Complete my Blogger Book Club Book. This month I am supposed to read A Biography Of Someone You’ve Been Meaning To Learn More About. Honestly the first of the month is Sunday and ummm I have no idea who I am going to read about. Who would you read about? Also posting my February book club review this coming week – it was so good!
Restaurant Free March. We had an almost restaurant free January and it went so well but then February happened and we ate out four times last week. Last week was a weird one because an amazing friend offered to watch our littles so we splurged on a dinner out (hey first time on a kid-free date in nearly 10 months) and then I didn’t meal plan so dining out happened. Anyways for March we are back on the no dining out train and our only exception to this rule is coffee shop dates because weekends were meant for them.
Actually Workout. Holy crap this month sucked. Seriously. I’m not even going to pretend like I successfully worked out on a regular basis because after February 10th I didn’t. I mean I did workout out a few times but probably won’t need to take my shoes off to count how many times if you get what I’m putting down. Now I have registered for five 5k’s (hey they were only $5 each) and I have my May race to run which I need to get back to training for and so that being said let’s do this.
A few other mini goals: drink more water, listen to more music, eat more veggies and take more photos.
What are your March Goals?
I had planned on juicing 5 days a week in Feb but failed massively! Not sure what my march goals are… one’s going to be food/health related for sure. I may start trying to read a book per month; that’s reasonable I’m sure. Kids just make things so much more difficult don’t they! Hope your sleep is improving. x