1. fitnessmomwinecountry

    Lindsay so fun and exciting…You will have to attend the Napa to Sonoma Half Marathon next time 🙂 come visit our wine country

  2. ourdebtfreefamily

    I’ve never heard of this race, but it sounds like such a fun one! A perfect race to participate in if I want my friends to cheer me on! I’ll put this on my bucket list too! 🙂

  3. My husband was going to run this race two years ago—and then life got crazy with having a brand-new baby at home, so his plans to train went right into the Diaper Genie. I’ve heard it’s a bit brutal with all the hills, but the wine at the end would make it worth it!

    • That’s how it was last year when Neil was supposed to run the Run Like Hell half in downtown Portland. As for the hills, Neil just did the Helvetia which is super hilly so hopefully his training for that will help with this race.

  4. I did this one a few years ago, and it was really great (though I admit a little hilly at times…). It is such a gorgeous area to run through, especially starting at Stoller. Good luck, Neil!

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