounts! I have three different Instagram accounts (Naturally Family, Naturally Lindsay and Running With Tongs – feel free to follow them-wink wink, nudge nudge) and this is making it so much easier to stay on top of all of them. I am working to improve my photos, my interactions, my entire design and I hope to do so this month
Share In The Comments Below: What are you goals for this month?
*Affiliate link.
Great goals! And I love that you are doing montly goals not just January 1 – year goals. Big Magic is on my list and I would love to hear what you think!
Ooohhh – Love the hint to finally get my Instagram act together! Great goals!
I need to read up on how to toggle through accounts on Instagram. I have two, one for each business. And I’d love a third for my personal images. Thanks for the inspiration and good luck on your goals.
Great goals! I’ve heard mixed reviews of Big Magic from friends so I’m glad to hear you like it.
I love reading about other people’s goals, thanks for sharing. Tea Bar sounds really cool, adding it to my list! I bought a great new planner this year, called Get To Workbook. The instagram account for it is really inspiring for planning/goal setting, if you’re interested! It’s @gettoworkbook. One of my goals this month is to complete my home de-cluttering project…almost there.
Awesome goals for the month! I started reading Big Magic, but put it down to read ALL the pregnancy books. Lol. Hoping to pick it back up soon.