I tell you I hate to write this post. I mean I don’t have to but I want to share with you that training for a race while having a baby and a toddler is a challenge. I had these grand ideas of getting back to running regularly (3-4x per week) but lately it’s been once per week. I have come to dread the double BOB because it just makes running that much harder and currently nights are a little rough with a baby who won’t be put down and wants to nurse all night long. Anyways these are simply excuses when you look at it but that’s what’s going on.
It finally really hit me, not that I didn’t already know this, but I have a race in 10 weeks. 10 weeks!! That really isn’t that much time and since I have only been running once per week you could say I am a little behind. So here I am all dressed to run as soon as nap time is over because I committed to this race and now I am going to do it.
The plan is to run three times per week and at least one of those be solo or with the single BOB (so much easier than the double). I know I might have to do a few treadmill runs this time around to fit my runs in but I am going to do it. This is me committing.Here is my updated race calendar and I am planning to check in week or bi-weekly regarding my status.The days might shift a bit each week depending on life but luckily with 7 days in a week I should be able to find time for 3 runs. Anyone else training for a race right now? Who wants to be accountability partners?
Good for you! I’m not much of a runner, but I’m cheering you from the blog sidelines.