Postpartum Running

I haven’t always been a runner and I actually didn’t even really start running until about 7 months before getting pregnant with my daughter who is now almost 3.5 years old. I had always been interested in running and went through phases where I would try it out for a few weeks but I had never really committed to running until April 2011. I honestly think it was all of those years of gym class fit tests and never once being able to run the 12 minute mile that deterred me from running.


Anyways, I started running in 2011 and then I got pregnant with Edith and at that time  I was actually training for my first half marathon but with the onset of first trimester sickness, running took a backseat while I tried to make it through those first few weeks. Finally around 18 weeks pregnant I was starting to feel better but by this point running was the last thing on my to do list, especially since it was the dead of winter in Vermont. So, I turned to other workouts to keep me active during my pregnancy.

Right before Edith was born I was feeling great and was convinced that because I had stayed active that I would end up having an easy time postpartum and that I would be one of those women who started back to running at 6 weeks postpartum. Well after Edith was born the first 6 weeks came and went and I was no where near healed and I was feeling crushed.

Around 12 weeks postpartum I started to feel healed and ready to run. I got back to running a bit but with the snow and the ice it wasn’t as easy as I had hoped. To top it all off my husband took a job offer across the country and we had three weeks to find a place to live, pack up our house and move to Oregon…oh and did I mention we had a 5 month old and it was Christmas time? So again running took a backseat, especially when we found ourselves staying with my parents for a few weeks in rural Vermont where the snow was 3 feet high. Anyways that was right around the time that I decided to commit myself to a new race. This helped me have a goal, a training plan and a reason to run.

hippie chick 2013

Once we moved to Oregon I started training for my first postpartum race, a quarter marathon (6.55 miles). Thankfully Oregon winters are super mild so running was easy. It was also a fantastic way to explore a new city and connect with other women (more on that below). I ran my first race at 9 months postpartum and ran up until once again I found myself pregnant with baby number 2 and the worst morning sickness ever. I ran for the first few weeks of my pregnancy but the morning sickness was so terrible that I spent most of my first trimester days in bed with Edith reading books and I just never started running back up during my pregnancy.

Lands End - BOB - Family RUn

When Alder was born my expectations were low when it came to the time frame of getting back to running. However this time things were a little bit easier and around 8 weeks I slowly started to run, but nothing super consistent. At 5 months postpartum, I am once again back to running and I am training for the same race that I ran after having Edith. I don’t know what it is but a race really helps to keep me motivated and ready to run.

Update….I started writing this almost a year ago so let me fill in the blanks and then I’ll explain where I am at now.

Shortly after I started writing this blog post in March 2015 I found myself having a lot of knee pain. I ended up going to physical therapy for most of April and May. By the end of May I was feeling stronger and actually got back to running. While I didn’t end up doing the race I had planned on I was hoping to do a 10k in September but I found myself with yet another injury. 


In June I ran into Edith’s Learning Tower and broke my toe. I was in incredible pain for about two weeks and it took a total of around eight weeks before I could walk without pain. So again I took a break from running and I didn’t end up running my 10k. 

Now it’s December 2015 and I have gone for a total of 2 runs. It’s not because I don’t love running but rather I am just not making time for it these days. With the sun rise and set so much earlier if I want to run I have to force myself to take the double BOB out during the day with both kids. Right now that idea just sound terrible so I have been focusing on other forms of fitness. 

I am spending a lot of time outside with my kids going on nature walks, family hikes and at home I am fitting in 10-15 minute workouts when I can and I am getting back to doing my PT exercises to build up the strength I have lost. I also just purchased a new yoga class pass so back to yoga I go. 

So what about running? It will be there when I am ready to pick it back up. I love running and I’ll return to it soon but right now I am focusing on other forms of exercise and trying to help my body get stronger so that when I do return to running I can do it with less of a chance of injury. 


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