I haven’t done a goals post in a few months so I thought it was about time I checked in with some current goals. If you follow my @runwithtongs.bodyafterbabies instagram account the photo above is probably familiar. For those of you who might be curious about why I started yet another instagram account well I started it because I wanted a place to basically track my workouts and since I didn’t want to flood @runwithtongs with barre3 and other workout photos I figured I’d turn my old BBG instagram into a workout (with some food) instagram. Anyways lets get on to the goals.
1. Complete the barre3 Anywhere Challenge. I blogged about starting this challenge, which started June 1st, back at the end of May. We are now a week in and I have to say I am not thrilled with my progress but I still have 23 days left and 14 workouts to go which I think is pretty do-able. The only thing I have slacked on are the recipes but I’ll give them a try later this week. I also really want to make time for the podcasts and such. Anyways so far I am loving the challenge and can’t wait to complete it this month.
2. Eat more greens. I tell you I go through phases of eating greens with every meal to meals that are pretty beige. This month it’s all about getting those greens back into my diet. In the morning I like to add greens to smoothie bowls or if I’m going savory I like to do a hash with potatoes, veggies and greens. At lunch generally I go for a salad or simple place my meal on a bed of greens. Dinner is usually similar to lunch but sometimes I like to mix things up and sneak my greens in through a pesto or toss baby spinach in with a curry, rice or pasta dish.
3. Drink more water. I blame my not drinking enough water on my Blender Bottle* being left in the car. I don’t know what it is about that bottle but when I have it I drink around a gallon of water per day. Without it I’m lucky if I get in two liters and I can completely tell the difference. This month it’s all about getting in the water and I’m thinking I need to add buy more Blender Bottle’s to the list.
4. Spend more time outdoors. You’d think that being a SAHM that I would get outside more with the kids but honestly there are days we don’t go much further than the mailbox. I know it’s sad and embarrassing but it’s reality. That being said I’m working to make being outside the norm because we all feel better when we get outdoors.
5. Clean my home. Again one of those common misconceptions that being a SAHM means your house is in perfect condition all the time. I’l put it to you this way two kids + two adults = non-stop laundry, 90% of your meals are eaten at home = non-stop dishes, combine this with two kids who dump buckets of toys on the floor all day and a baby who doesn’t want to be put down for naps ….basically the house is never clean. I’m working to change all this by attempting a more minimalist lifestyle and I also think spending more time outdoors will help as well.
What are your June Goals?
*affiliate link.
Great goals! I keep three of the glass 1.5 litre jars from Ikea in the fridge. I require myself to have three during the work day and three in the morning/evening. Seeing them in the fridge is a great way to remember where I am at.
Great goals for the month! I love that one of them is to get outside more. It is tough to do so when working from home, but so lovely when it does happen!
I have several, but my biggest is food journaling daily. Right now I’m not focusing on anything except what I’m eating and how it makes me feel. One week in and it’s going okay.
I am getting back into food journaling this month. I feel like I had a really off month (May) and I know that for me getting back to journaling my food helps me to get back on track and also helps me to eat more intuitively in the future. Best of luck to you!
I am ALWAYS resolving to drink more water. Sometimes I am on top of staying hydrated and other times its like I could go the whole day accidentally forgetting to drink any water at all. Good luck with your goals!
These are great goals! I’m on the water train too. (I just bought myself an infuser bottle, and that is really helping.) I wish I could tell you that the laundry and dishes slow down when your kiddos get older, but they don’t. One of the best parenting decisions I made early on was to teach my kiddos to do their own laundry when they turned seven or eight. It saved me tons of work. Keep up the good work, Lindsay!
I am all about sneaking in my vegetables all the time. Especially if it’s a more carb meal (pasta, rice, sandwich) my rule is to always put extra greens in!
I’m not even feeling on top of it enough to have a June goal! Ha! I guess it’d be get a little more ready for Baby #2. Yours are inspiring. Good luck keeping it up this month!
great goals! i struggle with house cleaning as a person with no kids and some free time! a lofty goal for us all!
Water for me too. I think afternoon slumps could be helped by this. Another goal we’re tackling over here with our 3 kids is helping them stay accountable through daily chores: make your bed, clean up your floor, and wash down a bathroom sink/counter area and toilet seat every day. We’ve done it for over a week now and I feel like it’s making a difference in not only our house but in their willingness to help. Yay for goals!